Member Submission:  Denied captain’s license by the U.S. Coast Guard

There is a growing trend of denying or revoking business/employment licenses simply because someone has a past felony of any kind or, in some cases, specifically has a past sex offense.  Such denials and revocations cost the individual their livelihood, possibly making society less safe. 

Having a job/income, a place to live, and family/community support all play an important part in reintegrating back into society successfully as a law-abiding citizen.

The following letter was sent to FAC by one of our members:


Recently I was denied renewal of my captain’s license issued by the US Coast Guard. I have held it for 40 years with no problems. This will affect anyone who holds any Merchant Mariner credential as they are tasked with removing anyone with previous convictions. 


They cite a change in 46 US Code 7511. 


It is a two-tiered approach. First is a lifetime ban that is retroactive. The second being a ban for any offenses within the last 5 years. I hate to say but we are so used to seeing this heavy-handed overreaching punishment. 


The best overall explanation comes from a law firm.


I was denied a renewal of my license which provided the only income for my family.


7 thoughts on “Member Submission:  Denied captain’s license by the U.S. Coast Guard

  • January 29, 2025

    I’m actually surprised he was given an excuse for the non-renewal. Most times you just get crickets or mean-glares when asked. Yet the authorities and “experts” (SCOTUS) continue to use the old “it’s not supposed to be punishment” blanket excuse every time.

    When you’re ruled by a bunch of ghouls, then you’re already in the cemetery.

    • January 29, 2025


      When I did work, everyone who hired me ended up firing me when a customer would come in and complain that they saw me on the “List” and if I was not fired they would never shop there again.
      Such power hate has. I wonder what secrets they have in their lives?

  • January 29, 2025

    They do not care. Such an overreach. Sorry for your lost.

  • January 29, 2025

    It’s crazy how this country prides itself on giving people a second chance in life and the opportunity to better themselves and have a great life. But our government intentionally goes out of the way to make new felons everyday with the 6000+ felony laws we have that keep expanding. But yet at least 90% of the jobs refuse to hire felons or landlords refuse to rent to felons. Plus with the SO status it raises up to 99% refuse to hire or rent. But has become a new 4th class of citizens who only have the right to follow laws, pay taxes and the right to breath air while we struggle to survive under constant threat of being assaulted, murdered, humiliated, harassed or sent back to prison for no reason.


    • January 29, 2025


      Reminds me of the witch trials. Burn them at the stake and if they live, they were a witch, if they died and were innocent, oh well. Of course not a single one lived, and if they did they would be so badly burned they would end up dying anyway.

    • January 29, 2025


      When I was in prison I did a lot of writing. Poetry, contest writing, and more. I even won a few contests. Below is something I just found that I wrote when I was locked up and forgot I had kept.

      Written by me: Short but powerful.

      Truths to ponder
      You can only hold a good man down for so long.
      You can only suppress a people for a period of time, before something has to give.

  • January 29, 2025

    If you read this, I pray God will provide you with a source of income.
    I have been unable to work since 2014 and somehow each month God supplies my needs. My Main source of income is my credit card and I have a high limit so if I cannot make my full payment, I can make a partial, it just adds more and more interest.


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