Member Submission: Endangerment of ADA Protected Registrants

Good afternoon,

People on Probation, Felons, and people released from jail and/or court are required to report to the VCSO Career Criminal Unit (which also houses the SO Probation Office) at 1330 Indian Lake Rd., Daytona Beach.  This is located way outside of the city on U.S. 92 (International Speedway Blvd.)

I can provide more info on distances, etc. if you desire.

There is a Votran Bus that stops near the jail.

Indian Lake Road is a 2-lane road with no paved shoulders.  It is used regularly by dump trucks and other heavy vehicles that travel around 45 mph with full loads.  For the majority of the distance from the bus stop to the office, there is NO sidewalk.  In fact, there is no safe place for people to walk safely.

WORST CONCERN:  There are a fair number of people who use wheelchairs, walkers, oxygen tanks, or are otherwise handicapped who must transit this route.  The State (and County) REQUIRE that they report to this office – or be violated.

Are ADA people entitled to basic safety protection? It’s bad enough the distance that many travel (on foot), shouldn’t they have a safe sidewalk (it also gets mucky when it rains) that connects from 92/ISB to the office?


11 thoughts on “Member Submission: Endangerment of ADA Protected Registrants

  • November 1, 2022

    I know the area well. Saying that the bus stop is near is an understatement. The closest official stop is a quarter of a mile away, and is nothing more than a sign. Indeed there is no safe walking area. The place is difficult to access for anyone without decent transportation. The is a general lack of apathy towards us registrants by vcso, and to a lesser extent, probation. (Now that is an understatement. )

    • November 2, 2022

      Seems theres a new travel form again. This one specifics on travel and fingerprint on the form before you get the printout. Im not under supervision or anything but now obligated to give flight info and specific car info. I didnt know which car i was taking and had to commit as well as coulndnt fly standby i need to give a flt number. I travel monthly and this is news to me. Never had this much issue

      • November 2, 2022

        Jm, please elaborate specifics for the rest of us?

        • November 2, 2022

          For DOMESTIC travel, none of the above is required, obv. Just an address, if 3 days or more.

          • November 2, 2022

            I am traveling to a northeast state (my home) as i do every month. They REQUIRED me to specify which vehicle and i needed to provide a flt number. A fingerprint as well on the initial form (new) you hand them with the info you fill out. Travel is for 4 days. Had to let them know how long the drive as well. If i decide to fly i need to come in and give itenerary. New form and new atitude. ALSO REQUIRING to classify as business or leisure. All fields required.

          • November 2, 2022

            This is not according to statute. In which county is this? Sorry if I missed.

          • November 2, 2022

            Isn’t Jm reporting from Volusia County?

            Agree, NONE of the info he’s describing is required of anyone not on supervision.

          • November 2, 2022

            Volusia county. Just happened today.

      • November 2, 2022

        As other replies have stated, this is not the law and is not being reported by anyone else as their experience. I’ve travelled several times this year and once in the last few weeks. Same process as always. Provide a destination address, start date, and end date for the travel.

        If this is actually true, please send the info to FAC such as county and photo of the form if you have it.

        • November 2, 2022

          Should have taken a pic but didnt. Its def a new form. The old one didnt have a fingerprint. As i said i travel alllllll the time up to twice a month and have even been told i didnt need to report it (but i do anyway just in case) The ONLY thing that maybe this is for someone on supervision? But no questions as to who a supervising officer or anything. There was even a section you circle if youre a predator or offender. (And they have nice new glossy businesscards they staple to the paperwork with their number to call as usual) they also gave me the usual single form with the travel info as well as the entire registration packet with the 23 or so initials.
          Another possibility is ive not seen the lady that did the update before. May be new? Def new form. The original had the logo on top and a few questions. This one has large boxes to put your info in. Looks cheaper that the ones from before.

  • November 2, 2022

    One could argue that transportation should be available on request for meeting such requirements, but it would be a deputy at their leisure, which means it could be days before getting there and you’d have to put any plans on hold until you got home. They, of course, would argue “reasonable accommodation.” If you got enough people together who were infirm for otherwise disabled, you may collectively be able to bring a case to a good attorney who could sue on your behalf. It’s an interesting question and I would definitely be curious as to how that would play out in court. All the little sheriff’s department and reporting places could stand to have a litany of lawsuits because of the inconveniences involved. Death by a thousand paper cuts may just be the only way to go. Just keep suing and suing and suing until they come to the conclusion that it’s not worth their time anymore to maintain the registry.


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