India and Jamaica denying entry to registered sex offenders
Registrant Travel Action Group ( has updated it’s travel matrix to unfortunately reflect India and Jamaica as countries that are denying entry to individuals registered as sex offenders.
The link to their travel matrix can be found below.
Has anyone traveled to El Salvador or know if sexo offenders are allowed entry or not?
Hi, have you recently been to Guatemala or do you know if they are still letting SO’s in? Because I plan on going to Guatemala in 2021
I was able to enter Guatemala in 2020. In June 2021 I was denied entry and told I could never try again. I wasn’t served any paperwork, so I don’t know that I am legally banned. But it doesn’t look good to try again. What a nightmare to go through. I lost a ton of money and had been saving for over a year to go back.
For all that was denied to Jamaica or other countries did your offenses involve a minor? Or rape?
Is it considered international travel if the cruise ship is leaving and returning to a US port?
One would think not – but if you’re boarding a boat going to a non-US island anywhere along the route, you will be required to show a passport before boarding.
Carnival says that we can board with birth certificates and ID’s. If he doesn’t leave the ship, then he is technically not entering the other country?
Where is the ship flagged, and does enter international waters?
Went on a 7 day carnival cruise in 2019. Couldn’t get off in Jamaica of the Caymen Islands they confiscated my passport on the ship. Gave it back and let me go to Mexico.
Yes I traveled to Mexico on a cruise ship last year
I would really like to take a cruise to Mexico but I hear they deny all RSO.
Are you currently on the registry? Also did you report your travel and which cruise line did you take?
Really appreciate feedback
Anytime you embark on a journey to a country that RTAG flags as being stopped before entry you run the risk of being turned away at best or losing the whole trip (and money) at worst.
I think the border folks at the major ports are on much higher alerts than at non-traditional ports of entry. I managed to go on a dive trip in the sea of cortez a few years ago, but I flew into Phoenix and crossed the border in AZ.
They absolutely turn away RSO arriving by air. Mixed results by sea. Land crossing through the border I have heard is the easiest way to enter Mexico. In any case, you need to report travel ahead of time if required to register. I’ve heard of agents arresting RSO traveling that failed to notify.
it dont matter adult or minor rock, a RPs are denied
It doesn’t matter of the offense if your a RSO
it is the countries decision to let you in or not,
not to even mention AWC will alert them first after a 21 day notification so again dont matter what the offense is
don’t see this question answered. I am an RSO. required to register. Not on megan site.
“What if i dont inform the authorities of my travel per the 21 day notice?”. Has anyone traveled without giving this alert?
I have a feeling as soon as you give this notice they ask if you have the stamp or ask you to get the stamp. then they alert whatever country you going to.
but I hear some of you saying you have no stamp,you traveled fine = did you not alert authorities the 21 day notice? This is what it sounds like because im sure they will bring up the new stamp on passport soon as you contact them.
In Florida, not providing notice is a 3rd Degree Felony. We would NEVER advocate anyone committing a crime.
Alert comes from
advance notification, not stamp. What receiving country does with that alert, varies by country (see Registrant Travel Matrix).
The law says simply to make the advance notification. It’s up to State Dept to let RSO know whether they’ll need to get the stamp.
question. if a person released from the Reg. after a 10 yr hitch release date 2006 and which is rare of course and 15 yrs later does travel requirements stand? as your not registered and angelwatch has no info. (or not suppose to have.)on you and then what about the scarlet letter stamp which the person doesnt have?
any thoughts or comments from others if there is any that traveled after released from reg. person was able to travel many times a yr to philippines. no issues
possible answer florida action committee
question. if a person released from the Reg. after a 10 yr hitch release date 2006 and which is rare of course and 15 yrs later does travel requirements stand? as your not registered and angelwatch has no info. (or not suppose to have.)on you and then what about the scarlet letter stamp which the person doesnt have?
any thoughts or comments from others if there is any that traveled after released from reg. person was able to travel many times a yr to philippines. no issues
Its up to your registry police. If you don’t let them know you may face 5-10 years in Federal and State prison. whether you tell them or not INTERPOL notifies any country you buy a ticket for as your passport number is tied to your rso status. There is no way around this. REGISTER BEFORE YOU LEAVE!!!!!! Its a crime if you don’t and they’ll catch you when you get back. ONCE I was asked by a ticket agent “DID YOU LET THE AUTHORITIES KNOW OF YOUR TRAVELS?” I was like WTF???? How does a TICKET SALESPERSON know of me??? It comes up on their computers under your name and date of birth. DO NOT RISK YOUR FREEDOM!
I traveled in 2017 and didn’t let anyone know. And in 2019 to the Bahamas and the state police said it wasn’t necessary. Nothing happened?
When did this experience happen for you and where were you going?
If your passport is not stamped, why open your mouth?
Don’t do it! CBP knows who is getting on every international flight! It is a federal felony and registrants have been convicted!
So, I am a RSO and I am going on a cruise to the Bahamas in August. Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do when it comes to this? I haven’t received a notification about my passport being revoked and i was convicted in 2015. any advice? Off topic, being on the SOL is ridiculously humiliating and mentally crippling. Sucks. i am only 29 and was convicted at 24. Went to college. First ever time being in trouble and first conviction.
Hey I am also 29 and got convicted in 2015. I actually went to the Bahamas with my girlfriend in February 2019. Once i got there my passport was flagged. They took me to another room and a women asked about my charge. I explained and she took a copy of my passport and said I am welcome to come visit anytime.
I enjoyed my stay. I think you should be fine. Once I came back I got a letter stating my passport is revoked. This was March. I still have not returned it or updated my passport. But I’m trying to give as much information to help. You might get revoked after the trip but going I think you’ll be okay
Where do you live and which state was your conviction? Did you give your state a 21 day advance notice before you traveled? What questions did the lady in the Bahamas ask you? What happened when you re-entered into the USA?
I’m from Oregon. Level 3. Currently on probation. I believe my PO notified someone in the embassy. I went to give my local police department the notice but they said there was no need. When I got to the Bahamas. I was pulled a side cause my passport got flagged (no marker) lady took me in the back asked about my crime and said i was fine. Coming back the US customs is in the Bahamas. Got pulled aside again. Similar questions and i got on the plane.
I have traveled out of the country a few times. Never gave a official notice and nothing has come up besides the typical questioning. Reporting your travel is on the state level and there is no backlash since there is no way for a customs agent to see if you reported it to your local sheriffs office. This my based off my experience.
Hope this helps
Daniel – reporting INTERNATIONAL travel is on the FEDERAL LEVEL. International Megan’s Law requires it.
All – please do not do as others do, do as you are required.
Yes it is the law.
The law is requiring a registered SO to notify his local law enforcement about travel. It’s up to that person to report it after that.
You’re stating the law but you haven’t personally experience this. You aren’t registered and you haven’t been through this processes. I have and from both my international travels both officers didn’t take my flight information and BOTH times the customs agent didn’t mention once whether I reported my travel 21 days prior.
This law seems to be just fear mongering. I have yet to hear any report on someone being prosecuted for not reporting their travels.
Like I have said this is based off my experience. This “IMl” doesn’t bare any consequences if you do not report your travel. Yes you’ll get flagged and have your passport marked and you’ll be questioned upon arrival but that seems to be the extent.
Like I said this is based off my experience.
Yes, Someone has been prosecuted for not reporting.
I don’t see how you can make blanket statements like you do!
Rather than engage in a debate, I’ll provide reference to the US Marshall’s FAQ page:
Whom do I notify that I am traveling and when do I need to do so?
The IML and the relevant Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA) guidelines require that all registered sex offenders report international travel to their respective sex offender registry at least 21 days prior to departure from the United States. Emergency travel must be reported as soon as travel is scheduled.
Can I be arrested if I don’t report travel?
Although not all states require that you report international travel, you may be subject to federal prosecution if you fail to provide notice of international travel or file a false travel notice with your registry.
So, I’m interested in your advice. I was arrested and took a plea in Florida. Statutory type of charge: (2008) Adult sex w 16/17 yr old/ Unlawful sexual activity( 1 charge, different wording they used at different times) I served my time in prison, moved out of state upon release. Did my time on probation. Hired an attorney, was removed from the registry in my state. My lawyer told me not to petition for a passport until I was removed, and then once I was taken off I could travel freely. I received my passport, no stamp. I haven’t traveled anywhere yet, but was hoping to in the near future. I checked the US marshals service link, and it says for IML, you must notify your local registering agent and cannot notify marshal service directly . It also says for failure to register prior travel, “ may” be prosecuted.
I don’t have a local registering agent because I’m not required to register in my state any longer. I should also mention that the age of consent in my state is 16, so I wouldn’t have broken any laws here.
I’m concerned because the “may” is very ambiguous, and also what kind of penalty that could involve.
People have been arrested at the departure gate when trying to board a flight and been arrested upon return. Your PO or local SORNA office is required to report your travel to Angel Watch. 21 day notice is federal. You can and will be prosecuted if Angel Watch is not notified and their database finds you on a passenger manifest.
In Texas, they fill out a form when you report 21 days in advance and email it to the US Marshall’s office right in front of you. They then give you a copy of the form to take with you when you travel showing proof of the 21 day advance notification. You must not be a SO.
I live in the state of Texas. As per the below link, Texas does not require 21 day travel notice when traveling internationally? Can anyone please confirm? Texas is not Sorna Complaint.
Irrespective of whether Texas requires it, the federal government does. The duties under SORNA are independent of state registration requirements.
You’re on probation/parole and your PO allows you to travel internationally?! Wow! That would never happen in TX. You have to give 21 day notice nationwide or international travel was what I was told. It doesn’t matter what state you live in.
correct that’s IML
Correct, read Daniel’s statement about it being a state issue posted on 8/27. I was trying to get his clarification. I don’t false advice being given out leading to someone’s arrest for failure to give notification.
Is there a way people can communicate directly with one another on here? Direct messaging feature? email exchange feature?
There is not. We protect the anonymity of our members.
I’ll talk to you man. What’s up?
For some reason I can’t reply to your last message. But if you actually read my post you’ll see I followed the law.
I went to report my travels. LIKE THE LAW SAYS. Is it my fault the officer denied that? Is it my fault I wasn’t prosecuted coming back into the country?
I did everything that was asked. All I am doing is stating my experience. I’m sorry that goes against your belief and what the “law” states but at the end of the day I followed the law and did everything in my power to obey and that was the outcome.
It contradicts what you’re saying but the truth is important for people to know.
I advice everyone to report their travels. But if the officer says he doesn’t need it and nothing comes from it what kind of conclusion would you come to besides this law being fear mongering
Please link the case of the person being prosecuted like you mentioned. I would like to look into it. At least bring some value besides stating the federal law over and over again.
Sounds good. We do not call out person’s criminal cases because it’s pending, but if you contact we can discuss it.
Actually, just sent you an email copying the attorney working on that case.
I have a very good relationship with my PO and I was able to travel to Europe for a month during my first 7 months on probation. I was 25 at the time and my case was statutory so I don’t really fit the stereotype.
Yeah I understand it’s the “law” but the only reporting that’s done is on the state level and when I went to go do that the officer didn’t need anything when I showed him my itinerary. He said since you’re on probation just notify them.
Both times coming back from customs there was no question if I reported my travel or not. They just asked basic questions about my travel.
Like I have said reporting seems to be on the state level. I don’t believe in most cases the customs agent has any contact or info regarding your notifying your local law enforcement.
This is based off my experience take whatever precaution you wish.
When was the last time you went out of state? I was told that all SOs have to report 25 days in advance of international travel per FEDERAL LAW, meaning in all 50 states if you are ANY KIND OF SO, including but not limited to statutory. Did you have any travel problems in Europe? Which countries did you specifically go to? Can we talk sometime?
I go out of state every month.
September 2017
Pdx- lax- heathrow London (has no problems) layover
Heathrow- Amsterdam – Germany- Iceland- italy -Spain- greece back to Amsterdam.
All without any problems
February 2018. Traveled to Bahamas. Customs agent pulled me aside at the Bahamas. Quick questions then I was good to go. The US customs is in the Bahamas got pulled aside questioned there the officer was super nice.
That’s my experience. A month later I was notified my passport is being revoked which is fine.
Going to renew it and currently looking into investing in the Europe golden visa program for citizenship.
Daniel – Can I try to help you out by making a suggestion… If you’re violating federal law, maybe it’s not a good idea to post it publicly?
May i ask why they revoked your passport? And did you already have a passport prior to your conviction? I am registered and I am planning a trip to the Dominican Republic and do not have a current passport.
Was reported cause my passport didn’t have a stamp. I renewed my passport in 2017 with no stamp on it. Conviction was 2016. Took two foreign trips for it to finally be flagged.
I hear the domican republic rejects SO. If you have another citizenship I suggest traveling with that or picking a new destination
ONCE you get that letter you cannot travel. Happened to me.Flew into Panama my passport was revoked and they flew me back to USA and said I can NEVER return took my picture, fingerprints and had to sign an agreement. Its easy just return your passport, pay the fee and get your new one. The stamp is on the last page barely noticed.
I went and applied for a new passport last week. Wrote my last one was stolen cause there was no section for being a SO so I guess I’ll see.
I have heard people getting there new passports without a stamp. I have a trip planned for Japan in April. Hopefully this one doesn’t get revoked before then..
Were you planning on visiting Panama or were you in-transit to somewhere else?
I want to take a Copa flight to Aruba from the US but it changes planes in Panama. My understanding is that you would not need to go through immigration.
Honestly, I’d be surprised if you make it onto the cruise ship.
The Bahama’s has only recently enacted their registry, so you might be able to get off the ship there… I would just stay on the ship if the travel page site posted here has the country listed as rejecting people.
I totally understand your feelings around not being able to travel. I feel trapped despite having been done for the past ten years (but still required to register). At 50 I doubt this is going to get resolved anytime in my lifetime, but at least at 29 you stand a chance of folks coming to their senses…
Some cruise compasome cruise companies will not let you board. And I was told not allowed in Bahamas
How do you know about Oregon and Georgia? Are you there? Do you have any links?
I got my charge on 2016. Sentenced in 2017. Did 7 months and 10 days. On the registry for life. Has made me so self conscious. The girl was 20 years old but she didn’t tell the cops everything. My life has been screwed up from but trying to stay positive. I want to travel but I don’t know where all I’m allowed to go. Do you or anyone have a list of where we’re allowed to travel to.
Be prepared to be stopped by homeland security upon returning to the United States and questioned. Have your travel permit from the city you’re registered in and you’ll be fine.
I was 12 at the time of my offense 25 years ago im 37 now married to a jamican national still denied entry after i explained any hope for me any info please
What if i dont inform the authorities of my travel per the 21 day notice. Will i be arrested when i come back through customs in the u.s.
And what if i go to fl and dont tell my state or the state of florida. How would they know