Indiana court rules that sex with 16-year-olds is fine, but sexting them is not
Having sex with a 16-year-old in Indiana is legal but sending one nude photos isn’t, the Indiana Supreme Court ruled this week.
The court’s unanimous 5-0 ruling means that Sameer Thakar, a former teacher at North Central High School, will go on trial for allegedly sending a 16-year-old girl from Oregon a nude image of himself in 2014, The Indianapolis Star reported. If convicted, he could serve three years behind bars.
Thakar allegedly sent the photo to the girl after they discussed her age, and she told him she wished she were 18. He later confessed to police that he had a problem with chatting online.
Thakar’s charge — a felony count of disseminating matter harmful materials to a minor — was originally dismissed last year on the basis that the state’s dissemination statute was vague because the age of consent for sex in Indiana is 16, the paper reported. While an appeals court upheld the dismissal, the state’s top court disagreed.
The Supreme Court judges acknowledged that while the laws may seem inconsistent, there’s no conflict between them because it’s still possible to follow both simultaneously.
How STUPID has this Countries “Government” become ????. They (The Government) makes laws like strictly to “Confuse” the General Public !! Law should be UNIFORM ACROSS THE COUNTRY !!! Same laws that are “Whatever” in Florida, Should be the same in Kentucky, Montana or California !!. Meaning, When it comes to a law like this that would/should be a “Federal” Law.. And the fact that PHYSICAL SEXUAL PENETRATION, Isn’t “AS BAD” as “Sending a nude PICTURE of the person to yourself or whoever ???. . This says SO FREAKING MUCH about the mentality of the “People Of Power” in “The NEW America” !!!!!. These people are who should be “ON A REGISTERY” of some kind !!!!. So We as U.S. Citizens will know who NOT TO VOTE FOR !!!!. All I can say about this Statement is WOW !!!???!!??!!??
Looks like cnn is tackling the issue: this is life is hitting the sex offender registry and how its unbalanced especially in the case of youth and lifetime registration.
Sounds like my Florida case in reverse…myself and my “victim” (she was my girlfriend and we lived together) were well within the acceptable age limit for consensual sex under Florida law, but I became in possession of child pornography when she took some sexy pictures of herself and edited them on our computer, then deleting them. She was named as a codefendant for destruction of evidence for deleting her own photos off of her own computer.
I don’t get that…a person can consummate sex with a 16 year old, but that same person can’t send a picture of what he/she consummated with…SMH.
Yes – you can have sex with a 16 year old in Indiana, but you cannot send a pornographic picture to that same 16 year old.
They removed the logic requirement from pre-law? First I’ve heard of it.
Where is this disconnect with reality?????