Member Submission: Murder worse than a sex offense?

This woman received only 6 years for chasing down and killing a navy service member with her car; he was on a motorcycle. I can’t even appreciate her being upset, she’s losing six years, whereas he lost his life. But, more to the point, she will be free in six or less years and have a chance at a fresh start. A far cry from the sentences being given to people whose crimes​ were far less severe, but sexual in nature, some even having arguably no victim. We have a sick, paradoxical, and downright confusing view of sex in this country, it’s evident everywhere, especially in the law and in the courts. To think most registrants would have received a lighter punishment if they had killed someone is something we seem to have gotten used to, but is so wildly insane if you really start to think objectively about it. Would the average parent rather their baby be dead than have a naked picture out there, or even have intercourse with someone older than them? It is a brutal hypothetical to make a parent consider, but I think death would be voted as least acceptable tragedies. Yet our culture and laws conflict with this, and instead suggest we would rather our loved ones be killed than be a victim of a sex crime.,amp.html

7 thoughts on “Member Submission: Murder worse than a sex offense?

  • April 19, 2017

    All the above comments are right on point. SO’s and murderers in the same category? With SO’s getting more prison time. What is wrong with the law makers in this country?
    If you hurt or touch a child that’s one thing but the viewing of CP with no contact, completely different story. A tiered system would definitely be a good option.
    I have always said the same thing (as JEV) all SO’s are
    unfortunately lumped together in the same catageory and that’s just not right and should not be happening, it’s not accurate at all.
    I really hope something can be done soon. It’s costing taxpayers a lot of money to have these non violent offenders in prison and worse yet…….it’s tearing families apart.

    • April 20, 2017

      It’s as though tearing a family apart really doesn’t matter. It’s all about job security and making voters think some of their representatives really care about their safety…in most cases protecting them from ‘threats’ that don’t exist.

  • April 19, 2017

    Note that the most recent proposed “civil rights” laws for persons convicted of crimes in Florida name two exclusions. Murderers and sex offenders. We have said for a few years that a substantial percentage of the public AND in some cases, the government view all sex offenders as being as bad a killers,but now we have an official finding stating that very thing.

    • April 19, 2017

      What’s next? Will we be required to wear a ‘scarlet S’. Such declarations go to show just out of touch many of our government ‘leaders’ are with reality.

  • April 17, 2017

    In the eye of Federal and State Laws, Murder is Murder and Sexual Offenses, Sexual Offenses. Only the degree of the Offense differ. That is why there needs to be a Federal Amended Megans Law that tiers the Sex Crimes into groups. None Violent no touch Crimes and Abuse of a Child Predators. Currently there is no real distinction. Sex Offenders are all lumped into a group creating a stigmatized predatory environment of vigilantism. A Murderer serving a limited sentence may have a better chance of entering back into Society than a non violent Sex Offender. In those terms the system is grossly flawed!

  • April 17, 2017

    While neither a sex offense nor murder is acceptable, murder by and far has the longest lasting impact on families and society. When is the legal system going to wake up and realize that in most cases a sex offense is not ever lasting and with proper counselling and forgiveness can be over come? Not so with murder, yet a murderer will get a second chance. This is craziness!

    • April 17, 2017

      Remember. There was a time when just being born a “Jew” was worse than being a “Murderer” !!!. And that gave the “System” a reason to KILL THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE !!. The “Life” of a “Sex Offender” isn’t valued as worth saving in a Disaster, That’s why they AREN’T ALLOWED into a Shelter !!. There’s always been a Leapor in Society, And today’s “Sex Offender” is the modern day “Leapor”. But really makes it so screwed up is, EVERYONE IS A SEX OFFENDER !!!! They just haven’t been CAUGHT yet !!!!. Not saying everyone has touched a child !!!. But if everyone was held accountable for EVERY LAW they’ve broken, We’d all be on the “Registery” . And yes I’m reaching !!. But a Fact is a Fact !!. Who has pee’d behind a tree ??. Who has walked past an open window in there home naked ??. Who has EVER had Oral(or Anal) sex ???, How has ever “Had Relations” with someone that LIED about there age ???, Hell, Who as a young teenager of 18/19 dated a girl/boy a year or so younger than them ??, Who has EVER emailed/Texted/mailed/Sent a photo of their “”Private Parts” to another person ??? The list goes on !!. We ALL have committed a “SEX CRIME” atleast once in our lives !!!. But not every “Sex Offender” has messed with a young child (most haven’t) !!. And a very large majority of guys that are on the Registery met a girl that LIED ABOUT HER AGE , Or met a girl at a Club that used a “Fake ID” and had a “Hook Up/One night stand” and was RUINED FOR LIFE !! (This happened to me). My story is to long to explain here !!. But once she found out I had a little money, She tried to BLACK MAIL me, And I’M THE ONE WHO CALLED THE POLICE !!. And now I’m a piece of”Sex Offender” trash !! That according to Society​, Deserves to Die !!!. People should use there Heads and HEARTS before CONDIMMING someone !!. It could very easily be YOU in their place !!!.


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