8 thoughts on “John Oliver: Law & Order

  • September 16, 2022

    Brought some well needed humor into my day. Affected by the registry, we know that Oliver is right. Law enforcement and the lawyers who prosecute and defend the accused are flawed individuals. I guess it’s up to us to continue to shine a light of truth.

  • September 16, 2022

    Law & Order: Failure to Register

    • September 19, 2022

      That’s hilarious.

      I bet that show would be very popular. The vast majority of people living in Amerika are truly stupid and would eat that show up. It would fulfil their exact fantasies, I bet.

      It is way past time to stop treating Registry Supporters as if they have any sense or are moral. They need to be marginalized into the swamps of decent society.

      Wage war on Registry Supporters. They are enemies of informed, decent, moral Americans who live in reality. They are domestic terrorists.

  • September 16, 2022

    Law & Order RO (Registration Office)

  • September 16, 2022

    Law & Order: Compliance Ops

  • September 17, 2022

    A few weeks ago, a girl named Kiely Rodni went missing in northern California. The Placer County Sheriff’s Department determined she was abducted because she and her vehicle couldn’t be found (questionable logic, at best) and gathered neighboring counties, the FBI, and US Marshalls to spend 1900 man hours (and God knows how many dollars) conducting a sex offender sweep – straight out the pages of Law and Order: SVU. Not surprisingly, the sweep failed to find Rodni, her vehicle, or a lead to her whereabouts. However, they did manage arrests for 3 registry violations.

    Sadly, Rodni was found in her vehicle submerged in the lake near the party where she was last seen. Found by a handful of out-of-state volunteer scuba divers within a few hours of their arrival. Found looking where LE told them not to bother because the lake had been searched already.

    I bet a lot more LE “training” is based on Law and Order and CSI than they are willing to admit. The Rodni case is a perfect example of the flaws in doing so. They either forget or deliberately overlook (I suspect the latter) that they are TV shows with scripted results.

  • September 17, 2022

    I think my PO was trained on L&A, because one night on a curfew check he comes busting in and looking around the house, expecting, I guess to catch me in the act of doing some evil deed.

    He goes in the bathroom and opens the shower curtain. I’m thinking, “This man is going to judge how clean I keep my shower now?” so I ask him what it was all about. He tells me that apparently it’s possible there might have been a hostage or a body kept there behind the curtain, that it’s happened before. I had to stifle a laugh at that remark, but it was then I realized that these PO’s are mostly little scared creatures who have no ability to judge a person’s character and are literally terrified that they are going to be the one that misses catching the next criminal mastermind to come along.

    I guess catching someone in the act of living a mundane life is just to incredulous for these people.

  • September 17, 2022

    It seems even John Oliver is reluctant to criticize SVU; the criticism is largely limited to the blatant brutality and abuses by the Elliot Stabler character. But the Olivia Benson character was also crooked as well.


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