Member Submission: Address Verification in Tallahassee

Hello. Just to let fellow people required to register know: my local city police showed up for my verification. I am no longer on Probation. I register through my county sheriff not the city. They asked me questions not asked during the regular registration (Do I have an internet service provider? Who is my closest living relative and what is their phone number? Do I have any minor children or grandchildren? What are their names and ages? How often do they come here? ).

I at first told the officer I wouldn’t answer them without asking my attorney. He said he’d be in his car for a bit if I wanted to contact the lawyer. i luckily got a hold of him and he told me to answer the questions cause he didn’t think they were anything that threatened me. The cop returned and I answered. He then told me that his lieutenant told him that if I didn’t answer they would contact SVU and would arrest me.

It’s so hard to know what to do. I feel confident in following my lawyer’s advice, but I would like to know if the cop is just threatening me without justification. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.


72 thoughts on “Member Submission: Address Verification in Tallahassee

  • December 7, 2021

    What happened to 5th amendment?
    The Right to remain silent, is an arrestable offense now?

    • December 8, 2021


      As a former cop, they use “Failure to comply” to arrest you. Even if you get the charge thrown out, you now have a new arrest on your record which makes it that much harder to ever get off the registry. I believe they are getting nervous about all the people getting wins to get off the hit list, so they are doing everything in their power to prevent you for doing so.

      We were given a “cheat” sheet of lesser known laws we could charge someone with just to get them in the system. I had one of the lowest rates of arrests because I tried to give people a chance, especially those who had never been in trouble before. Why ruin someone’s clean record just for having a joint in their pocket?

  • December 7, 2021

    They already KNOW all of this information. They’re just trying to catch you in a lie and testing your honesty so they can red flag you further.

    They will most likely ask these SAME questions AGAIN when you go in to register so-as to trip you up and incriminate yourself.

    They’re getting creative, sneaky and desperate, so don’t play their game. Let them know that you know what’s what and you don’t appreciate deception and emotional manipulation tactics

    • December 8, 2021


      That reminds me of a true funny story. I went in once and the new guy asked me my age. I said “It is on the paper work”. He said “don’t be a smart ass”. I said 59. He said last time you registered you said you were 58 so which is it? I said “Have you ever heard of this new thing called a birthday?” What I really want to say to the guy was, “listen son, I have underwear that are older than you”.

      All the other officers about fell on the floor laughing. I was not trying to be a wise guy and thought for sure he would get revenge somehow. The next time I went in, they had someone different at the window. Guess he couldn’t hack the pressure, or maybe it was just his day off, who knows.

    • December 8, 2021

      I like it when i replay the Ring door bell to them, as they made remarks about me before they pushed the doorbell, at my home….just in case they try something ill have it for court on what was said prior to seeing me…my ring starts recording 40 feet from the door with voice/video….and stays running for 2 minutes….

      Ive only had 2 officers who went out of there way to annoy me, i tell them i only change my white paper at the county sheriffs dept, not by the police…..


  • December 7, 2021

    I’m also in Leon and got the same questions last time (maybe 6 months ago). I answered because I don’t want the cop’s harassing me any more than they already do, but realized that it’s beyond what they’re suppposed to. No probation/adult “victim”/ 21 years ago.

    • December 8, 2021


      The cops are the same as our neighbors, they could care less if you molested 20 kids or was just seen peeing in the woods. Once you are on the registry, to the public we are creepers, molesters, rapists and any other horrible stigma. Now with the nextdoor app, my life has been way much harder.
      It has gotten ever harder for me recently as someone in the neighborhood went door to door telling everyone about me. They failed to disclose that my incident was 31 years ago. They tried to ban to together and buy my house, but I informed them that I do not own the house, my parents do. I further told them, they are welcome to move because I am not going anywhere. So far 3 of them have sold their homes, Good riddance, don’t let the garage door hit you in the tush when you leave.

      • December 8, 2021

        Hey Cherokee,
        I posted that stuff for context, not because I think anyone of us is better or worse than another, but can see why it might look like that. I could see LE harassing some registrants more than others, but what the heck do I know? 🤷

  • December 7, 2021

    I would call your lawyer back. If you had invoked the fifth I don’t know how they could have arrested. The exception that I know is if you’re on paper, then you have to comply. But then I think your PO would have been there. Stories like this make me wish I had studied law instead of medicine. Stay strong and stay safe.

  • December 7, 2021

    Does your attorney specialize in sex offender law? Some are not up to date on current case law, regulations, etc. Might want to get a second opinion, just a thought 🤔

  • December 7, 2021

    When I was living in Orange County and they did verification checks, they never asked questions like that. I now live in Arkansas and the County Sherriff never asked those questions either. Now when I took my current job, I went to the city police to register my job. They tried to get to answer those type of questions and I refused. Told him they were not relevant to my registration. The officer just smiled, took my registration sheet, and walked away. Its been 8 months and havent heard back from them.

    I think it was just an intimidation tactic. Applause for contacting your attorney and getting thier advice first.

    • December 8, 2021

      Kevin Hill

      There is truth in the saying “Give someone an inch and they will take a mile”. Having been in law enforcement, I can verify some officers will do whatever it takes to get you back in jail, including lying. And they will also lie on the stand in court.

      When I got arrested I refused to take a polygraph stating they are not accurate because if you are nervous (Which everyone usually is when arrested) it can sway the results. In court the officer lied and stated I failed a polygraph. My lawyer asked to see those results since my client (me) stated he took no such polygraph. The attorney further stated that polygraphs are not admissible yet law enforcement continues to bring them up when it suits their agenda.


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