Legislative Delegation Calendar: 2024 Session

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Legislative Delegation Calendar: 2024 Session

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM (CST – Franklin) Unable to locate Gulf County time.
Franklin County & Gulf County Legislative Delegation Meetings
Contact Rep. Jason Shoaf’s office @ (850) 295-5680

Wednesday, September 27, 2023
1PM – 5PM
Duval County Legislation Meeting
117 West Duval Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32202
State Representative Wyman Duggan, Chair of the Duval County Legislative Delegation, announces the Local Bill Public Hearing will be held Wednesday, September 27, 2023, from 1 to 5 p.m. in the Jacksonville Council Chamber on the first floor of City Hall, which is located at 117 West Duval Street, Jacksonville, Florida 32202. Anyone wishing to speak must complete and submit the “Speaker’s Request Form” to the delegation office prior to September 22, which is the deadline for being placed on the agenda and for materials submission to the Delegation office staff.
Questions may be directed to Duval Legislative Delegation office staff at 904-255-5105.

Monday, October 2, 2023
5:00PM CST
​​Bay County Legislative Delegation Meeting
​​​Bay County Government Building
​​​840 West 11th Street​
​​​Panama City, 32401​ ​
This meeting is an opportunity for citizens, elected officials, cities and local governments, and other civic organizations to address the delegation before the start of the 2024 Legislative Session. They will also consider and vote on “local bills”, which is state legislation that only pertains to a municipality, taxing district, or school district within the county.
Public testimony during the Legislative Delegation Meetings is welcome. To request an appearance form to be placed on the agenda or submit handouts for the Bay County Legislation Delegation meeting, please email sonya.smith@myfloridahouse.gov no later than 4 p.m., Monday, September 25th. The legislative delegation consists of Representative Griff Griffitts and Senator Jay Trumbull.

Monday, October 2, 2023
9AM – 11:30AM
Indian River County Legislative Delegation Meeting
Misson Chamber County Building
1801 27th Street
Building A
Vero Beach, Fl
Phone Representative Brackett’s office to be placed on the agenda 772-778-5005

Monday, October 2, 2023
1PM – 4PM
Polk County Legislative Delegation Meeting
Polk State College Center for Public Safety
1251 Jim Keene Blvd.
Winter Haven, FL 33880
Senator Ben Albritton, Chair, and Representative Josie Tomkow, Vice-Chair of the Polk County Legislative Delegation, announce the Polk County Legislative Delegation Meeting in preparation for the 2024 Legislative Session.
This annual public meeting is an opportunity for citizens, elected officials, local governments, and other organizations to address the Delegation before the start of the 2024 Legislative Session. If you would like to be placed on the printed agenda, please click on the link provided below to complete the online Presentation Request form, upload and attach any documents you would like to provide for handouts to the online form, and submit by Monday, September 25, 2023: https://form.jotform.com/231855463820155
If you would like more information regarding this meeting, please contact Barbara Blasingame at Barbara.blasingame@myfloridahouse.gov, or call the district office at 863-292-7003.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023
10AM – 11:30AM
Holmes County Legislative Delegation Meeting
107 East Virginia Avenue Bonifay, FL 32425
Public testimony during the Legislative Delegation Meetings is welcome. To request an appearance form to be placed on the agenda or submit handouts for the Holmes County Legislation Delegation meeting, please email Ann.McGraw@myfloridahouse.gov no later than 4 p.m., Monday, September 25th.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023
11:30AM – 1PM
Washington County Legislative Delegation Meeting
1331 South Blvd., Chipley, FL 32428

Public testimony during the Legislative Delegation Meetings is welcome. To request an appearance form to be placed on the agenda or submit handouts for the Washington County Legislation Delegation meeting, please email Ann.McGraw@myfloridahouse.gov no later than 4 p.m., Monday, September 25th. The legislative delegation consists of Representative Shane Abbott and Senator Jay Trumbull.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023
2PM – 4PM
Jackson County Legislative Delegation Meeting
Chipola Cultural Center
3056 College Street, Marianna, FL 32446

Public testimony during the Legislative Delegation Meetings is welcome. To request an appearance form to be placed on the agenda or submit handouts for the Jackson County Legislation Delegation meeting, please email Ann.McGraw@myfloridahouse.gov no later than 4 p.m., Monday, September 25th. The legislative delegation consists of Representative Shane Abbott and Senator Jay Trumbull.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

4:30PM CST 5:30PM EST
Calhoun County Legislative Delegation Meeting
Calhoun County UF/IFAS Extension Building
20816 Central Avenue East
Blountstown, FL 32424
This meeting is an opportunity for citizens, elected officials, cities and local governments, and other civic organizations to address the delegation before the start of the 2024 Legislative Session. The legislative delegation will also consider and vote on “local bills”, which is state legislation that only pertains to a municipality, taxing district, or school district within the county.

Public testimony during the Legislative Delegation Meetings is welcome. To request an appearance form to be placed on the agenda or submit handouts for the Calhoun County Legislation Delegation meeting, please email Ann.McGraw@myfloridahouse.gov no later than 4 p.m., Monday, September 25th. The legislative delegation consists of Representative Shane Abbott and Senator Jay Trumbull.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Broward County Legislative Delegation Meeting(s)
Broward County has an excellent website with all meeting information (there are several) and a link to the speaker form.

Legislative Delegation Broward Legislative Delegation Office

Wednesday, October 4, 2023
9:30AM – 11AM
Highlands County Legislative Delegation Meeting
600 South Commerce Ave., Sebring, Florida 33870
The deadline to register to make a general presentation before the Delegation (not related to local bills) is 4 pm on Monday, September 25. Contact Representative Tuck’s office at dana.orr@myfloridahouse.gov to obtain a participation request form. All requests for presentation time on the agenda must be submitted via this form to 205 South Commerce Avenue, Suite B, Sebring Florida 33870, or by e-mail to dana.orr@myfloridahouse.gov

It must include the name, address, and phone number of the presenter and a brief summary of the topic.
Presenters who wish to provide supporting materials to the delegation must submit 6 copies of those materials to 205 South Commerce Avenue, Suite B, Sebring, Florida 33870 by 4:00 PM on Monday, September 25, 2023. Each set of materials must be three-hole punched at the left margin. Materials submitted that do not meet the deadline or the criteria listed above will not be able to be included.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023
1:30PM – 2:30PM
Glades County Legislative Delegation Meeting
Glades County Courthouse
500 Avenue J SW, Moore Haven, Florida 33471

The deadline to register to make a general presentation before the Delegation is 4:00 PM on Monday, September 25, 2023. Contact Representative Tuck’s office at dana.orr@myfloridahouse.gov to obtain a participation request form. All requests for presentation time on the agenda must be submitted via this form to 205 South Commerce Avenue Suite B, Sebring Florida 33870, or by e-mail to dana.orr@myfloridahouse.gov. It must include the name, address, email address and phone number of the presenter and a brief summary of the topic. Presenters who wish to provide supporting materials to the delegation must submit 6 copies of those materials to 205 South Commerce Avenue Suite B, Sebring Florida, 33870 by 4:00 PM on Monday, September 25, 2023. Each set of materials must be three-hole punched at the left margin. We will not be able to include any submitted materials that do not meet the deadline or criteria listed above.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023
3:30PM – 5PM
Okeechobee County Legislative Delegation Meeting
Judge William L. Hendry Courtroom, Room 270
304 NW 2nd St. Okeechobee, FL

The deadline to register to make a general presentation before the Delegation is 4:00 PM on Monday, September 25, 2023. Contact Representative Tuck’s office at dana.orr@myfloridahouse.gov to obtain a participation request form. All requests for presentation time on the agenda must be submitted via this form to 205 South Commerce Avenue Suite B, Sebring Florida 33870, or by e-mail to dana.orr@myfloridahouse.gov
It must include the name, address, email address and phone number of the presenter and a brief summary of the topic.
Presenters who wish to provide supporting materials to the delegation must submit 6 copies of those materials to 205 South Commerce Avenue Suite B, Sebring Florida, 33870 by 4:00 PM on Monday, September 25, 2023. Each set of materials must be three-hole punched at the left margin. We will not be able to include any submitted materials that do not meet the deadline or criteria listed above.

Thursday, October 5, 2023
8:30 AM – 12 PM
Manatee County Legislative Delegation Meeting
101 Old Main Street W. Bradenton, FL 34205
Meeting to be held at the Bradenton City Council Chamber.  
If you would like to be included on the Delegation agenda, please email Amanda Romant at romant.amanda@flsenate.gov, no later than 12:00 p.m., Friday, September 29, 2023.  
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Amanda Romant or Kathy Galea at (941) 742-6445 

Thursday, October 5, 2023
9 AM – 1PM
Martin County Legislative Delegation Meeting
2400 S.E. Salerno Rd., Stuart, FL 34997
The Martin County Legislative Delegation meeting for the 2024 Legislative Session is scheduled for Thursday, October 5th, 2023. It will be held at 9am at Indian River State College, Chastain Campus – Wolf Technology Center (Bldg C) 2400 S.E. Salerno Rd. Stuart, FL 34997 Please email Samantha.Rosenberg@myfloridahouse.gov to request a participation request form. This form must be filled out and returned to be placed on the agenda.

Thursday, October 5, 2023 

5:30PM CST 6:30PM EST
Walton County Legislative Delegation Meeting
South Walton Courthouse Annex
31 Coastal Centre Blvd
Santa Rosa Beach, FL 32459
This meeting is an opportunity for citizens, elected officials, cities and local governments, and other civic organizations to address the delegation before the start of the 2024 Legislative Session. The legislative delegation will also consider and vote on “local bills”, which is state legislation that only pertains to a municipality, taxing district, or school district within the county.

Public testimony during the Legislative Delegation Meetings is welcome. To request an appearance form to be placed on the agenda or submit handouts for the Walton County Legislation Delegation meeting, please email Ann.McGraw@myfloridahouse.gov no later than 4 p.m., Monday, September 25th. The legislative delegation consists of Representative Shane Abbott and Senator Jay Trumbull.

Friday, October 6, 2023
2 PM
Wakulla Legislative Delegation Meeting

29 Arran Rd., Crawfordville, FL 32327
The hearing will be held at the Wakulla County Commission Chambers at 29 Arran Rd, Crawfordville, FL 32327. The legislative delegation holds a public hearing each year to afford local officials, members of the public, and other interested parties the opportunity to present legislative proposals or express opinions on state issues. 

Friday, October 6, 2023
9 AM
St Lucie Delegation Meeting
Indian River State College-Pruitt Campus
500 NW California Blvd, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
The St. Lucie County Legislative Delegation meeting for the 2024 Legislative Session is scheduled for October 6, 2023, at Indian River State College, Pruitt Campus (Veteran’s Center Auditorium), at 9:00 A.M. The participation request form is required to be placed on the agenda and should be submitted before September 28. Please contact Sharon Stewart if you have questions or need additional information. stewart.sharon@flsenate.gov

Friday, October 6, 2023
1PM – 5PM
Putnam County Legislative Delegation Meeting
2509 Crill Avenue, Palatka, FL
The public hearing will take for the purpose of taking public testimony on issues facing the State of Florida and consideration of local bills. To be placed on the agenda to address the Putnam County Legislative Delegation, please email CURBOW.DANIELLE@flsenate.gov

Friday, October 13, 2023
9:30AM – 12:30PM
St. Johns County Legislative Delegation Meeting
St. Johns County Auditorium
500 San Sebastian View, St. Augustine, FL 32084
Anyone looking to be placed on the agenda must contact CURBOW.DANIELLE@flsenate.gov

Friday, October 13, 2023
3PM – 5PM
Flagler County Legislative Delegation Meeting
Flagler County Commission Chambers
1769 Moody Blvd., Building 2, Bunnell, Florida 32110
Anyone looking to be placed on the agenda must contact CURBOW.DANIELLE@flsenate.gov
The Delegation will hear testimony from local government agencies and the public on statewide issues of concern and will consider any local bills brought before the Delegation. This meeting is free and open to the public.

Monday, October 23, 2023
10:30AM – 12PM
Legislative Delegation: Palm Beach County
Joint Meeting with the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners. Clayton E. Hutchinson Agricultural Center, 559 North Military Trail, West Palm Beach, FL 33415 Please contact the Delegation office at 561-355-2406 or 561-355-3452.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023 
3 PM – 6 PM 
Volusia County Legislative Delegation Meeting 
120 South Florida, Deland, Florida 
 Meeting to be held at Deland City Hall, Commission Chambers
120 South Florida, Deland, Florida
Contact information to come. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023
5:30PM – 7PM
Santa Rosa Legislative Delegation Meeting
6464 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563
To be placed on the agenda please reach out to Turner Mitchell, District Aide to Representative Alex Andrade (850) 619-8522. The meeting is being held at St. Sylvester Church in Navarre, 6464 Gulf Breeze Pkwy, Gulf Breeze, FL 32563

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 
1:30 PM – 3:30 PM 
Alachua County Legislative Delegation Meeting 
3000 NW 83rd Street, Gainesville, FL 32606
The meeting will be held in the Joseph W. Fordyce Building (R-01) on the campus of Santa Fe State College. Members of the public wishing to be placed on the printed agenda can do so by emailing their request, along with any backup information to HD022@myfloridahouse.gov. For additional information please contact the Delegation office at (352) 313-6542.
The Legislative Delegation includes the Delegation Chair, State Senator Jennifer Bradley (R-Fleming Island), along with Delegation Members, State Senator Keith Perry (R-Gainesville), State Representative Chuck Brannan III (R-Macclenny), State Representative Chuck Clemons (R-Newberry), and State Representative Yvonne Hinson (D-Gainesville). 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023 
3 PM – 6 PM 
Brevard County Legislative Delegation Meeting
Further information has yet to be provided.  

Thursday, October 26, 2023
9AM – 11AM

Hernando County Legislative Delegation Meeting
Hernando County Government Center
John Law Ayers Commission Chambers (Room 160)
20 N. Main Street, Brooksville, FL 34601
Please phone or email Nancy Bowers to be added to agenda Nancy.Bowers@myfloridahouse.gov
(850) 717-5052 (Tallahassee) (352) 315-4445 (The Villages)

Thursday, October 26, 2023
9AM – 1PM

Sarasota County Legislative Delegation Meeting
Sarasota County Commission Chambers

1660 Ringling Boulevard, Sarasota, FL 34236
Email Lindsay Cosby, Legislative Aide to Representative James Buchanan for a Meeting Request to Speak form. Form Lindsay.Cosby@myfloridahouse.gov or call the office at 941-429-4560

Thursday, October 26, 2023
1PM – 3:30PM
Sumter County Legislative Delegation Meeting
Sumter County Government Building, Room 102
7375 Powell Road Wildwood, Fl 34785
To be placed on the agenda email:  Christian.hannah@flsenate.gov

Thursday, October 26, 2023 
1 PM – 4 PM 
Pinellas County Legislative Delegation Meeting 
9200 113th St N, Seminole, FL 33772 (SPC Seminole Campus)
You may register to speak through October 19, 2023, 10:00 a.m., at https://form.jotform.com/232566106711148 

Thursday, October 26, 2023
5:30PM – 7:30PM
Escambia County Legislative Delegation Meeting
1000 College Blvd., Pensacola, FL 32504
To be placed on the agenda please reach out to Turner Mitchell, District Aide to Representative Alex Andrade (850)-619-8522. Meeting to be held at Pensacola State College, building 23 (The WSRE building)

Friday, October 27, 2023
9:30AM – 11AM
Legislative Delegation: Palm Beach County
Joint Meeting with the Palm Beach County League of Cities
Intracoastal Park Clubhouse, 2240 N. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Please contact the Delegation office at 561-355-2406 or 561-355-3452 for more information.

Friday, October 27, 2023
12:30PM – 2PM
Legislative Delegation: Palm Beach County
Joint Meeting with the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners
Intracoastal Park Clubhouse, 2240 N. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Please contact the Delegation office at 561-355-2406 or 561-355-3452 for more information.

Monday, October 30, 2023
To be announced
Lee County Legislative Delegation Meeting
8099 College Parkway Fort Myers, FL 33919
The Delegation Meeting will be held at Florida Southwestern State College, in the Nursing Building, Room AA-177. Should you wish to make a general presentation at the Delegation Meeting, the deadline to submit said request is 5:00 PM on Monday, October 16th, 2023. Please submit the request to Jenna.Persons@myfloridahouse.gov Closer to the meeting date, the agenda and meeting details will also be posted on www.leedelegation.com. 

Monday, October 30, 2023
9AM – 11:30AM
Seminole County Legislative Delegation Meeting
Seminole County Board of County Commissioners Chambers
1101 East 1st Street, Sanford, FL 32771
Contact: Michael Alpert, Michael.alpert@myfloridahouse.gov, 407-263-3931

Monday, October 30, 2023
1PM – 3PM
Citrus County Legislative Delegation Meeting
Board of County Commission Building
110 N. Apopka Avenue, Inverness, Florida 33450
To be placed on the agenda email: Christian.Hannah@flsenate.gov

Tuesday, October 31, 2023
10 AM
Broward County Legislative Delegation Meeting
100 West Cypress Creek Road, 6th Floor, Suite 650
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309-2181
10:00AM PUBLIC HEARING #2 / 2nd Reading, Discussion, & Vote on Local Bills and Annexations and   Legislators will take testimony, statements, and presentations from the Public on any Topic. Sign Up Here: Speaker’s Form Sign Up
Legislative Delegation Broward Legislative Delegation Office – Website with all information.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023
9AM – 11:30AM, 1PM – 3PM
Legislative Delegation: Palm Beach County
Joint Meeting with the Palm Beach County School Board
Greenacres Community Center, 501 Swain Blvd., Greenacres, FL 33463
Please contact the Delegation office at 561-355-2406 or 561-355-3452 for more information.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023
9AM – 11AM 
Hardee County Legislative Delegation Meeting 
412 West Orange St., Wauchula, Fl 33873 
The meeting will be held at the County Commission Chambers
The deadline to register to make a general presentation before the Delegation is 4:00 PM on Monday, October 23, 2023. Contact Representative Tuck’s office at dana.orr@myfloridahouse.gov to obtain a participation request form. All requests for presentation time on the agenda must be submitted via this form to 205 South Commerce Avenue Suite B, Sebring Florida, 33870, or by e-mail to dana.orr@myfloridahouse.gov and must include the name, address, email address and phone number of the presenter and a brief summary of the topic. 

Thursday, November 2, 2023
1PM – 5PM
Legislative Delegation: Duval County
117 W. Duval Street, First Floor, City Hall St. James Building, Jacksonville, FL 32202
Duval Delegations Organizational Meeting and general public hearing is scheduled for Thursday, November 2nd, 2023, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, located at 117 W. Duval Street, First Floor, City Hall St. James Building, Jacksonville, FL 32202. If you wish to be on the agenda, please complete and return the speaker request form before the October 30th deadline. Contact: Xzavier C. M. Chisholm, II at 255-5011 or at xzavierc@coj.net

Monday, November 20, 2023
9 AM – 12:30 PM
Charlotte County Legislative Delegation Meeting
2001 Shreve Street Punta Gorda, FL 33950
Punta Gorda Isles Civic Association will be the location for the Charlotte County meeting. Contact information for speaking will be provided as the date gets closer.

Monday, November 20, 2023
3 PM – 5 PM
DeSoto County Legislative Delegation Meeting
201 East Oak Street #201, Arcadia, Fl 34266
DeSoto County Commission will be the location for the DeSoto County meeting. Contact information for speaking will be provided as the date gets closer. 

Thursday, November 30, 2023
1PM – 3PM
Legislative Delegation: Palm Beach County
Belle Glade Library and Civic Center, 725 NW 4th St, Belle Glade, FL 33430
Please contact the Delegation office at 561-355-2406 or 561-355-3452 for more information.

Monday, December 18, 2023
9 AM – 1 PM
Monroe County Legislative Delegation Meeting
1300 Biscayne Blvd Miami, Fl 33132
This meeting will be held at the Adrienne Arsht Center. You may sign up to speak when you arrive at the meeting.  

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