Man Jailed on Failure to Register Killed by Cellmate
Scott XXXX, 59, was found unresponsive in his cell shortly after 5 p.m. on March 15, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. He died around half an hour later due to his injuries. XXXX was admitted into the CDCR system on Feb. 23. He was serving a two-year sentence for failing to register as a sex offender.
His cellmate, Eugene Stroud, 44, is a suspect in this homicide, according to the department. Stroud is serving a 25-year, eight-month sentence for two counts of corporal injury on specific persons resulting in a traumatic condition as a second striker and one count of making criminal threats to cause great bodily injury or death as a second striker. He also received offenses for inflicting great bodily injury involving domestic violence, personal use of a dangerous or deadly weapon and has two prior felony convictions of a serious offense. He was received as an inmate on Feb. 8.
Headline says cellmate did it. Body copy says cellmate is a suspect. Sex offenders love creating drama where there is none.
You are right, Anonymous. I am sure they will do a diligent investigation and interview everyone else that was in the cell with them and perhaps we should reserve judgment until that happens. The only people in the cell were the victim and the suspect, so hopefully the investigation will be quick. All, let’s suspend all further suspicion and drama until they exclude all other suspects.
Agatha Christie couldn’t have written a better story. 27 suspects, all with motive. Somebody murdered this guy and there are plenty of accessories to the crime. Truth be told, the writer of the story would have flunked journalism class. Shoddy writing.
I don’t even understand why there should be a prison sentence for a mostly administrative offense, unless for the most flagrant disregard. Once a person who may have failed to register is apprehended when that person goes to get booked it should be an automatic re-register and that person should be released or given a ticket to follow up with maybe some documents showing updated info and that is it. What a waste of time and money. And life. No..nothing will change and no one else will pay the price for this..I recently found out via a friend who showed me some kind of website or social site where strangers give inmates money to attack PFRS-PERSONS Forced to Register. This is just as bad.
I’d be interested in knowing more about this website or social site. I would think that if it’s offering bounties that it might be illegal.
I could not inquire due to the suspicion that may arise. But I saw the text. It may be on a FB page and it appeared to be the real thing. I no longer work there at the moment.
Thanks, Sasha.
Every one of those persons soliciting on that website should be arrested for conspiracy to commit violent crimes.
Soliciting on what website?