Justice Department Awards $20 Million to Help Register and Track Sex Offenders

The Office of Justice Programs’ Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking today announced it has awarded approximately $20 million to help states, U.S. territories and tribal communities register and track sex offenders and protect Americans from sexual violence.

The awards will help jurisdictions meet the requirements of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act, Title I of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006.


[FAC NOTE: Read this post to see where the money goes]

26 thoughts on “Justice Department Awards $20 Million to Help Register and Track Sex Offenders

  • November 15, 2022

    State-sponsored hatred in the guise of public service!
    Sound familiar? It does to anyone who remember the 1930s and 1940s.

  • November 15, 2022

    All the more reason to keep fighting and support FAC as best as we can, including the complaint filed at the UN.

  • November 15, 2022

    Any sane person out there won’t be in favor of sex trafficking… but is there a cost breakdown of roughly what is spent per arrest/conviction? ie: is it cost effective or is it the new version of the “war an drugs”

  • November 15, 2022

    Finally, they’re going to pay us to register!! It’s about time!! 🤗

    Wait…What?? …. No, they’re not paying us to register – but they are paying LE agencies to harass us??? WTF!!! 😠

  • November 15, 2022

    sure why not lol

  • November 15, 2022

    Which means since they got more funding, instead of coming to our door once, twice or four times a year, maybe they will come whenever they damn please.
    Please, go solve a “Real” crime, and not harass those who are not on any probation or house arrest.

    Excuse my French.

  • November 15, 2022

    It is amazing to me that the government consistently wants to spend money on keeping track of us when they KNOW the recidivism rate is one lowest pertaining to all crimes.
    This article said nothing about the government making the time and spending money on sexual abuse prevention.
    Ever since these laws have been enacted, from the very beginning, they have not prevented sexual predators from committing sexual crimes.
    States NEED to apply more money and effort into prevention.
    Tennessee does not have a program to try and educate children to help prevent sexual abuse. This is something that should be mandatory in schools, in every grade level, to teach children how to know when someone, especially a friend or relative, is doing wrong to them.
    If Tennessee had such a program, there wouldn’t be as many teachers sexually abusing children. Children would learn not to be afraid to tell on Uncle Bob or Aunt Susie.
    That’s my take on it.

    • November 15, 2022

      It’s a fat con to keep their wallets fat and positions intact. A public doxing database, disguised as “protecting our children,” is an excuse to siphon tax dollars for their use. Though lots of funding comes into question, military and law enforcement seldom face cuts. The problem is when everything becomes criminalized.

      Regarding all this SOR BS: they KNOW that the recidivism rate is very low but play the ‘what-if’ card. Imagine a child paying an adult to make sure there aren’t monsters hiding under the bed…

  • November 15, 2022

    Let’s hope that this madness ends soon, because this Government has squandered enough money already.

    • November 15, 2022


      And what kind of oversight will there be on how they spend the money? “Oh, we need a new $5 million dollar tank to break down registrant’s front doors when they don’t respond to our knocks”.

      How about a catering company set up for law enforcement to eat good while chasing down people who didn’t register an email they still have but haven’t used since high school.

      Great job guys, so many other crimes have been solved, there is nothing left for you to do except harass people in compliance? I guess the news will have to go out of business because all crime has stopped except for failing to come to the door because you don’t have to.

      Feel sorry for any law enforcement officer who went through the academy and ends up chasing ghosts on the registry. Heck while they are at it, why don’t they form their own sex offender police department. Might as well, we now have a space force. There could be special patches on their uniforms that Say SEX OFFENDER task force, special operations division. Who wouldn’t be proud to wear THAT patch.

  • November 15, 2022

    They are awarding grants to non-SORNA compliant states.

    Research a means to make their State safer.
    or in other words, Payola to find a way to impede the grant recipients established State’s rights?

  • November 15, 2022

    Too bad there’s not a before and after show of how these funds have helped or rendered progress or exactly where the money they get goes.

  • November 15, 2022

    Too bad that $ wasn’t spent on something like preventing school shootings. I’m not a fan of defunding the police but there is some logic behind it when you see wasted $ like this…….

  • November 15, 2022

    Proof that it’s truly about money right here! $20million spent on laws that don’t provide protection for anyone. Can’t they be held accountable for waisting funds?

    • November 15, 2022

      Accountable by whom?

      • November 15, 2022

        Correct. Asking a corrupt govt to be accountable to the public licnis am act in futility.

        • November 16, 2022

          This IS the govt being accountable.

          They are deploying funds in a way that elected representatives directed, in a way as to implement a law that is popular with voters.

          If we want this to change, we need to keep educating the public.

          If corruption were involved, do you really think they’d issue a press release about it?

          • November 16, 2022

            Any type of social change / issue usually involves people who have some connection to the issue for them to get involved or care. The registry is no exception. lawyers, our families, Organizations like FAC will get on board but most either don’t care or literally are the oppressors.

            To be honest, if what happened to me had not happened, I am not sure I would feel sorry for anyone on the registry. I mean even when I was on the police force, I wanted people to be treated fairly, but not sure what my stance would have been on the registry. Most likely because of lack of knowledge of what it entailed. That is what FAC, Narsol and others are doing by raising these issues no one else will.

            But we have to agree, there are going to be way more that are against us than are going to be for us. I do not mean for us for what we have done in the past, I mean the current oppression caused by the registry to us and most importantly, our families who had nothing to do with our crime but continue to be held down by its restrictive nature.

          • November 16, 2022

            Well said!!

          • November 16, 2022


            Thank you. I was just speaking from my heart and how I feel.
            Facts, thoughts and opinions are different things. However, sometimes they cross paths.

          • November 16, 2022

            Of course our corrupt govt will issue press releases about the misuse of tax payer dollars, they do it all the time. We don’t have journalists anymore, we have Pravda.

  • November 16, 2022

    Great. More toys for them to witch hunt us with and make our lives even more of a living hell than it already is.

    More hard drive dogs. More surveillance drones. More cell phone scanners and cloners (Stingrays). More random drive-bys by patrol cars and overtime. More compliance checks. More elevated monitoring and heightened vigilance against us.

    Am I missing anything?

    • November 16, 2022

      Don’t forget all the marketing like banners, neighborhood flyers, road signs, yard signs, aerial banners, TV ads, etc etc

    • November 16, 2022


      They already use Military equipment donated by the U.S Government to many police departments. Mostly used for raids during drugs busts and active shooters. But what is to keep them from doing compliance checks with them?

      Since I do not have to notify my neighbors, some of them are in
      the dark unless they use nextdoor. It is when I get a compliance check when all the nosy neighbors come over and ask “What was that all about?” I have been blessed so far to not have more than one officer at a time come to my house. If I saw more than one, I simply do not go to the door and am under no obligation to do so.

      The last place I lived at was different, I was getting city, county, and state officers as well as my probation officer. No longer on probation so I get no harassment from law enforcement but more so from neighbors. Most of them know (Because I told them) that I fight back and have no issue defending my property and life.

      For the most part they think I am crazy, but they mostly leave me alone. They do tend to stare as they drive by. It makes me chuckle as I guess they think every time they drive by is a chance for them to see me taking hostages. What movies have these people been watching? What indoctrination have they been fed?

      And don’t forget, regardless if you were caught peeing in the woods or had your way with 100 kids, we are all the same to the public. Most, maybe not all, want us shipped off to an island, locked up in jail or want us executed in the town square.

      My license has a state code on it, but I have been called a Predator by a few people. I asked them to name one crime I was accused of, and they can’t. Because they didn’t look it up, they listen instead to gossip and misinformation.


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