Member Comment: Respond to articles with misinformation.

Thanks to member DW who posted this in the comments. It’s important so we are dedicating a separate post to it.

I encourage ALL of you to make this resolution for the new year:
Every time you come across an article that is spreading lies about Sex Offender Registries, RESPOND!!! Write a “comment” on the article’s website OR write to/email the journalist/article’s author directly and encourage him/her not to continue spreading the “copaganda” lies!!


🔸I believe we can start to have a major impact and start turning the tide if we respond IN LARGE NUMBERS to these type of articles!
There are A MILLION+ people on S.O. Registries – imagine the effect if EVERY false-narrative news article gets a huge response from us!! 🔸

(Tip: Make it easy on yourself: Write a standard reply which you can later edit and store it as a “draft” email or email it to yourself. Then you can just copy-n-paste it and tweek it for each use!!)

16 thoughts on “Member Comment: Respond to articles with misinformation.

  • December 14, 2022

    Also send a thank you to the author/journalist when they are fair and/or stand up to the group think. I have actually gotren responses back saying thank you for reaching out to them.

    • December 14, 2022

      @ MP: Yes, I agree. Support and encourage honest and truth about Registries. And I too have received responses and find it very gratifying to know I have actually been heard! 👍🏻

    • December 14, 2022

      Agree w/ Mp. Even if you view the story negatively, consider opening with a compliment— it may motivate them to keep reading, and at a minimum they are tackling an important topic, even if they then get it wrong.

      Also write not just to the author but to the editor. The author may have moved onto other topics by the time they receive your feedback. It may have been the editor who found the scoop newsworthy, assigned it, and approved the story.

      • December 14, 2022

        Jacob, Good point about the editor.

      • December 14, 2022

        Good point! 👍🏻

  • December 14, 2022

    The only articles in the past (There are a lot of them) that really got me the most motivated is when they misquote, either on purpose, or due to lack of knowledge on the recidivism rate as being massive at around 85% or more. That has been proven wrong a bazillion times, but the other side still say it and the sheep fall in line and believe this misinformation time and again.

    • December 14, 2022

      That’s why you have to comment and site the fact

    • December 19, 2022

      That reminds me of the old quote:
      ‘The lie will go half-way around the world before the truth can travel 10 feet.’

  • December 14, 2022

    Excellent idea! I have emailed editors & newscasters occasionally regarding this topic, I will make it a priority to respond more (to both good & bad). Having a standard email saved will be a big help, just tweak it each time to fit. And if anyone has any good ideas to put in emails, please share.

  • December 15, 2022

    I also post on articles for sexual crimes against children where it is someone the victim knew to remind people studies show the victim is known to the perpetrator over 90% of the time. They need to be paying attention to their friends, significant others, children’s teachers, principals, guidance counselors, babysitters, coaches, preachers, Sunday school teachers, choir director, etc. (and yes, all of those have committed crimes in my local area in the last 5 years).

    • December 15, 2022

      Great tips Alan. Those who are parents should be focused on the child’s close associations, not the registry, when ensuring their child’s safety.

      The registry is an absolutely terrible “tool” for keeping children safe. You have better odds using a coin flip to guess who might offend than by whether or not the person appears on the registry.

  • December 15, 2022

    I comment on YouTube videos often. Sometimes on lives, I’ve even gotten a superchat to highlight my response. If you don’t know superchat cost a couple dollars, basically a donations to the creator, but everyone sees what you said and often it is read separate from normal things.

    I agree I think it is important to get proper information out there.

  • December 16, 2022

    I have been very busy lately trying to plan for the DC trip and slowly editing my registry survival guide.

    Years ago, there used to be a small but dedicated coordinated group that took on misinformation reports. I thought it was a good thing so I don’t know why we can’t start a new group of individuals who are dedicated to taking on these reports as soon as they appear.

    I’m willing to do my part once I get my current projects done.

  • December 19, 2022

    🤗😃👏🏻 OMGosh, you crazy, wonderful people!! 🤗
    I just checked the article’s website and there are 9 new comments – all anti-Registry – following the article!!!
    Thank you, Thank you, everyone!!

    Now…. Let’s do this ALL year 2023 long!! Every time we come across one of these “copaganda” articles, let’s respond & fight back!!

    Again, Thanks All!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
    You have “overjoyed” me!! 😃😁🤗

    Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays all!


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