Member Submission: And the scams keep coming.
At 1:44pm today I got a call from a 904-999-0283 A number I did not recognize so I did not answer. A voicemail was left. Stating my name and that it was a Deputy “Joiner” from Clay County Sheriffs department, In regards to my registration. To call them back at that number as soon as possible. This put me into a panic mode and I call the number back within 1 minute of the original call and no answer goes to a voicemail stating it’s the clay county sheriffs office to leave a message which I did. I called probably 30 times back at this number in the course of a half hour to try to figure out what is going on. No answer and now the voicemail no longer plays and it just keeps ringing and ringing, I decide to call the Clay County Sheriffs office at the number on their website. They are confused as well and try to figure out what is going on stating they never heard of the name of the deputy. The person says its more than likely a scam that they been getting calls about scams lately. I decide to drive over to the clay county sub station and play the voicemail for the receptionist there and she has never heard of the deputy in the voicemail and said also its probably a scam but to call the normal sex offender registration clerk tomorrow as she was out of the office today to verify for sure. The call sounded so official which is why I panicked. If I would have at least answered the call when they call I could easily tell if it’s a scam or not. I am hoping they call again and I will answer and see what they say. If anything develops I will let you know.
Listen to the recording:
My policy is I dont answer and anything Important the Officer will leave a card on my door. I know in my Area TampaBay nobody ever leaves a phone message unless I called and they are calling me back. Over the years I have even seen weird uniformed officers bang on my door including a group in Swat Looking Garb I dont answer. Im under no probation nor requrenment to answer. They can verify via mail or of I recognize my assigned officer I will answer. Your experience may vary but everything is a scam today. I dont respond unless I know for sure and I dont believe any law in Florida requires phone Interaction. Been my way for over a Decade
Sheriff’s office does not call ahead They simply show, up pre-dawn, with Swat team and 30 armed officers with machine guns. Break down the door and arrest you. Never answer phone, unless you recognize the caller.
My reply to these calls is as stated: I answer and then after their pitch, I ask what is the sheriff’s name and Office number? And if by chance they answer correctly, then I whould ask for the sheriff’s name in a surrounding county. I never have got the correct answer and they hang up. I seldom get these calls any more.
I hope this can help get rid of these calls.
It’s a scam!!! Don’t waste your time.
That is someone trying to do harm,unless you recieve a legal document from the state of registry or a visit from the Sheriff then is real,sometimes it can be people who know about your status taht want to do harm and thats a felony for them it is consider harrasment..but you should not worry brush it off and move on.
I did 20 years in the registry and I have been threw it all to a point I can write a book about it.the system is bad..
they don’t call, they show up in force with 30 armed officers, and arrest you if you are not in compliance.
That is definitely a scam.
30 really? You exaggerate. It is only 29 at best. :)~
I use to work in law enforcement. If 30 officers came to my door, I would in this order : 1) Go to the bathroom in my pants, 2) heart rate would sky rocket 3) Curl up in the bathtub and suck my thumb while holding my Teddy bear.
I do that nightly. My PTSD includes nightly nightmares seeing people knock at my door, hoards of people driving by, numerous LE parked in front of my house, my dog barking when she isn’t and having to defend myself. No one is even there.