Is Profit Driving Florida’s Sex Offense Registry?

I was arrested by my local police agency and spent 24 days incarcerated, including the six days it took to transport me from Ohio to Florida so I could bond out and mount my defense. But Florida delayed my release in order to force me to register on the public sex offense registry.

I have never lived in the state of Florida, nor have I ever desired to reside in that state. I briefly traveled to Florida in the past to engage in a peaceful demonstration against the primary proponent of residency restriction laws that harm returning citizens and drive up homeless rates in South Florida.

I had also traveled briefly to the state to hand out Christmas care packages to those made homeless by the Miami municipal residency restriction ordinance named after the same proponent I had protested the year before. Given a choice, I would not have spent even a single day in Florida.

But now, due to this false accusation that was recently dropped (through a nolle prosequi), I am currently listed on the state’s public sex offense registry for life.

I decided to look a little deeper.


37 thoughts on “Is Profit Driving Florida’s Sex Offense Registry?

  • January 27, 2022

    Soooooo… Roughly 1 in 5 inmates within the FDOC have a sex offense. Or did that number include jails as well? I ask myself this and wonder, of all those currently incarcerated, how many are serving time for a registry violation. Just a thought.

    • January 27, 2022

      Honestly I never served any time for my actual SO. However, I was sentenced to one year for failure to register. To be accurate and fair, my first failure to register was met with 1 yr probation on the ankle monitor. The second failure to register resulted in a 1 yr sentence which was in 2018 and I believe that is when they started doing to 1yr minimum mandatory for registry violations?

      • January 28, 2022

        @ Tim P.,

        It’s 6 months MANDATORY MINIMUM while wearing an anklet for a registry violation.

        • January 28, 2022


          But one has to wonder. How can something that is supposedly “Non punitive in nature” cause someone to be re-sentenced to new charges, which are punitive? Remember, the registry is supposed just a “Tool” for the public to use, not as punishment?
          I think I just learned the definition of oxymoron. “a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction”.
          So I guess the registry both is and is not punishment depending on if you are trying to fight it. If you are on it, it is punishment. If trying to get off, it conveniently is not. Do any of you have a headache? I do.

    • January 29, 2022

      I had looked this up years ago while incarcerated and sure enough, the same information is in the most recent version of the FDOC annual report (2020-2021).
      Am attaching the link here, but the main information on numbers by offense type are on pages 47-49. Keep in mind, though, the rest of it is the world according to THEM.


  • January 27, 2022

    Please tell us that you have planned or are in process of a scorched earth litigation for a false arrest. I wouldn’t put it past the Books for being vindictive and starting that mess.

    • January 28, 2022

      Don’t worry, there’s something in the works. I have to see what exactly can be done, and if so there’s likely details I can’t share publicly, just like I couldn’t share the details of the false theft case until it was closed. But based on what I have, chances the Books were involved in the false theft case is higher than the chance the Browns will win the Super Bowl.

  • January 27, 2022

    Just like anything political, follow the money. Robin Williams was famous for saying congress should get jackets like Nascar with their sponsors on them so we know why they make their decisions.

  • January 27, 2022

    I read through this twice. It is VERY WELL WRITTEN!” Too bad main stream news media on and about Florida will never cover it because many of such outlets are owned by Disney, which has a vested interest in promoting its own self interests

    • January 28, 2022

      That’s why I sent it to The Crime Report.

      I was worried they wouldn’t publish it at first since I usually get an email whenever they make edits, and especially because I discussed the Books and their own questionable motives for supporting the registry.

      The Miasma Herald is on my (bovine excrement) list for trying to throw my name into the mix over that alleged extortion scheme against the State Senator. I hope I can add them to any future litigation I file, along with Florida Politics.

  • January 27, 2022

    It would seem that registration status in Florida would be lieu of a pending outcome, which was in your favor. Any other similar legal circumstance would have removed the burden, even though I could see if you overstayed your welcome after your release, which you didn’t. So yes, I have thought for many years the registry in Florida is purely a political federal money grab under the guise of protecting children.

    • January 27, 2022

      Likewise, this smells like Lauren Book.

      • January 28, 2022

        Get the Febreeeze! Siomething’s definitely fishy in South FloriDUH.

        Lauren Book helped Ron DeSantis in his efforts to silence political critics when she added the addendum to a cyberstalking billlast year that includes statements not directed at someone, but merely spoken about them. So if you talk bad about her, she could have you arrested.

        It seems a tad ironic that Lauren Book is passing legislation that is so eerily similar to Sharia law (it is illegal to public officials in many fundamentalist Muslim nations) or to the Nazis (which also imprisoned political dissidents).

        • January 30, 2022

          If Lauren doesn’t like criticism or opposing views she shouldn’t of put herself out there. Lauren should just get her name changed to little baby. She sure acts like one by having a tantrum and whinging all the time. Maybe she just needs more of her bottle.


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