Jacob Wetterling Resource Center Speaks AGAINST Sex Offender Requirements
“There is huge hysteria around released sex offenders when they are not usually the problem,” said Alison Feigh, the program director at the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center
Feigh said children are harmed most often by people they know, trust and have access to – not convicted sex offenders.
I agree those on the sex offender registry are portrayed a monsters hiding behind bushes waiting to abduct children, When empirical facts data- STATISTICS shows that the other criminal categories such as buglers-drug dealers-car thieves ect etc, have an offense rate well,over %50-higher- those on the sex offender registry have a %3 re-offence rate- that DOJ statistics document that % 95 of all child molestation occur by someone the child knows-trust
What is behind this fake news hysteria of sex offenders being fostered on the public?
It’s fostered by the sex offender industrial complex,which has made a prefabricated monster,which makes $billions yearly to scare the public with of S.O’s.
Examples: GPS ankle bracelet manufacturers/polygraph tester-fake assessment quacks- sheriff associations who’s agency’s rake in multi millions to monitor sex offenders-city’s-states that get Multi $$$millions from the feds FOR THE MONITORING OF S.O’s –
This is why the offenses have been lowered who can get on the S.O.R to public urination- mooning streaking–skinny dipping-mooning.teens doing the wild thing-sexting- children playing mommy-daddy-or put this way had these laws been enacted in the 1960’s half of Americans would be on the S.O.R today- let not forget all of the save the children ORG.’s from S.O’s, Lauren BOOKS of FL has found a free money making machine doing this- some politicians/judges-sheriffs have made a career-or get elected-reelected out of saving the children from S.O”s
Expose the sex offender industrial complex fake prefabricated monster- they would go broke. I guess the bottom is an assembled multitude has found a way to monetize sex taboos left by AMERICAS PURITANICAL PAST
What should have been done with a serial-dangerous child molester-sex assaulter was to lock them up for life, but the sex offender industrial complex couldn’t have made money on them in prison-now we have the people who founded the sex offender registry saying hold on this is not we wanted-hand in m ind
Anthony, it’s interesting to note that there is a facility in Arcadia, FL called the Florida Civil Commitment Center (or FCCC). This was previously known as the Jimmy Rice Center. One of the room mates living in the house came from there. He did 12 years in prison, was released and sent directly to FCCC for the following 8 years. The people held there are the “worst of the worst” according to THEIR version of what’s really monstrous (not that I agree with them at all). I cannot verify this information but my room mate was told by a resident of FCCC that FCCC would soon close down because it was costing the state too much money. The residents prison term has been served and if FCCC is truly on the chopping block due to cost overruns (or whatever), where do these residents go>? Out into the “civilized” world. If what was told to my room mate is accurate, releasing these men into the outside world would put more of a burden on taxpayers, but, as you point out, it would grease the pockets of the powers-that-be who create the myths of monsters with pitchfork and pointy tails
The Civil Commitment Center, to our knowledge, is not closing at any time soon. It is being operated by Boca Raton-based private prison company Geo Group, who is a HUGE contributor to Governor Rick Scott and is represented by lobbyist Ron Book.
guys, I have been asking about the passport mark. has anyone seen one in circulation yet?
no one has asked me to get another passport yet
also, how has the traveling been .
Parents are in denial because this very FACT that it is a person known to them with access to their kid and NOT a stranger and certainly NOT someone who is already a labelled as a “sex offender!”
Imagine the horror if they need to face Facts and Reality. Can’t have that…NO…they would rather have a scapegoat to pin all their fears on instead of accepting the truth and actually being responsible parents!
Keeping keep kids safe – or just “feel good” laws? We all know the truth because FACTS are FACTS and political LIES can not change reality!
Let’s keep the fact train rolling along – Knowledge is power even if ignorance is bliss! Let’s make enough noise to Wake Them Up!
Let’s make enough noise with the facts that politicians can no longer get away using using bullshit stats and have to face actual facts!
Hopefully this statement will go viral. The Jacob Wetterling Resource Center is an organization that carries weight with society and law enforcement. The politicians need to hear this!!!!
It does, but mainly in Minnesota. It’s great the Wetterlings are speaking out about this, she has been for awhile. Thing is, she went Federal in a very outspoken way to get the law passed, wouldn’t it be great if she did the same to get the laws changed?
When will our legislators wake up to the facts and realize they are doing more damage to lives and families than RSO’s?
I used to think it would happen when Child Advocacy groups began speaking out about the money wasted on tracking and the degradation of our communities as a result of misguided fear, etc. But I soon realized that will never happen because much of what all this is about is the comfort of having a group to blame, demonize and enact revenge and guilt upon. I mean take Mrs. Kanka for example. How guilty must she feel that she was letting her 7 year old child roam around the neighborhood alone without having a speck of knowledge about how to interact with strangers, to never go inside someone’s house alone no matter what and had never even bothered to meet her neighbors so that she is aware of her who’s in the neighborhood. Then notice when she talks about what happened, she is always sure to say that Megan was easily lured in by a “Puppee Dawg” and she always says it like a 3 year old would say it, implying that Megan had no power whatsoever, that she did what any regular child would thereby publicly resolving herself of any blame. My two nieces are 6 and 9 and they have been properly coached by their parents and would never in a million years walk into a strangers house alone – never. Mrs. Kanka has been very successful in her quest and so each of us everyday are treated as if we had raped and killed Megan ourselves. There something really sick and twisted in all of that. But those days are ending. People are waking up to where the real problem lies and the Law and the research and even public opinion, all just keep building stronger and stronger on our side. To anyone who has spent anytime delving into this issue, the evidence is truly overwhelming. We are just having to wait an extra long time for our day in Court to be heard before an intelligent, Constitution-honoring judge where all they have to do is apply the Law. The good news is that day is coming. It’s what happens when one finds themselves on the right side of an issue. Each State has had to take their turn. Florida will be no different.
Richard, great reply. You are right on!