Lets support City Walk!
I think the video below speaks for itself, but here are the words of one of their supporters:
Today the city sent a (city employee? Plain clothes cop? Process server?) to serve citywalk for continuing to operate. It is beyond disgusting that the city continues to fight the only open shelter. Contrary to what John Dailey and company would have you believe there are no other open shelters. Many of the 64 people who live at CityWalk are in special situations where they cannot be served by other shelters because they do not meet the requirements. Shutting down Citywalk means putting these people on the street and for many especially the handicapped people means certain death.
Here is an official statement from City Walk leadership: “If you have the ability, you have the responsibility. (James 2:15,16) We are also commanded in scripture to take care of one another in the faith (Acts 2) and directly commanded by Jesus to care for the poor, including shelter. (Matthew 25:34-45) As a tenet of our faith we simply cannot disobey God and abandon the people He gave us to care for. While we have respect for the secular authorities, we will always obey God as ruler rather than men. (Acts 5:29) We intend to continue with the appeal process, if that does not bring relief to our congregation, we will seek relief in Federal court for the continued violation of our civil rights.”
Please look out for a call to action in the coming days. Let’s support City Walk!
The guy is such a drone typical city official just the same B.S. Answers and then he said who said i don’t care about these people as he is throwing them out. Uh the notice your giving me saying i have to shut down says you don’t care about them. Special place in hell for a man like that
I am more than willing to do my part, but I really wish there was more I can do.
The lobbyist Barney Bishop is definitely involved in all this, and he’s recently upped his game. How much pull does he have at the local level? like it not, he’s influential at the state level, even as he publicly states it is okay to arrest a 6 year old kid, or support the free speech rights of hate groups, or discussing allowing people accused of crimes to be assaulted by accusers with scissors. I know he’s not doing this alone but it seems to me that Florida lobbyists have too much influence especially when it comes to Predator Panic.
Actually there is no special place in hell. That’s been said a thousand times of registered citizens and it’s not true then either. But since we going all heaven and hell the Bible clearly says in Matthew that when you do not help the least of these homeless people you also do not do it unto God. I normally keep my faith out of posts but this one seems very relevant based on the ladies response. I love how she stood up to him. That guy is just a cog in a broken system designed to keep the poor separated from the rich. The law makers don’t have to enforce the laws. They just send these guys to do the dirty work and they say it’s not me it’s the lawmakers. This way nobody has to take responsibility.
When I was arrested 20 years ago for failure to register. I had no idea it was even a crime. The. Cops exact quote was ( Its not me I’m just doing my job)..
I agree there are no special rooms in Hell for certain people. However, I am guilty of using that saying as well when it comes to the IRS LOL
Saying I am just doing my job as a LEO, is the same as an executioner lopping off the head of someone and saying the same thing. Those people are servants by choice, for those who would oppress others in the name of the law. They are the strongman of political mafia. I have no sympathy for those kinds of people, and never will unless they change what they do. Humans are all equal and deserve to be treated as such, and for other humans to enforce physically, violently, etc. other’s will onto another, deserves to be eliminated from the face of the earth.
So they all get thrown to the streets because of this then either rounded up for violations or end up dying due to not having access to food, shelter and much needed medical care.
This is why so many registered folks give up and turn to a crime to be arrested just so they can stay alive. Meanwhile illegals are being given medical care, housing and who knows what else?
When and where is the hearing?