Is the Sex Offender Registry Fair?

Sexual offenses are serious crimes. There is no doubt that the intentions behind creating the laws meant to punish and deter sex offenders were noble.

However, according to opponents of the sex offender registration laws, such as Human Rights Watch, there is no proof that these laws achieved the purpose they were designed for.

As a former sex crimes prosecutor, I share that skepticism.

It’s one reason why, after years of serving as Chief of the Sex Unit and Chief of the Child Abuse Unit in Macomb County, Michigan, I left a cushy government job to serve on the defense side of the table.


16 thoughts on “Is the Sex Offender Registry Fair?

  • March 10, 2022

    From what I’ve heard in news it appears Maxine Grissom might get a new trial because one of the juries on her trial had been sexually abused and was instrumental in influencing others in an irrational way. This being the case . Why is it legal for people like this or a close relative allowed to push ,or influence politicians in irrational ways to pass legislation that is based on isolated cases?

  • March 9, 2022

    Registry is not fair in my case. I took a ‘Youthful Offender’ plea at 18 yrs old. There was not a sentence on me to register for life in 1996; that law didn’t exist. They broke their plea agreement with me. Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’ and your ‘No’ be ‘No’. Whatever is more than these is from the evil one (Matt. 5: 37).


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