Martin County Sheriff: to ask county leaders to require sex offenders to live farther from schools, parks, day cares
Martin County commissioners Tuesday will consider expanding the distance registered sex offenders in the county have to live from playgrounds, schools and day care centers.
Current registered sex offenders living in the county would be grandfathered into the new rule, if it is approved.
Sheriff William Snyder is asking the county to change the requirement from 1,000 feet to 2,500 feet away.
It’s an idea that resonates well with many parents, but there are others who feel the expanded living restrictions could do some harm.
To many people have lost critical thinking skills. Sick and tired of it.
I must virtue signal and that is more important, even when it may actually put children at risk, but that is ok, my feeling good is more important than potential harm to a child. I say this in the the sense that they put obstacles in the way for failure and yet, very few even fail. But they can’t get it thru their simple minds.
So to until the next county follows suite! And than the next, and the next, etc.
More Ex Post Facto crap…when does it stop?
I viewed the video and Mr. Potato Head and his mustache wants to send a recommendation to the State legislature (Book and company) to have all counties restrict at that level. Where is the evidence that 1000 feet hasn’t been effective. Is there a mass exodus to Martin County, I don’t think so, if so, show me the evidence. Another grandstand by a Sheriff, for election, to whip up on the Persons Forced to Register! No one from the public was there to oppose and that was very sad to see. Yes, present registered citizens are grandfathered in, all though I didn’t here them mention that. Another infringement of liberty folks!
Martin County Board of County Commissioners Passes Ordinances (Claiming that They Are) Protecting the
“We found that there were some sex predators, sex offenders—when they move to Martin County they have to register and when they registered they said they specifically moved here because our distance from schools and other areas where children congregate was more liberal than other counties,” Snyder said.”
THIS is why we have to watch what we say and brag about. I hear guys all the time at the registry office bragging about where they live, what they get away with, or how easy things are. Someone is always listening or viewing what you say and it can come back to bite you.
The Deputy that comes to my house is always very friendly but I can tell it is not because he wants to be friends. He is asking targeted questions that “Seem” normal but the answers tell him a lot and can have detrimental consequences. For example he might ask, “have you ever accidentally missed a registration? If so I can make sure we can get that corrected”. Corrected like going to jail for admitting that?
It is very hard to stay silent for People Like Us with this Status! I bite my tongue a lot and pinch myself a lot!
I would not brag about a thing,.,,,just do what you have to do to survive and never break the law; and always keep copies of your paper work both on real paper and save them electronically on your computer/smart phone etc!
PDF your files! date and time stamp them!
I am, in full compliance, 24/7 365 days per week! 366 on leap years!
What facts did the Sheriff provide that this change will reduce offenses by registrants? He should be able to point to multiple cases in his county where crimes were committed by registrants living between 1001 and 2500 from parks, schools, and daycares. Without even reading about it, I know he didn’t.
His remarks in the article tell you what its all about. Attempting to set a restriction that rules the majority of the county off limits and force these people on to other counties. Regardless of what he said, it is not about safety because if it was, he could provide the data showing the difference it would make.
This is punishment and an abuse of the constitutional rights of a segment of the US population supposedly for safety’s sake when no one can ever show how these laws make one bit of difference. Because they don’t.