Job Summit for registrants to be held in Broward
ALL ARE INVITED! If you are located in Broward, Miami-Dade or Palm Beach Counties, we encourage you to attend this meeting.
Come and learn about some great opportunities!
Wednesday, April 6, 2022
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Department of Community Programs
2926 North State Road 7, Lauderdale Lakes, FL 33313
FEATURING: 2nd Chance Employment Information • Government Incentive
Programs • Resume Building • Interview Coaching • One on One Job Development
Eligibility Skills Workshop • Community Assistance Information • Refreshments
SPONSORED BY: Broward Sheriff’s Office • Broward Schools • Florida Department
of Corrections • Broward County Libraries • LEAP for Ladies • Team Americom
CareerSource Broward • OIC
For more information, please contact: Heather Echaniz • 954-375-6190 •
Wasn’t there a sheriff who hired a registrant to work for him in Vermont or somewhere up yonder? I don’t believe all cops are bad, I believe the bad ones spoil all. Kinda like us: not all registrants are bad; yet the ones who did the worst we get lumped in with them.
I will never work because the few jobs I had the boss always find an excuse to fire me when I know the real reason. Thanks to being disabled because I’m on the list I have a dependable income.
I hope unemployed/ underemployed registrants in the area can find meaningful work at this event giving others hope and maybe other counties with follow.
It would be nice if it was fully held on multiple days. I’d keep my head on a swivel and an exit strategy. Native american were promised all kinds of things. Hopefully it’s legit. I won’t trust sheriffs anywhere.
it’s legit
So you mean it would be nice if it was held in multiple days so that we could be forced to register wherever we were staying as a temporary address? That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.
Although I am not a mind reader, I think what he meant was that maybe some could not make it that day and if they held it for 2 or 3 days, perhaps more people would have the opportunity to attend?
But me personally, I appreciate this is being done at all. It somewhat feels like someone gives at least two toots about us.