Member Submission: letter to the mayor –

Hello Anthony Broadman,

I write this email to urge you to allow a memorial to be raised for Donald Ray Surrett, Jr. not just because of his ultimate sacrifice but because a man’s redemption is possible in this politically charged world. I understand your concerns of this potential narrative because of a particular criminal past that was committed 30 years by this man and his status on the Sex Offense Registry.
I understand your concerns of political backlash if his memorial was raised by former victims of his past crime. I appreciate your consideration for the former victims’ feelings on this matter.

But I really believe there is a larger narrative that can be brought up here: A message that a man’s redemption is possible even for the most despised segment of society. A message that someone who is branded a “sex offender” can overcome his past actions and be a contributing member of society. Which is true for Donald Ray Surrett, Jr who has not committed another offense since 1994. That is why a memorial for him is important.

By doing so – it sends a message out that redemption is possible and further incentivizes the ever growing population of people that are on the Sex Offense Registry to live their best lives. It sends a message to the world that most people that have been convicted of sex crimes are reformed members of society which is true.

Please take what I have written into consideration when the city decides what to do next in this matter of erecting a memorial for Donald Ray Surrett, Jr.

Thank You for Listening,

8 thoughts on “Member Submission: letter to the mayor –

  • September 2, 2022

    A very inspiring letter, well done.

  • September 2, 2022

    Can we submit emails too?

    • September 2, 2022

      Of course! We inform our membership so they take these actions.
      That’s what we’re supposed to do. Otherwise we’d be called the Florida Inaction Committee.

  • September 2, 2022

    should read “committed 30 years AGO”

    • September 2, 2022

      Yeah, I missed putting “ago” in that sentence.

  • September 5, 2022

    I’m not going a racist route and not intending to upset anyone. But if our country can put up memorials and statues and celebrate a criminal with an extensive past that also put a gun to a pregnant woman’s belly and threaten to kill said child. Why not put a statue of a person who has pushed past the horrible label and done his best to be a part of society. He not alone moved on with his life, but also saved lives and sacrificing his own life to save people who the government and media told them to despise. That is a true hero that needs to be remembered and honored.

    • September 6, 2022

      It’s a double standard for which I think that there is no easy answer. Maybe there should have been video of the sacrifice this man made. Floyd became a martyr.


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