UPDATED *AGAIN*: Matching Contribution Announced for 2022 Ex Post Facto Sustainer.


THREE very generous members HAVE agreed to kick-start a donation drive for our 2022 campaign to help sustain the expenses of the two Ex Post Facto Plus challenges (one in the Northern District of Florida and the other in the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals).

If you read our weekly update this week, you learned that Oral Arguments took place last week in the original case (which we call Ex Post Facto Plus I) and were reminded that this case and Ex Post Facto Plus II are still active. A win in either of these cases will help ALL OF US on the registry!

We originally raised funds to kick start the lawsuit and since it’s been running we have been raising funds to help sustain it. As the cases progress there will continue to be costs, fees and expenses associated (such as copies of transcripts, expert witnesses, etc.).

For 2022, we set a goal of $25,000 for FAC to contribute towards these costs, fees and expenses. While it may seem like a lofty goal, $25,000 to help float two federal cases (one of which is on appeal) is just a drop in the bucket and when one considers there are more than 80,000 people on the Florida registry who can potentially benefit from a favorable outcome, it’s the least our 2,500+ members can come up with.

If you go to this link: https://floridaactioncommittee.org/donations/ you will see a thermometer that will tell you how close (or far) we are to meeting the 2022 goal. We will try to update it weekly (or more often). Click on the “Support this Challenge” button, select the payment method from the tabs, and in the drop-down under, “use donation for…” select FAC Ex Post Facto – Sustainer 2022.

While we have a very important need for donations, we also understand that not everyone is in a financial position to contribute. As with our membership dues, donations are voluntary. As uncomfortable as it is for us to have to solicit donations, we would feel worse if anyone is made to feel uncomfortable because they cannot give at this time or are embarrassed because what they can give would not be substantial. Literally, every dollar counts towards something (postage, for example), so amounts are not as important as the gesture it sends to the Attorneys working for all our benefit or the Plaintiffs (one of which is a single mom of 3 small kids) in not sticking them with the bills.

There are some of us who are more fortunate than others. In this case, THREE memberS reached out to us and haVE pledged to start the ball rolling with a THREE THOUSAND DOLLAR matching pledge. That means, for the first $3000 donated, they will match the donation dollar-for-dollar up to $3000 and we will have collected $6000 towards our goal!

Matching contributions are an excellent way to motivate others to do their part and for an individual intent on making a donation, to know that they are not taking on the burden for everyone. Matching contributions are also a way to effectively make smaller donations twice as effective.

If anyone else would like to sponsor a matching contribution, please reach out and we will be pleased to announce it.

14 thoughts on “UPDATED *AGAIN*: Matching Contribution Announced for 2022 Ex Post Facto Sustainer.

  • June 7, 2022

    Do you have any info on whether the contributors were a actaual registrants?

    • June 8, 2022


      • June 8, 2022

        oh they were I assume. Ok.

  • June 1, 2022

    FAC, please explain what it would mean for us registrants if we were to win one or both of the Ex Post Facto Plus lawsuits. I’m trying to understand what kind of hope I can hold onto here. Thank you

  • May 31, 2022


    You might want to pin this post to the top of the threads.

    • June 13, 2022

      I that’s b.s. who wrote thatbill…I was justtelling my mother that i could cuthairgoodand shouldstartdoingitforaliving.

    • June 13, 2022

      This bill died over a year ago!

  • May 26, 2022

    Would you please explain what it would mean for us registrants if we were to win these ex post facto suits. Thank you.

  • May 26, 2022

    I think more people would help financially if they understood what these cases are about. Is there any way someone at F.A.C. could explain it like we were all 5 year old children??
    saying Ex post facto over and over doesn’t help

    • May 26, 2022

      I have offered to give $25,000 in training and equipment to registrants and their families in Florida that would EXPONENTIALLY help FAC and our cause via in salon and barber shop services and outreach…results? No response

      • May 26, 2022

        Registrants are so limited on where they can go and even live, that it may present a problem for them to accept your offer. Especially if they are on Probation also. I’m sure your offer was greatly appreciated and please don’t give up. We need more people like you that has a heart for the people on the registration. H

      • May 26, 2022

        Mr Curtis, how may I contact you? I don’t mind putting an email out here for you to see but also don’t want it abused by those who oppose us.

      • May 26, 2022

        I appreciate that offer, sir. Sadly while I was in Florida I never knew of any offers like that. Probation certainly never helped or provided guidance. I would hope that you continue to offer your services, time, and energy. There may be someone who comes now or later to you that could use your help.


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