Member Submission: Buying a vehicle

Just wanted to share what I ran into recently..
Iv bought two cars in the last three months. Both times when the dealership tried to transfer my tags a large message pops up on the DMV site and says. You can not update address due to persons status as registered sex offender.
That’s super embarrassing.
The only way they found to get around this is when they update your tag Information.
The sales rep has to Un-check the box that says update adress. If they just update the tag information it will go through. They don’t have to update the adress but it’s a box they always check becuase so many people’s addresses don’t match there current ID. No big deal for most. Felony for us as you know.
Hope this helps. Thats what I discovered anyway..
It’s terrible we have to suffer this endless discrimination. But if they can’t update your tag some dealers won’t let you leave with the car.
This I just my expierence. It’s not the gospel truth and I can’t guarantee it will work for everyone. I just happen to buy a car from someone who’s brother is on the registry and he was able to help.

30 thoughts on “Member Submission: Buying a vehicle

  • October 14, 2021

    Folks, do not be embarrassed from being listed on the Oppression Lists (OLs). Stand up defiantly. The “people” who should be embarrassed are the scumbag Karens who whine how they “need” the OLs. They are helpless and pathetic.

    Let’s end big government. Let’s work to shrink them in every way and in every area. Let’s keep them incompetent and dysfunctional. Vote out the big government losers.

    • October 15, 2021


      The last line you wrote has a HUGE flaw in it.
      We CANNOT vote, that is the issue. And that is WHY we cannot vote. Suppression is a negative word meaning “Held down or held back” or the restraint or repression of an idea, activity, or reaction by something more powerful.

      • October 15, 2021

        I’ve heard that some people in Floriduh cannot vote but don’t know anything about it. That is not the case where I live. I don’t think I would want to live in any sh*thole country, state, county, or city where I could not vote.

        Criminal regimes love keeping people that they are oppressing from voting. All the easier to conduct their “wars” on those people. They have to feed their carceral business and keep it profitable.

  • October 14, 2021

    I wonder what happens if we put a car in the name of a trust or a company. We’d still have to register the car at our Sheriff’s offices. But a trust or company are entities completely separate from individuals.

    • October 15, 2021

      In Florida, aren’t you already required to list any vehicle you drive regularly…. such as a company-owned car or work van?

  • October 14, 2021

    It is this constant humilation which, of course is not only punishment but over time affects ones’ mental state often in the form of PTSD or similar mental health issues. To live in the constant fear of the next humiliation and not knowing exactly when it’s going to happen. Now THAT’S punishment!

      • October 15, 2021

        Forced to comply

        You do know she use to be the Orlando Police Chief right? Just saying, she is for reform of ex offenders but she has never mentioned her stance on those with a sex offense as most in power steer well clear of the subject.

        Once you are labeled as sympathetic to our cause, you are done. That is why so many judges deny us. They know this is wrong what is happening to us but they will not touch is with a mile long pole.

        If you have ever been in prison, you know , no matter what your sex charge was for, they called all of us “Baby rapers”. Of course once someone yelled that at you, it got others stirred up and you had to sleep with one eye open all the time.

        • October 17, 2021

          Cherokee, I am very aware of who and what Val Demmings is (and her husband, Jerry). They both have extensive LE backgrounds and have risen to positions in local and federal systems. My point in making it known that Val Demmings is holding a session on mental health is for FAC to be aware and have input. Isn’t educating politicians part of the reason for our existence in this group? It’s up to FAC and individual members to participate or not.

    • October 14, 2021


      Even though it sucks, I can handle it. What I cannot handle is, our families have to suffer along with us. They are also being punished both indirectly and directly. What happens when your son, daughter, grandchildren, spouse walks outside and someone passing by throws a brick at them and kills them as they yell “SICKOS”.

      I fear living with anyone due to putting them in danger. But since it is so hard to find a decent job on the registry, I have to live with my family. I get tired of hate mail, scratched cars etc. When you complain to the police, they make a comment like “Well you should have thought about that before becoming a sex offender”.
      Really, that is all you got?

      So what if someone targeted their families because they didn’t like cops? And the judges and legislatures when confronted with this data and proof that our families are targeted, they blame us. I am not the one shooting our windows out of the house.

      Our focus needs to really be on the family aspect of things and how they are affected and harmed. If each person on the registry brought in 4 to 5 relatives, family and friends who have had their lives altered because of the registry and we ended up with 100s of people stating “WE are the faces behind the scenes that are impacted by our loved ones on the registry”.

      Ephesians 6:13

      “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything you can, keep standing.”

      • October 15, 2021

        Cherokee, lets keep that “WE” thought in mind for the March 2023 event in DC being organized by ACSOL.


  • October 14, 2021

    Same thing happened to me about 2 months ago. I bought a 2021 Hyundai from Lakeland Hyundai. I was in the Financeanagers office and was signing papers and when he went to print the temporary tag, a big message came up on his screen saying that they can’t update this address because a sex offender lives here. He showed me the screen and I told him that is true. How embarrassing that was !!! But he didnt question or say anything about it to me, he was professional about it. He told me I needed to go to DMV and have them sort it out. So I did, I waited at DMV for almost 3 hours, got my number called, explained to the woman the situation, she typed in my name and looked it over. She pressed one button and said ok, it’s fixed. So I went back to car dealer and got the paper tag and drove off the lot with my new car. What a hassle and embarrassment it was for me.

  • October 14, 2021

    Just had this happen to me in a county different from the one I live I’ve never had this problem in my home county with any vehicle and I’ve owned multiples at once. The dealer was unable to make any changes to the DMV alert so I ended up buying the vehicle in a relatives name and then transfer everything to myself once the paperwork arrived. My question is how is the state allowed to do this

  • October 14, 2021

    Soooo….. just to be clear, you weren’t “grooming” the car salesman, were you? You didn’t touch him inappropriately?? You didn’t give him alcohol and show him porno films?
    So, WTF, State of Florida, he’s just buying a car….BUYING_A_CAR!! 😡
    I am certain that if they could somehow bolt a neon sign directly to Registrants’ foreheads, they would immediately make that a new state law and requirement!

    • October 17, 2021

      David also I never made any attempt to conceal my address or status the relative who purchased the car lives at the same address go figure


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