Project Overview
The purpose of this project is to send a one-page letter and a one-page enclosure to each sheriff every 2 weeks.
The letters are coming from YOU. Do NOT use FAC name, or logo or any identity.
- Choose as many Florida sheriffs as you are able to send mailouts to. You will be responsible for the printing, envelopes and stamps.
- Please send the your contact information and the name/county of the sheriff(s) you pick to Sarah at She will be checking to make sure there are no duplications and will notify you if the sheriff(s) you pick have already been chosen by someone else.
- The mailouts will occur around the 1st and 15th of each month.
- Each mailout will have a cover letter and a research page that will need to be printed out. There will be a total of 9 different mailouts.
- The letters are provided in WORD format so you can type the inside address, the Sheriff’s name and your name to personalize the letter. You may add a brief paragraph about your own experience, if it relates to the topic, but DO NOT change the context of the letter and make sure to stay with one-page. Add your name and contact information to the end of the letter and sign your name.
- Hand-write the Sheriff’s address on the outside of the envelope, and be sure to add your return address to the envelope. Enclose the letter and the corresponding research page, seal, add postage and mail on the day indicated below. NOTE: Officials tend to throw mail away if there is not any contact information on the letter or a return address on the envelope.
- Please let Sarah know if you receive any feedback from a sheriff. We have one member who has already been sending information to several Florida sheriffs and has received only positive communications from them.
Topics and Letters
Mail 1st of Month 1 | 1A-Cover Letter to Sheriff 1B-Research on Recidivism Rates |
Mail 15th of Month 1 | 2A-Cover Letter 2B-Research-State by State Recidivism Rates |
Mail 1st of Month 2 | 3A-Cover Letter 3B-Research-Why Registries are not Effective |
Mail 15th of Month 2 | 4A-Cover Letter 4B-Research Residency Restrictions |
Mail 1st of Month 3 | 5A-Cover Letter 5B-Research-How Govt Distorts Statistics |
Mail 15th of Month 3 | 6A-Cover Letter 6B-Research-Registry Requirements Timeline |
Mail 1st of Month 4 | 7A-Cover Letter 7B-Research-What DOES Work |
Mail 15th of Month 4 | 8A-Cover Letter 8B-Research-Changes Needed in the Registry |
Mail 1st of Month 5 | 9A- Cover Letter 9B-Research-Different Treatment for high- and low-risk persons |