Member Submission: Even with Exit Paths, Sex Offender Registry Is Wrong


As I share a concern I have, please understand I am not trying to start a war. I hope my comments will be construed as being respectful.

There are a lucky few registrants who have a path to deregistration. Many of us do not. We are “lifers.”

Respectfully, if you are one of those who will be deregistered, and you think that your crimes are “better” than someone else’s crimes, then you are entirely missing the point.

The point is that the twisting of our constitution and laws (whether it targets truly bad people or pretty-good guys who just made a horrible mistake) is NEVER right. – For anyone.

The problem is the registry itself, not whom it targets.

Furthermore, if there are approximately 1 million frustrated and angry registrants right now, and we can barely move towards our goal of elimination of the registry, then what if one-half of those people suddenly get deregistered? What if, suddenly, there are only half of us left to “fight the good fight?” Don’t you think that our cause for justice might suffer?
Sure, you may be able to get off the registry…but does that mean “Hurray for me and tough luck for the rest of you?”

Half measures are anathema to our cause for liberty and equal justice.  ALL registries are unjust, for they are government blacklists that foment hatred – government-sponsored hate. 

Lastly, I say, let us not mince words with the so-called Sex Offender Management Boards and other officials who perpetuate this un-American and illegal scheme. For by doing so, we grant this scheme of persecution an air of credence and an air of respectability. We must present a very united front by telling them (respectfully) exactly what they are and what they are doing: 

  • They act in violation of the protections afforded by our various state constitutions and the federal constitution. (By twisting the laws to fit their own animus.)
  • They act in violation of international human rights.
  • They maintain a government blacklist and publicize that rag for the purposes of persecution of, and hatred towards, a segment of their own citizenry. (They Dox us.)
  • They ardently, and with malice, act to deny jobs, housing, and welfare to about 1 million of their own citizens. (Public, government-sponsored Hate.)
  • They deny our vote.
  • They deny us public housing and SBA loans.
  • They restrict us to modern-day Ghettos by enacting housing ordinances.
  • They enact capricious and malicious laws designed to trap us and send us back to prison for innocuous, everyday actions like letting someone park their car on your property or sitting on a park bench.
  • They have suspended Habeas Corpus. (They force us to appear at the county jail under penalty of felony prosecution for forced interrogations.) 
  • AND … They have enacted a set of laws that only apply to a small subset of hated and feared citizens. (This reeks of Jim Crow Laws.)

Let us be respectful and courteous, but we must tell these haters exactly what they are guilty of.

Thank you for reading this and considering my viewpoint. Do you share it? Or do you think that some people should be let off the registry, but the registry should stay in place? 


65 thoughts on “Member Submission: Even with Exit Paths, Sex Offender Registry Is Wrong

  • July 31, 2023

    WOW! Love this submission. The bullet list says so much. Hope this one stays on the front page for a while!

    Thank you, JJJJ.

  • July 31, 2023

    Spot on power to the people means all people including all of us.

  • July 31, 2023

    All that is true. To me, the bigger problem that registries pose is that they make the problem that they are trying to solve worse because they’re premised on a flawed understanding of sexual harm. It should be in everyone’s interests — registrant or not — to build a society that is free from sexual harm. By being built on top of myths, registries divert attention and resources away from actual solutions and instead invest in little more than continual punishment for people who have already been punished for a crime.

    Whether or not someone has a path off the registry is also entirely arbitrary: some states provide a process for people to contest their dangerousness, most do not. Some states have lifetime for everyone, others do not, and it is just a function of where someone lives. Where I live now, I have to be on the registry for 25 years. If I moved to Florida, it would be life. If I moved to Canada (which as a Canadian citizen, I could certainly do), I would be done with it. If I moved to a state that was compliant with federal law, I would also be done with it as of six or so years ago. I’m not more or less dangerous in any of those places. It’s all just an accident of geography.

    • August 1, 2023

      A major problem also is many registrants do not work, not because they are lazy but so many jobs do not want registrants. A chance to get off the registry involves untold 1000s of dollars that not everyone (Even non registrants) just have laying around. Add to that, if you get denied, you have lost all that money and could take 30 years to save that amount up a 2nd time. By then, most of us will be dead. 30 years from now I would be 90.

      • August 2, 2023

        CherokeeJack and JJJJ Oh I was hit with it’s gonna cost me 100,000 an I wouldn’t get it past the 11th circuit. He knew I was dead right against the Sheriff Dept. He slammed the 5/17/96 Amendment at me then the VCC of 9/13/94 at me then kicked me out of his office. That’s when I knew it’s a no win battle. This was in 2005. Now I have them by the balls an I will win this war. You want one person JJJJ I’m your one person. I was convicted before the laws an had due process because I was convicted before 9/13/94 that ruled “Not For Public Notification” before the 5/17/96 Amendment allowing the states to make their registry public record. It’s coming it’s now in the hands of the FBI…

        • August 2, 2023

          @ Allen
          I am right there with you, my incident was in 1991. Arrested in 1992 and sentenced in 1993. Wasn’t until I was released in 1997 that I found out a registry for Florida was ready to launch. If I had known at sentencing a registry was coming, I would have gone to trial.

          • August 3, 2023

            @Cherokee It’s just crazy with what they do. The main thing is I got them right where we want them. My case will prove 100% that it is punishment. They can’t grant “Due Process” being convicted before 9/13/94 have a judgement of “Not For Public Notification” before the Registry notification law an then the state of Florida used this Amendment of 5/17/1996 to enforce it to make it public. That is double-jeopardy… 24 1/2 years of it along with a number of other civil rights violations by a Sgt in Lee County Flordaaa The best thing is this now brings in the Feds because it violates a Federal Ruling by the 3rd Cir.
            E.B. v. Verniero, 119 F. 3d 1077 (3d Cir. 1997) The Court held that “Due Process” under the State and Federal Constitutional law requires a judicial hearing before public notification can take place. So my friend, it’s now in the hands of the FBI… Her immunity from prosecution goes out the window as it is now Federal. ( Yes the state granted them it in their laws ) Both Congressmen for the County of Lee will be notified soon of this injustice in their district. I wonder what are wonderful Constitutional Governor is gonna say about this?

  • July 31, 2023

    If this person speaks as well as he/she writes, please consider speaking at one or more of the legislative delegation meetings.

    • August 1, 2023

      Ann, I would dearly love to be a mouthpiece at legislative sessions! I would be willing to travel!
      Just give me the word, and we will plan it.
      Again, my answer: Yes, Yes, Yes! (Please)

  • July 31, 2023

    I have asked this very same question of people who would deny any half-way measures, and while I would fight for all injustice (and have fought for other causes before), I have asked this question:

    What if 90% could be eliminated tomorrow? Why not go there? If it was accepted tomorrow by powers that be, why not?

    The counter argument fears that one would never be able to remove the remaining 10% ever, and that’s a powerful argument that might prove true. But those that advance it cannot prove they are right; they could just as well be wrong. By demonstrating that the sky did not fall and crush us when 90% was offered, why not 100% — full repeal of the registry statutes?

    What have we gotten for our efforts so far? We have curbed the damage somewhat, mitigated it, but the Registry is still there. What door to door campaign has been initiated? None, as far as I know. Maybe it’s time to start. AT long last, NARSOL and ACSOL could take the lead on something that could result in meaningful change.

    • July 31, 2023

      Dear Mr. Achin,
      Here’s a thought experiment:
      Suppose that everybody on the entire US Sorna registry would be deregistered if we all agreed that one single person would be singled out to continue to be registered (persecuted)? That single person would shoulder the blame for all of us.
      Would it be right to throw that one person under the bus?
      How about 10 US citizens?
      A dozen?
      When is it just, fair, or correct to dox your fellow citizen? Or breathe hatred against them? Or take away the rights that they fully RE-EARNED through their compliance with the law?
      If it’s okay to abandon 10% and turn a blind eye, why not 11.6% or 12%? (Why not, indeed, 20%? … Or 30 … Or 40-ish percent)?

      • August 1, 2023

        I love the submission, but I think if we find a way to get even just 10% off the registry, we should take it. We should take every chip away we can get. It’s a win to get any group(s) removed from the registry. Then we keep fighting.

        For the 90% that remain on the registry, nothing has changed, other than there are less lobsters in the boiling pot with them.

        Now, if the “deal” was to make things worse for the 90% in order to remove the 10%, then obviously that’s a whole other situation and the answer would have to be a resounding NO.

        But, again, any removal is a win. Any reduction of rules is a win. We should pursue abolition, but accept chipping away just as much along the way.

        • August 1, 2023

          To JJJ,

          and anyone else (apologies I did not read them all),
          Mine, too, was a thought experiment now that I look at it.
          You ask compelling questions, isn’t injustice for one, injustice for all. But your response seems to suggest there is only ONE bite at the apple. I don’t know. Do you have only one chance to fight injustice? Is it done in one sweeping motion, or little by little, by degree?

          • August 1, 2023

            Cancer must be excised! (Not salved!)

  • July 31, 2023

    Well said. . .

    All that read this should share it to all their contacts and all social media.

    Maybe even cut and paste and email to all law makers.

    Maybe even print out and mail to the President of the United States.

  • July 31, 2023

    I asked AI to write a response as to the accuracy of this piece. Here’s its response:

    “Dear Sir or Madam,

    I agree with your concerns about the sex offender registry. It is a flawed system that is based on false assumptions and has negative consequences for registrants. I believe that the registry should be abolished.

    The registry is not an effective way to prevent sexual reoffending. In fact, it can actually make it more difficult for sex offenders to reintegrate into society and reduce their risk of reoffending. The registry also has a number of negative consequences for registrants, including social isolation, ostracism, and difficulty finding jobs and housing. These consequences can make it difficult for registrants to live safe and productive lives.

    I urge you to continue to speak out against the sex offender registry. Work together to abolish this harmful system and to ensure that all people have the opportunity to live safe and productive lives.”

    (The actual A.I. Identity Is Redacted to keep it from being corrupted by political influencers)

    • July 31, 2023

      From the mouths of infants!
      (The AI, not you, haha!)

    • August 1, 2023


      We all say what you said but we all need to stop calling ourselves sex offenders. That implies we are currently offending. If you were a truck driver and you retired or got another job, you are no longer a truck driver but a former truck driver.
      If you want to call yourself a sex offender that is up to you. I do not dwell on my past but look forward in making sure that I never go back to being a sex offender.
      I am:
      A person
      A citizen
      A father
      A Son
      A Brother
      A Christian
      A Man
      A Neighbor
      And many other things, what I am not, is a sex offender. That is not being in denial, it is truth. If you are not offending and choose to no longer offend, you do not fit that label.

      • August 1, 2023

        Yep, we are ex offenders.

  • July 31, 2023

    I felt compressed …all of the stipulations, restrictions, threats and promises to return me to prison by a list of ” being out of compliance,” that grows longer and longer each day.
    jjjj, I agree with everything you said. I thank my definition of God, every day that I have not forgotten any of the “stipulations” of the registry. That just for today, I’m living on the other side of incarceration and that can suddenly change tomorrow.
    I too believe that there is a difference between those who made a very bad choice and those who will continue; because that’s what they do. That, to me is the harsh truth!
    Those of ” us” that have made this” bad choice”should rethink about where they are on their list of ” at least I didn’t do ____.

    • August 1, 2023


      Wait until you get the call me and others have gotten. Two months ago a deputy (Fake cop) called me (I have an Unlisted phone #) and knew every detail about me and said I was going to be arrested. I called a lawyer and he said there was no warrant for me. I tried calling the registry office that I had literally just come from registering but the phone rang for 3 hours with no one picking up.
      What is worse is, the idiot called my parents as well threatening them to turn me in or they would be arrested. My elderly Father drove to my house (I wasn’t answering the phone as I was on hold trying to get answers) and I was livid that this false cop was now threatening my family.
      I finally submitted an online police report which they acknowledged was accepted but never got a single follow up. It probably went into the “Unsolvable crimes bin”.

      • August 1, 2023

        I did have a call from a person who claimed to be a Sheriff Deputy and he told me I was out of compliance. That there was a warrant out for my arrest, and that they could cancel the warrant but I would have to pay the fees . If I don’t, they would come arrest me that day. I told him that I am planning on going to the Sheriff’s office in the morning and then he can arrest me there. There was some more discussion and I stayed strong and told him i wiLL see him tomorrow. I called Sheriff in the morning and found out that there was no warrant.

        • August 1, 2023

          @ Edward
          Well it is good we are informed and not falling for it. Having said that, I fear they will come up with some new scheme to catch us off guard.

    • August 4, 2023

      My Dear Edward Ruggles:
      Here are some thought from a Christian, religious point of view). SPOILER ALERT: THIS POST IS HIGHLY SPIRITUAL.
      Do the words, “There, but for the grace of God, go I” make any sense?”
      I thought that they might. 🙂
      Look, God made each of us, and continues to love us too, as long as we remember that we are receiving “undeserved kindness”.
      The (Christian) apostle Paul (Saint Paul. If you like, told us that the love and forgiveness of Christ (from his Father YHWH) was given freely. It was a gift.
      Paul called it “undeserved kindness”.
      We are each flawed in our own ways.
      And remember, please, that when we point a finger at someone else (TRY IT RIGHT NOW) there are 3 more pointing right back at us. And that thumb points strait up to heaven.
      I know this may sound quaint and perhaps foolish, but think (dear reader) about it, please.
      Paul (a very wise man) also said, “We ALL sin and fall short of the grace of God.”
      Maybe the “authorities” need to remember this before they sentence us to social death!
      They, too, are sinners. They, too, need forgiveness, love, and understanding.
      But they have forgotten mercy!
      So, their harshness will come back to them.
      You get what you give, dude!
      PEACE! (and Agapè)

  • July 31, 2023

    As one who had the chance to be removed but stayed in Florida I’m going public with it all soon. As for the “tough luck for the rest of you” No, I’m not going to leave you behind. You have my word. I am going to fight for all of us to have a pathway to removal. I’m going to need that million person ARMY behind me when this goes public. ( ARE YOU WITH ME? ) I’m going to need everyone’s support. When the haters come out we need to shut them down as fast as we can with facts. Anger and hurt doesn’t solve issues it only makes the stronger overpower the weak with force, punishment and banishment. They made these laws against us, not them. They have taken one group of people an created new laws that punish that only we are forced to follow, not them. What is next bathrooms and water fountains? We need to create our own form of race. Then we can scream racism just like the LGBTQ did. Think about that… “I’m a Sexer” this is what they have done over the last 25 years is created a new race. With that comes a whole new ball game. One they suppress now because they can. Put a race in it an we got some serious Federal Rights being trashed.

    • August 1, 2023

      Hi Allan!
      I am not trying to impute any sort of motive to you, so please don’t think I am implying anything whatsoever towards YOU. (I really am not.)

      But I found something that you said quite interesting,
      You said (in part) “…We need to create our own form of race. Then we can scream racism just like the LGBTQ did…

      I realize that the following is a decidely unpopular subject, but I mention it just as a point of fact. (I am not passing any moral judgements in either direction, or in anybody’s direction.)

      1.) Some people have tried to call themselves minor attacted persons (MAPS) and claimed that it is a bona-fide sexual orientation and claimed discrimination based on sexual orientation.

      2.) Some people have claimed to belong to a sort of religion called “pederasty”. (Instead of a cross, they had a nested triangles symbol.) They claimed discrimination based on religious beliefs.

      3.) Some people claim that they are “pederast-MAPS”.

      I don’t know if anyone has ever made a serious attempt to either claim under the law, but I can guess the outcome. They would be placed in a mental institution and never see the light of day again.

      Just a thought, from a pragmatic viewpoint.

      • August 1, 2023

        Interesting to note several years ago I believe it was in either Denmark or the Netherlands there was a political party that was trying to get laws changed so that children as young as 10 could be nude on tv or in photos and film it was called the united pedophile party don’t think it gained any ground as it shouldn’t but it has been attempted

        • August 1, 2023

          JJJJ This is good… It’s good feedback. Yes, I know about MAPS an how they tried to come out with a lot of backlash. I’m talking as a whole if that is what they want to do is group us as one then we need to use it to our advantage. We are starting to get the courts to realize these laws may not be constitutional today with all the changes that have been made to them. We need to be a single group as a whole an hold strong. It is a very unpopular subject but it is one that needs to be addressed sooner then later. Soon, I’ll be faced with a choice to shut up an play nice or really reach out an do something for people who are on this wrongful registry with no chance ever to be removed.

      • August 7, 2023

        I must agree with your pragmatic assessment. Civil rights laws prohibit employment discrimination for certain “protected classes” of persons. This includes discrimination based on sexual orientation or religion. In my opinion, our anti-registry cause would actually be harmed by trying to shoehorn registrants into either class.

        There is not a snowball’s chance in hell that any politician would commit political suicide by proposing to include registrants in either protected class. An attraction to minors might very well be an innate sexual orientation. I don’t know. But trying to sell that to the public is a fools errand and would only serve to harden public opinion against registrants. Attempting to sell some church of pederasty would likewise go down in flames.

        I truly appreciate Alan thinking outside the box to explore new approaches. We need more of that creative thinking. However, chasing untenable strategies could be counterproductive and will certainly siphon off our limited resources. Thanks, and keep up the good work Allan.

  • July 31, 2023

    One of the artilcles on ACSOL page was “Because we can”. So was that an understatement of bearing the sword in a wrong way But “if” you do evil be afraid… That word if has meaning to it and also correction and I’m sure this registry needs correction.

    All this thought process of many of these advocates seems to be going in circles when others abuse others such as in many of these registry situations. Sure we make choices everyday but who makes a decision to deceive another. Can all say law enforcement.
    Their’s your servants of God in American justice.

    Nothing wrong with reproving or correcting American Justice.

  • July 31, 2023

    I read it and read it again in case I might have missed something. Nope.
    Why isn’t this exactly what Florida Action Committee stands for? I seem to remember reading a post from FAC in which FAC said basically the same thing?
    I for one would like a response posted on this forum addressing this stance.
    Thank you.

  • August 1, 2023

    This will be my last letter to you all. So what is “We the people” are they a God within themselves or did God ordain confusion? Are we a prisoner of our own device, our own decision or choice or where does spiritual knowledge come into play in this sex registry ordeal.

    While public safety is good are man’s rules better when it goes against the principals of the bible text to set up others for a fall. Something is missing in this sex registry equation played by those in authority that think they are above their own truth and compound true justice or is man’s laws gone to far in many ways and means.

    Yes we can all forgive, love thy neighbor as thyself but is mankind loving thy neighbor when one sets traps for others in a sexual con such as this internet sex registry. Does one call that justice or social abuse, or government abuse in the land of opportunity or equal rights.

    Guess one can say that is a more perfect union to set a trap for those that are weak or can’t stand up because of governmental abuse of government misuse in this world of equal justice and equal rights. Do we all hold our peace and hope true justice prevails or do many stand up for the truth and yes the truth is the heart is evil and desperately wicked. Should we say the same for government that abuses their ordained authority?

    • August 1, 2023

      @ Saddles

      My friend, why do you start with “This will be my last letter to you all.” I hope you are not going to harm yourself? Are you moving away? Are you just frustrated and do not want to comment anymore? I for one would really miss you if you leave, but more so I am concerned about the meaning of your comment.

      Please reply and let me/us know what you meant by “this wiil be my last letter to you all?” Jesus said something similar to the disciples that confused them when He said He was going to a place they could not follow Him to.

      Maybe I am just reading too much into your statement but I have always had a passion for people’s struggles and I always seem to be getting involved in some sort of “Saving a bird that fell out of its nest”.

      • August 1, 2023

        Good catch, CherokeeJack.
        What’s up, Saddles? Are you okay? (I, too, would miss you around here!)

    • August 1, 2023

      Hey Saddles,

      I read all of your posts both here and on Acsol’s site. You are a warrior for us and you are one of the voices needed to set yourself and all of us free. My prayers to you and hope you are ok. On a personal note, thank you for all your guidance that has helped me as someone new to the registry.

  • August 1, 2023

    Can I just respectfully say, just because there “IS” a path to get off is NO guarantee you WILL get off. I have talked to several lawyers who have brought their clients before a judge when their client was eligible to be removed and were denied. If denied, you either have to wait a certain amount of more time before trying again.
    Here is the problem, it can cost untold thousands of dollars to petition to be removed, and some have saved funds their entire lives to get removed. If denied, it is unlikely most would be able or even want to risk a large sum again on a chance of getting removed.
    In Florida, even though you can get off, does not mean you will. The best lawyer on Earth cannot make a judge do anything. And I was told there is no appeal process since it is considered civil matter.

    • August 1, 2023

      Civil matters are appealed all the time. A judge’s discretion, however, is not appealable unless an abuse of discretion can be shown. I hate to say it, but I don’t see a circumstance where an appellate court would find a judge abused discretion in denying a petition to be removed from the registry.

      • August 1, 2023

        Yes, and for many, many of us, even that path is completely blocked. There is, simply, no path off the registry; no due process. (Unlike a Baker Act)

  • August 1, 2023

    One of the major hurdles we currently wrestle with right now is the argument that if the registry were just summarily ended, that would put some dangerous people on the street. If you’re trying to get a politician to change their mind, which is the best response to that argument?

    a. I don’t care. Either take everyone off or no one off.
    b. You are wrong, there are no dangerous people on the registry so just take everyone off.
    c. Keep those you think dangerous on the registry but let those who are not, off.

    Obviously the answer is c. If we understand that the process of ending the registry will most likely not happen in one fell swoop, then compromise is the name of the game. We can’t be all or nothing in this and a logical place to start is to remove names who, just by their crime, pose the least risk to society.

    It’s nothing personal. It’s about navigating a political process.

    • August 1, 2023

      Hi rpsabq.
      Thank you for your thoughts on this. Yes, I agree that there are definately people who are psychopaths who need to be taken off the streets by the authorities. (A psychopath is a person who is criminally insane.)

      But we already have systems in place to keep criminally insane people off of our streets. It is called involuntary civil commitment. One involuntarily commits a citizen to a mental institution by using a process called a “Baker Act”. If, for instance, someone walks down main street, naked, they would probably be “Baker-Acted”.

      A “Baker Acted” person, however, has rights that we, as sorna registrants do not have:

      1.) They have the right to be periodically evaluated by competent psychiatrists, in order to determine if they still pose an active risk to society at large. (We do not.)
      2.) They have the right to petition the court in order to challenge their Baker Act status. (We do not)
      3.) They must be treated with respect and dignity and cared for as wards of the state. (Our government, instead, treats us with malice and contempt.)
      4.) They have the right to privacy. (Our status is hatefully and maliciously broadcast to our next door neighbors and the world!)

      Yes, we must, as a society, have the means to remove the criminally insane from our streets. And we also have the means to free those who have responded to psychiatric treatment. We keep their status confidential, and we treat them with dignity and pity.

      So, if we have these safety rails in place, then why do we need a registry? Either lock us up as being criminally insane (and give us the above safeguards) or leave us alone! We are US CITIZENS!

    • August 1, 2023

      @ rpsabq:

      Respectfully, I would choose d: Yes, there are a few truly dangerous individuals there. But the registry cannot protect society from them, and will do nothing to recapture them if they repeat their offenses.

      Along with overpopulation and all the constitutional issues, the registry should be exposed for the miserable failure that it is in regards to its stated purpose and absolute worthlessness as a law enforcement utility.

  • August 1, 2023

    I agree with everything you said and I would also like to add that the laws don’t equally apply to everyone. There are people that get away with crimes based on their position of power. We had a police officer up here in Pennsylvania who got off with a slap on the wrist and no registration despite getting oral from an underaged girl. There are double standards everywhere! You have people simply urinating outside who are added to the registry. Entrapment cases like mine added to the registry. It’s all a bunch of b*******!

  • August 1, 2023

    With the people, For the people, By the people For the one million of us individuals desperately need to be heard and listened to once more!……. that we are tired and miserable trying to get our point across. “THE REGISTRY IS NOT WORKING” The homeless want to go home, get back to work and live happily like we would be doing if not for the “REGISTRY” It is time to be heard once more. God is waiting for you… And thank you!!!!. As we are thanking God too.

  • August 1, 2023

    The entire registry hangs on this one statement: “The registry is not punishment”.
    THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST WILLFULLY FRAUDULENT GASLIGHTING STATEMENTS I’VE EVER HEARD. Is there no one qualified out there that can prove the government’s B.S. ??!!

    • August 1, 2023

      Yes! This is the “elephant in the room”. It is INDEED ex-post-facto punishment!

      And it is very, very illegal; for, it is a clear violation of the US Constitution!

      Everyone knows it – even the liars who lie through their teeth in order to keep perpetuating their hatred, bullying and scapegoating!

      It is as obvious as the nose on your face!

      It is a wink-wink, nudge-nudge Elephant-in-the-Room. (And EVERYONE knows it!)

      Calling the registry a civil duty rather that a criminal punishment is a twisting of our laws and constitution (in order to perpetuate an institutional-level system of hatred that is sponsored by our own government against about 1 million of our fellow citizens)!

      Imagine that!! Imagine that!!

      • August 2, 2023


        The problem is, we are considered the worst of the worst, above, (Or below depending on how you look at it) Murders, and all other crimes. Someone who looked at porn and put on the registry is considered worse than someone who has had a 40 year reign of other crimes on their rap sheet and prison history.

        The registry is wrong period, but the retroactive application on those who were put on the registry long after we had been sentenced but not only not fair, but an injustice.

        We have constantly complained that this is not just us being punished but our families are in danger as bullets have flown through some of our houses (Yes me) and too many other 100s of incidents to even list. I would say does someone have to die to make the point but FAC has reported on several registrants deaths over the years I have been part of FAC community. Even death seems to not give us peace.

        • August 2, 2023

          Too true Cherokee once we die we will be violated for failure to register

        • August 3, 2023

          How long?
          How long?
          Oh Lord! How long must our people continue to be Lynched by the angry mobs who so easily find our names and addresses on the government HATE List!!
          How long????
          (Lord, how long?)

          • August 3, 2023

            Folks, there haven’t been any lynchings. Our opponents are hysterical, they imagine dangers where there are none, and we shouldn’t (no reflection on JJJJ) become like them. Reality is bad enough. Let’s stay focused!

          • August 3, 2023

            A lynching is a murder of a person due to populist hate because of a person’s status as a person generally hated by society. (Not neccesarily a hanging by the neck.)

            Many of our people have, indeed, been lynched!
            It is time we started calling the murder of our fellow registrants for the populist hate-induced Lynchings that they are.

  • August 2, 2023

    Most passionately and eloquently stated my friend.

    • August 4, 2023

      I see your point. It is almost as if the lack of a requirement to register was part of the plea deal.
      I am afraid, though, that the ACTUAL plea deal was a reduction in charges to a plea for a crime that did not require registration within that jurisdiction.
      Now, I could be wrong. Perhaps the new charges (within that jurisdiction) DOES, in fact require registration.
      But I don’t think I am wrong.
      Lucky person to get a sweetheart deal like that!
      Perhaps this is a lesson in the fact that the registry requirement is very arbitrary (unjust, in other words).
      Thanks for the report.
      We all must stand forward in this way and provide these reports to our friends here at FAC, whenever we find them, No?

  • August 3, 2023

    The Sex offender Registry is not only punishment ( defined as a penalty for a crime by Webster) it is much more. It is an open invitation for hate and needs to be labeled for what it is , a hate crime. It in no way associated with safety or rehabilitation but only an outlet for hate. With the States incouraged To be creative in there carrying out their hatred.

  • August 3, 2023

    No Cherokee I’m not going to harm myself. Part of the comment I posted was a bit of a letter I am getting ready to send to the Governor of Virginia.

    Have any of you all heard the expression give a person an inch and he will take a mile. This forced to register and being taken advantaged of by government and is a bit of a mind bender.

    Many on here are garbling and grumbling about all this registry. Much of this registry is very simple Government broke the commandments as in false witness, coveting and of course the lying,deceiving, and intimidation. Add it all up and one could say you just got screwed.

    Sure the catch phrase is “well you made a choice. How coy does that have to say one was sucked in and enticed by all this registry bs

    I couldn’t force anyone to be gay or bi… course I did like Flip Wilson and his Geraldine skits or did the devil make you do it. Everybody on this forum needs to speak up about this governmental abuse. It is no more than a charade to offend others. Whether gay, straight or whatever that’s your choice in the matter.

    • August 4, 2023


      Well it is at least good news that you are safe and not going to harm yourself. I will sleep better now for sure. I was lifting you up in prayer, especially when I did not get a reply right away.
      Will keep you in my prayers and thoughts.

  • August 4, 2023


    Do you think you would consider the following which would lead to an immediate injunction as well as defeat of the registries nationwide:

    There is a facial challenge no one has attempted yet. The registry denies the right against self-incrimination.

    Regarding reporting information a criminal registry is not constitutional as this reporting goes directly against the right against self-incrimination. Not only should we not have to report…reporting violates essential rights. See Albertson v. SACB, 382 U.S. 70 (1965) regarding the three part test that would defeat the sex offender registry facially or as applied as well as Leary v. United States, 395 U.S. 6 (1969) and Haynes v. United States, 390 U.S. 85 (1968) which would defeat the registries as applied and facially in that they require reporting information that would be self-incrimination. Such as it is illegal and a crime to reside within a certain distance of restricted locations but the state requires the reporting of all addresses, it is illegal and a crime to work at x location but places of work must be reported, etc. Not to mention all of the other information which could only be ever useful as evidentiary leads violating the right against self-incrimination. The right against self-incrimination is there for civil, criminal, and so called “civil” forms.

    The Supreme Court of the USA has held that “a witness may have a reasonable fear of prosecution and yet be innocent of any wrongdoing. The privilege serves to protect the innocent who otherwise might be ensnared by ambiguous circumstances.”

    The US Supreme Court has even stated that someone could declare the fifth as to their employment on tax documentation were they producing income illegally…but a registrant can’t omit their employment or anything at all?

    • August 4, 2023

      Reporting one’s address is not the same as self-incrimination. Cases on the constitutionality of the registry are much more recent than those cited here.

      • August 4, 2023

        Yeah, I don’t know. I’m no legal scholar. But think about it this way – what if you are living somewhere that you know is an illegal felony? Government is then forcing you to admit to them that you have committed a felony. So if you are filling out their form and it asks you where you live are you going to admit to the felony or write “unknown” or what?

        • August 5, 2023

          @Will Allen

          The registry, as it becomes more and more punitive, is set up and formed in such a way that we are navigating a system of mouse traps. We are not after the cheese, we just want to get away from the traps. But those traps, have traps and only a matter of time before one or all of us are entangled in the spider’s web.
          Most justice systems have a path towards redemption. For us, it seems they even have traps and stipulations for us to not reach those goals at any cost.
          One example, many of us have been contacted by fake deputies saying we did not register. When they called me, there is no one who knows the information they knew other than the sheriff’s office. They were either hacked, a former employee gained access or a current employee, most likely a non sworn civilian employee.

        • August 5, 2023

          It is a forced interrogation where you do NOT have the right to remain silent.
          If you remain silent, then they will claim that they could not complete your registration. And on the first day of the following month they will charge you with a felony for failure to register.
          Now somebody tells me that the laws and constitutions of our United States have NOT been twisted!!!

  • August 5, 2023

    But if you do wrong be afraid for He is a servant a minister for good. Wow.. talk about evil. in this whole registry set up. This article makes a statement in and of itself and everyone should be on edge about this registry in more ways than one.

    So is government doing evil with some garden of Eden seduction tactic? Using the coy of protecting a teen in this unethical way. Sure as the nose on your face. Justice goes hand in hand with righteousness or doing what is right. Are authorities doing what is right in this two wrongs don’t make a right issue.

    Are we all to obey when they ask for dirty pictures or other pictures which was the intent all along,, or to talk dirty to them. I say it again no authority should ask you to talk dirty to them no matter what. When its all said and done the authorities have the more guilt conscious and that’s taking advantage of others in an unjust way. Standing up for truth and justice is a better way for all.

  • August 6, 2023

    Free speech doesn’t give authorities the right to engage in a fraudulent conspiracy. Guess authorities are conspiring in many ways with this registry based on peradventure conjecture. Talk about doubt and uncertainty . Talk about evil testing. Trespassing is trespassing.

  • August 6, 2023

    Three-quarters of sex offenders who applied to be removed from the sex offenders register last year in England, Wales and Northern Ireland had their requests approved, according to new figures exclusively obtained by Sky News.
    But new figures obtained by Sky News show that last year, the 25 police forces who responded to our request for information received 394 applications for removal.

    Of those, 304 were approved – a success rate of 77% and a figure which has remained largely consistent over the past five years.

  • August 7, 2023

    How difficult can a path be in this sex registry ordeal. Is this sex registry path preventing anything, provoking anything, or a discomfort of each individuals conscious or liberty. So where does the principal come into play? Banishing the sword to entrap others is a devilish way or who try’s to win and defraud at the same time. Can many say Government today or is that an understatement.

    The whole principal of the sex registry is to prevent adults from talking to kids. That’s the whole principal So is everyone wrestling with oneself. Sure we were all defrauded by this crafty ordeal. Was it just. Biblically speaking it was unjust as in bowing down to another. Even the plea deals are a bit of a mousetrap as Cherokee says.

    I hope we are all still endowed with certain inalienable rights. This sex registry doesn’t vanish that authority. One can either make a choice or a decision. In either event the registry is an entrapment game on many levels for many.


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