Internet Identifier update

We have been bombarded with questions and concerns about the new internet identifier law that was just put into effect and the email notification circulated by the FDLE today.

Please be assured that there are very competent attorneys working on this issue.

FAC has sent a letter to the FDLE this morning, which can be found here:

Continue to check back here for updates.

FAC remains eternally grateful to the attorneys at Weitzner and Jonas, the Florida Justice Institute, as well as the FACDL and numerous members of the legal community whose generous contributions kick-started this challenge.

29 thoughts on “Internet Identifier update

  • June 29, 2017

    And what about sites that require you to be 18 or older…?? Why isn’t that specified in this silly law??

  • June 29, 2017

    Thanks Gail and FAC team for submitting that. I read the letter and appreciate every question asked, as I would have asked the same thing. Especially the notice they gave 24 hours AFTER the required 48 hour registration window…..what kind of a setup is this??

  • June 29, 2017

    We should NOT have to inform each other – that is ludicrous! How do we know who is correct and who is not??

  • June 29, 2017

    I just read the letter, awesome letter; since people can buy and sell things on facebook, would that be exempt as well? actually almost all unpaid for apps is buying and selling perhaps not personally but they sell people’s personal data would that constitute buying and selling?

    • June 30, 2017

      Commercial websites that are service oriented are exempt.

  • June 29, 2017

    I hope FDLE will be specific as to what they want. I will be more than happy to provide but I need to know exactly what they are talking about. I use the internet as a tool, and not as a ‘toy’.

    • June 29, 2017

      Yes, The way I’m understanding it is, I have to register EVERY website I visit ;;????. Craigslist to banking apps ??! I don’t understand what their wanting !!!!?????

      • June 29, 2017

        @Tired: No, you do not have to register websites you visit, only websites (or apps) where you interact with others (i.e., post information, contact another person) for “social internet communication” as defined by the law. According to the current version of the law, this does not include internet communication via websites or applications that are primarily used to buy and sell goods and services, disseminate news or interact with a governmental entity.

        If you read the law, this is pretty clear. Although I agree with others that the requirement to disclose this information is unconstitutional because it chills legitimate, lawful speech and is punitive in effect and is therefore an ex post facto law, in my opinion this version of the law is less onerous than the version in effect a few days ago because (1) it gives us 48 hours to report the information, not prior to use as before and (2) it provides new exemptions (websites for buying and selling goods and services, news, etc.).

        All of these “concessions” were made because the prior, extremely aggressive version that never went into effect was enjoined by a federal district court judge due to the continuing litigation by the FAC and its attorneys.

        • June 29, 2017

          When is the Ex-post-facto lawsuit going to start ?
          I was sentenced in 1990, Adjudeacated withheld and to do 15 years probation, this is a nightmare that never ends……I really don’t want to have to move to Mich. to get my name removed from this list….Thank You

          • June 30, 2017

            Hey Brother. I hear ya !!!. I was Adjucation Witheld Also !!. Only did 4 years Probation. While on Probation. Florida passed all these New laws(Jessica Lundsford and others) and now somehow, I’m CONVICTED and on the Registery for LIFE !!! We own (Outright) 2 homes here, Own a Business here in Florida, All my and my wife’s Family/Friends are here in Florida, Including our Grandkids which we spend lots of time with !!! And now we’re preparing to move to Utah so I can get off the Registery !!!. There(and most Western States) it’s only 10 years, And your able to petition the court as early as 7 years if you’ve had no other arrests since EOS !!. Having to give up so much (more) just to have some illusion of a “Normal” Life !!!. It still troubles me that we as a New Class of Citizens are totally exempt from the U S CONSTITUTION !! ????. Nobody cares(FAC not included) about a EX Offender until something happens to them or their family/friend !! By then all these crazy laws are passed and THOUSANDS of EX Offenders are in Prison (Again) !!!!!!!!. God Help This Doomed Country… Not one law or Requirement that has been passed will prevent someone(Ex Offender or Citizen) from harming a child(or anyone) if they choose to do so !!!!!. It’s all about the MONEY, AND CONTROL OVER THE PEOPLE !!!!!.

          • June 30, 2017

            you might want to consult a lawyer before you move.. my understanding is you have to register according to the sentencing court / state. moving out of state does not change that requirement . in order to be removed from the registry, you have to petition the sentencing court, you can not ask Utah to remove you from the list unless that is where you where sentenced

          • June 30, 2017

            Checked. Checked. And Rechecked !! Spoke with States Attorney personally. I’m good to go !! Some states go by original state. But only a few..

          • July 1, 2017

            Jerry – yes I have heard that about some states also. I had heard that specifically about Utah. Not all states are like that though. A person has to check very carefully before taking that plunge. Years ago North Dakota told me if an RSO moves there they do a testing thing and then put them in a Tier and then they are subject to ND law after that.

          • July 1, 2017

            Tired Of Being Mistreated – Use caution before moving to Utah. It is true they have more relaxed laws for RSOs but I was told once, about 4 yrs ago or so, that Utah is one of the states that if you move there they apply the RSOs laws from the state where you were adjudicated. Double and triple check before you go. Do not just take the first persons word for it.

        • June 29, 2017

          So, No Facebook or Dating Sites !!!. Twitter is a news feed site so ???.

      • June 29, 2017

        I go to websites around the world looking for model airplane kits. I never know where my search will lead me. I also go to numerous websites in my research on aircraft history for a book I plan to write. There is no way I can know or remember all of the sites as they vary from aircraft type to aircraft type.

        • June 29, 2017

          I honestly believe this is a “legal” way for Florida to institute a “Mass Roundup/Arrest to (lie) “show” how dangerious a EXOffender is, so florida can justify keeping “Lifetime” Registeration and keep getting Federal Grant MONEY !!!!! ITS ALL ABOUT THE money !!… they KNOW WE CANT REGISTER EVERY WEBSITE WE CLICK ON !!! WE NEVER KNOW UNTIL WE SEARCH FOR SOMETHUING THAT REQUIRES US TO CLICK ON A CERTAIN WEBSITE !!!!! ITS ALL A LEGAL “TRAP” !!!!!!!!

  • June 29, 2017

    So how long before the owners of these websites amps in the forums start asking for a list so that they can begin removing us like what happened with Facebook


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