Is Our Criminal Justice System in Decline?
When an article published in 2020 by the CATO Institute was sent to me, I was dubious about posting it as the title, “America’s Criminal Justice System Is Rotten to the Core,” sounded harsh. Knowing that there are some people within the system who consciously follow the constitution, I did not want FAC to offend these particular people.
Then I read the article and feel there are some statements that need to be considered.
According to Clark Neily with the CATO Institute, “I see three fundamental pathologies in America’s criminal justice system that completely undermine its moral and political legitimacy and render it a menace to the very concept of constitutionally limited government. Those three pathologies are: (1) unconstitutional overcriminalization; (2) point-and-convict adjudication; and (3) near-zero accountability for police and prosecutors.”
Keeping in mind that there are many reasonable prosecutors, court officials, and law enforcement officers, Neily’s article is worth pondering.
As long as prosecutors are rated in terms of number of convictions, convictions rates, and number of years sentenced – coupled with pretty much running the judicial system via judges signing whatever is put in front of them without reading beyond the signature block – the so-called “justice system” will remain as is.
The only change that might come about is the length of time in pretrial confinement, which will be largely due to the defendant and how long it takes to get him to agree to plea, truth be damned.
When I was sentenced, my attorney told me we were screwed because the judge and the prosecutor were best friends, and he often saw them having lunch together.
When I tried to get my sentenced reduce under a re-consideration, the judge said we were wasting the court’s time. Then when I did my prison and house arrest, we tried to get the probation reduced. No dice.
Well, when a judge rotation came around about 1/3 way through my probation, we went before another judge, but I drew the same prosecutor. This time, the new judge saw through the prosecutor’s commitment to make everyone do every day of their sentences and he overruled her and canceled my remaining 6 years.
I have been off sanctions now for more than 21 years. Still working my way off the registry. (It is not free, nor easy)
Wow! So who’s throwing the book at the justice system. Does America even know the foundation of justice. Is the justice system reclining or declining. With the sex registry its declining also with many other crimes in general. Supposition or the assumption of a crime is the truth lies in the accountability of the actor. One wonders about justice in general.
These are all issues that face many. Even the accountability of the judges and prosecutors is in jeopardy. When authority goes unchecked with a man made constitution than where is biblical reasoning. So who can say
“Once Fallen”.
Yeah guys, I know what you mean. It reminds me of a very appropriate verse of scripture. Ecclesiastes 3: [16] Moreover I saw under the sun that in the place of justice, even there was wickedness, and in the place of righteousness, even there was wickedness.
I myself heard of CATO back in 2015 and probably the name of Lenore Skenazy rings a bell for some. Here is one of her audio articles from the site for those interested. While I was involved in an internet sting operation what surprise’s me is the unofficial conduct that police go to in these types of ordeals vs a real type of situation as the audio will point out. Speaking out to newspapers can help in much of these devastating ordeals that should be abolished in many ways.
so called christian shady grady should read this and see how moral he n cronies are!
“It is immoral to use force against another person without sufficient justification, and that is true even when the perpetrator is acting at the behest of the state. At the risk of stating the obvious, the fact that a person prefers the “wrong” not-particularly-harmful intoxicant is not a sufficient moral justification for doing violence to that person. Nor should it represent a sufficient constitutional justification for employing state violence, but unfortunately—and to its immense discredit—our judiciary says otherwise.”