International Megan’s Law to be Challenged in Federal Court

News for Sex Offenders

The Alliance for Constitutional Sex Offense Laws (ACSOL) has announced that they intend to file a federal challenge to the passport identifier recently revealed by the U.S. State Department within the next 90 days.

FAC has committed resources to help in the fight.

If you are interested in being named as a plaintiff or would like to share your experience traveling internationally since the passage of the IML, please visit:

If you have been denied entry into another country, travel frequently (outside the country) for work or to visit family, been harassed outside the US because of your registration status, have a fiancee outside the US you are unable to sponsor (or visit), or experience other negative consequences when traveling outside the US, please complete the above form.

  • Note that ALL registrants experience negative consequences at the border when re-entering the US, but for purposes of this challenge, we are interested in hearing what happens in other countries.

21 thoughts on “International Megan’s Law to be Challenged in Federal Court

  • November 8, 2017

    This is great news I have not tried to travel yet but I have a close friend that is in the army that is trying to get stationed in Germany and I would like to be able to visit him over there some day

    • November 8, 2017

      This is thebdesignator on the passport. The countries deny entry based on the interpol records. Doesnt change the entry denials just not have to carry a scarlet letter

    • November 9, 2017

      Germany probably won’t eco;ude you if you are not on probation. IIRC, they courts have ruled that SO lists, particularly public ones, are violative of German and EU laws.

      • November 9, 2017

        Because we know what happened the last time Germany started putting people’s names on lists.

  • November 8, 2017

    My mother is 100. Her family hails from the UK. When my mum passes on, she wants to go back home. If this notification takes place on the passports, I will not be allowed into the country anymore. Who is going to take my mum home? The UK does not allow RSO’s into their country.

    • November 9, 2017

      Too late, Dave. They already exclude you.

  • November 8, 2017

    Thank God! I hope that they prevail. And I hope that this un-constitutional legislation STOPS! It is ruining the country. Please just stop it. Thank you!

  • November 8, 2017

    I wonder….is this somehow related to trying to sponsor someone for immigration here but only being allowed to try to sponsor one time and never again? Something about the Adam Walsh Act I believe affects international immigration as well…. May be a bit off topic but I don’t think that’s right either.

    • November 12, 2017

      JV you couldn’t sponsor a foreigner for the purposes of immigration before IML and you also can’t petition the family court system either for the purposes of child related issues ie custody or adoption

  • November 8, 2017

    Even without the unique identifier you are still supposed to notify the U.S. Marshalls office 21days prior to leaving the country so they can notify your destination in advance. The identifier is intended to mark you after you’ve left that country and travel to another one that the Marshalls service hasn’t previously notified.

    So losing the identifier would be great, it’s still only half the problem.

    • November 9, 2017

      The problem with the unique identifier is that it could be used to deny you things like accommodations in countries that would still let you in like Germany, Belgium, Italy, Spain, etc. It strikes me that many of the countries that are excluding RSO’s are ones that have vibrant “sex tourism” industries to begin with. Nice to know that they are doing something to shut that down….NOT!

      • November 12, 2017

        Oh, and one more thing.Public disclosure of this type off information would be ILLEGAL in a number of countries in places like the EU if their governments tried to do it.

  • November 8, 2017

    Having the identifier removed from the passport is only a band-aid. The issue is, ex post facto, being required to inform our public SERVANTS of our intended or planned travel in the first place, when it is already a God-given natural right allegedly protected by their CONstitutions. The fact that State laws, SORNA, the travel restrictions, etc., have all been enacted and applied retroactively, being incorporated into their criminal statutes with attending punishments, while they hyporcritically feign it’s only ‘civil’, is THE ISSUE!

    • November 12, 2017

      The powers that be are sometimes late or drop the ball entirely in notifying the country your visiting thus you get in problem free the identifier help you do their jobs for them just in case they forget not to mention the added bonus of demeaning you in front of anyone who you must show your passport to

  • November 8, 2017

    Obviously this is unnecessary and makes the USA look stupid which granted, is quite an accomplishment after the past few years!

    However, it is clearly intended to cause those affected to not renew and/or get a passport…thus trapping them within the confines of the USA where Law Enforcement can continue to abuse them here and violate everyone eventually with their ever growing list of obscure “laws” and keep the prison system full.

    It also makes corrupt politicians appear to be “tough on crime” even though it is all bullshit. I fear for not only you and I but for our entire country if this is not stopped and a very dangerous precedent is set.

    Even darker days ahead for the “land of the free” – guess that needs to be updated now as well!

  • November 8, 2017

    Sometimes I’m completely overwhelmed knowing all the restrictions my son will face. This madness must stop.

  • November 10, 2017

    Hi I just saw on a website that on November 9 (yesterday) the former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson was denied entry to Chile due to he’s conviction of rape.he was returned to the USA.

    • November 10, 2017

      Maybe if enough of these Hollywood big shots and Political hacks actually get convicted it might put more pressure on these illegal alerts.

    • November 12, 2017

      Enrique I dont think Mike Tyson would have the same identifier as us since he was convicted of a crime against an adult. He was probably denied based on being a felon alone besides they haven’t revoked his passport yet and made him apply for a new one. I wonder if he were still heavy weight champ would he have been allowed to enter

  • November 10, 2017

    “ The U.S. Government Accountability Office and State Department quietly admitted that there is no mass exodus of people on the registry traveling to sex tourism destinations to engage in rape and child molestation ”.

    Enough said.


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