Is Profit Driving Florida’s Sex Offense Registry?

I was arrested by my local police agency and spent 24 days incarcerated, including the six days it took to transport me from Ohio to Florida so I could bond out and mount my defense. But Florida delayed my release in order to force me to register on the public sex offense registry.

I have never lived in the state of Florida, nor have I ever desired to reside in that state. I briefly traveled to Florida in the past to engage in a peaceful demonstration against the primary proponent of residency restriction laws that harm returning citizens and drive up homeless rates in South Florida.

I had also traveled briefly to the state to hand out Christmas care packages to those made homeless by the Miami municipal residency restriction ordinance named after the same proponent I had protested the year before. Given a choice, I would not have spent even a single day in Florida.

But now, due to this false accusation that was recently dropped (through a nolle prosequi), I am currently listed on the state’s public sex offense registry for life.

I decided to look a little deeper.


37 thoughts on “Is Profit Driving Florida’s Sex Offense Registry?

  • January 31, 2022

    Florida’s got two registries: the one we all hate with 80k on it and the one for Soliciting prostitution. The latter has one name on it and as of now your name is listed for 5 years. I thought human trafficking was a huge problem in Florida; but who’s trafficking who. I never paid for sex, but Florida gets paid for trafficking my name as dangerous to their communities.

  • January 30, 2022

    I can’t think of any legitimate reason why Floriduh or other criminal regimes would not remove temporary visitors from their Hit Lists. So I’ve come to the conclusion that Floriduh wants to encourage visitors to not Register.

    The criminal regime of Floriduh obviously then either doesn’t actually care about public safety or they don’t believe their magic Lists help.

    What the criminals want is to be able to:

    Arrest more people.
    Imprison more people.
    Lie to the citizens about what a problem “sex offenders” are and how government needs to stay big and bigger in order to protect everyone. And of course they need more $$$$$$$$$$$ to do that.

    Floriduh is a criminal operation that is a danger to Americans.

    • January 30, 2022

      Will Allen

      Think of it from this perspective. Say you are a wholesome family with kids and want to come for a vacation. Then you learn Florida has one of the largest population of sex offenders on every corner of the state. Just lurking and awaiting kidnapping your kids when your not looking.

      Yes we know that is not the case but with them inflating the #’s, that does not look good for the tourism perspective. Everyone pretty much agrees it is about funding for more and more registry resources so they can hire more officers, which means more patrol cars, more training, more equipment, more over time etc. etc. etc. Oh and pay raises for the Sheriff’s themselves of course.

      Small % about safety , HUGE % about the money. How do you think they pay for sting operations where they arrest tons of people that are meeting cops, not a real victim, but get the same charges anyway. Traveling to meet a minor that doesn’t exist.
      A concept crime I guess.

      • January 30, 2022

        Sure. That’s not the part I was talking about, but it is also relevant.

        What I meant is IF Floriduh ACTUALLY thinks it is important for visiting PFRs to tell the regime that they are visiting, then they would make it as easy as possible to do it. Instead, they give a bunch of disincentives. I don’t even feel like talking about them, let alone doing them. But to start with, I’m not interested at all in taking hours out of my life to tell a criminal regime that I am going to be visiting somewhere for a few days. I’m not interested in telling them so they can tell me all the places I supposedly cannot go or be, or all the various ways that they plan to harass my family. Definitely not interested in being listed on their Hit List after I leave their jurisdiction. All that. And THEN, I have to take even more time to retaliate for all of it. Very time consuming. Not interested.

        Floriduh could make it very quick and easy. But they don’t want to. They don’t want visitors to be able to Register easily. Because it doesn’t affect public safety at all and/or they don’t care if it does. And because they want to be able to arrest some % of visitors. Bottom line is that they are criminals who aren’t fit to govern anyone. They deserve no respect and all the contempt people can give them.

        Regarding your point, I have a wholesome family that takes a lot of vacations. I also personally pay to take all of my extended family on a long vacation every year and it always, always costs at least $10K. Usually a lot more. We’ve gone to Floriduh a bit. But I’ve started insisting that we don’t any longer. There are a number of scumbag states we avoid. Funny thing is that I don’t pay any attention to the Hit Lists where I’m going. I don’t care if they have 50K people listed, or a million. I know they are lying scumbags who can’t be trusted. I’ll protect my own family.

        De-f’ing-fund all big government and especially their law enforcement criminals.

  • January 30, 2022

    Think about it, why would those clowns keep dead people on the list, except for cash.

    I bet the us doj gives florida cash for everyone on that list, so they keep dead people and people who moved away, on their list.

    This is corruption and theft from the public to fund a corrupt government, based on fear mongering, also gross and disgusting human rights violations and is pure evil.

  • January 29, 2022

    We all know that it’s punishment, we all know it’s a political game, and we all know that it’s a money grab. What the public doesn’t know, is what’s allowing it to remain for now.

  • January 29, 2022

    I long ago vowed to never set foot in Florida because of its tortured registration laws. Apparently that is not enough if one ever annoys someone there. Derek has been a strong advocate for reforming SO laws, and does not pull his punches. That is what put him on the radar of some powerful person. It sounds like he got the “Book” thrown at him. I’m just sayin’.

  • January 28, 2022

    I’ll be laughing when Rep. Matt Gaetz Is arrested and convicted of his crimes of sex trafficking. Florida is truly the d**k of the country and nobody has the balls to take the corruption on.

    • January 29, 2022

      I’m hoping him having to register is catalyst for change in Florida.


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