KY: Will fear mongering make it harder for registrants to live in long term care facilities?
Note that: However, since our report, Kentucky Senator David Yates, D-Louisville, and State Senator Aaron Freeman, R-Indianapolis, are considering draft legislation on full disclosure. This is awful. It’s not in response to anything bad happening, it’s simply in response to this news story. Someone should contact these senators.
This appears to be the start of a new wave of sex crime panic, only this time, it doesn’t even seem to be motivated by a high profile case.
I asked my cousin who works as a nursing home administrator and she said, she’s never heard or seen a registrant commit any sex crime in any home in the state and the ones who do don’t have a sex offense, but have dementia or other similar diseases.
Aren’t bills supposed to have a rational connection and not throwing things to see what sticks.
I will look into as I live in one of those states and email a carefully crafted letter expressing my concerns. Being able to vote now I definitely should have free access to my representative
Ask the good senators how many sex crimes were committed by registered nursing home residents that makes this legislation necessary. Guessing it’s somewhere between zero and none.
They should ask how many employees in a position of trust commit crimes that would yield a sex conviction that are employed by them. Oh wait, they cannot because they are the ~95% first time offenders who are not on a public non-punishing list…
David Yates:
Mailing Address
702 Capital Ave
Annex Room 255
Frankfort, KY 40601
Legislative Address
702 Capital Ave
Annex Room 255
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone Number(s)
LRC: 502-564-8100
Aaron Freeman:
200 W. Washington St.
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 800-382-9467
or 317-232-9400
Legislative Assistant:
Anna Schuler
Phone: 317-232-9490
You all know what to do.
So I guess someone with a past conviction who is in a nursing home poses a danger to others? Are you kidding me? If a person is in a nursing home, it usually means that person is unable to care for himself.
I thought registrants were only supposed to be interested in abusing children, not elderly people?
I will be contacting these senators and demand them to explain why they think a registrant in a nursing home is dangerous.
I will also be demanding that if they pass this disclosure legislation, then they also must pass the same disclosure for anyone who has so much as spit on a sidewalk.
Hey disgusted I used to volunteer at a nursing home and I have 2 things to say 1 there was an alztimers patient who was a lady who used to pull up her dress and yell at every male she seen that she wanted sex it was because of her illness including g knocking another patient down and trying to get what she wanted. She was not the only patient on that floor with problems like this because they were reverting back to they’re childhood .so it shouldn’t matter someone’s status as a registered citizen. 2 because of this game I seen I made the decision that neither of my parents would EVER be placed in a home granted not all staff or are bad but alot of the time the staff is more dangerous then any of the residents. Just saying
Right. I see cases all the time about nursing home employees abusing the residents, but never once have I ever seen a report of a registered person patient doing anything wrong.
Make sure to ask them: Do you think there was never a person with a sex conviction in a nursing home PRIOR TO the existence of the registry? So since the existence of the registry, what’s changed about someone being able to go into a nursing home?
That’s what I would put in the letter/email.