IN: Man shows no remorse for fatally shooting registered sex offender

A man in Indiana told deputies he has no remorse for fatally shooting a registered sex offender, authorities said.

According to the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office, 34-year-old Ricky Allen Kiper Jr. shot and killed 41-year-old James C. McClernon on Wednesday.

Investigators said Kiper knocked on the front door of a home, asked for McClernon, then shot him.

Officials said Kiper told them he killed McClernon because he was a sex offender. Investigators said Kiper was not remorseful, and he told them his actions were justified.

McClernon’s family told WFIE that while McClernon was on the sex offender registry, it was for a situation that occurred more than two decades ago in Canada. The family said McClernon got into an altercation with an adult woman, served his time, and was not placed on the sex offender registry in Canada.


19 thoughts on “IN: Man shows no remorse for fatally shooting registered sex offender

  • October 6, 2022

    How is it this man wound up on a sex offender registry in Indiana when he wasn’t on one in Canada where the offense mentioned happened….20 years ago? Something is missing from the story and some self righteous, vigilante is going to pay with his life.

    Chalk one up for the registry ….that isn’t punishment.

    • October 8, 2022

      We all know this could happen to any one of us. These criminals don’t care who they pick; their delusion simply impels them to seek out a reviled name and face on a map in their community.

      For this reason alone, each one of us should be prepared for that day, should it come. Here are my recommendations:

      -Invest in a Ring (or similar) doorbell camera at a minimum and don’t physically answer the door for anyone you don’t know or weren’t expecting. You can conduct the same business by remote two way communication with the device as you could at the door. Call police or enact a safety plan should the encounter turn bad.

      -Keep all of your doors locked at all times, period.

      -When outside of your home, maintain a level of situational awareness so you don’t get surprised. The more time you have in advance of an impending attack, the better your chances are of surviving it.

      -Have an emergency family plan discussed with other household members as to what each should do should there be a home invasion. Look for ways to maximize your defensive advantages in such a plan. There are plenty of online resources to help you in this regard.

      -Purchase the most lethal tools legally permissible in your state and for your situation to increase your defensive advantage, should you have to defend your life or that of a loved one. Even a good, long range spray bottle with bleach or other caustic substance can disable an attacker enough to turn the tide of a fight. Maybe our advocacy groups can publish a matrix of states and what defensive options are available in each. This might even have a deterrent affect. Any of these criminals who follow our public advocacy web sites will then know we are not simply the clay pigeons they think we are.

      -Along this line, perhaps our advocacy web sites should also have a “members only” section for verified parties of our cause where we can more openly talk about matters to help us help each other more. We give away our play book too much I think sometimes.

      -If a fight comes to you, despite your attempts to live in peace with your community, show no mercy to the one or ones who seek to take your life and fight with everything you have. Don’t go like a sheep to the slaughter.

      -If you are unwilling to do the above because of the impact it would make to your quality of life, vote with your feet and move to a place where the registry can’t make you a target (i.e. a place where you are not on a registry).

  • October 6, 2022

    Ricky ‘Boy’ should at least spend the rest of his life in prison…that being the best outcome he could hope for.

    • October 6, 2022

      Even if he can’t be charged with hate crimes, the fact that he willingly planned to kill another person is basically confessing to 1st degree murder. Imagine the outrage of the public of “an innocent man” (being facetious here, bear with me) if he gets the death penalty; then at the outrage for there being easy access to a list of targets (the SOR).

  • October 6, 2022

    Reading stuff like this really pisses me off. We’ve all already been judged in a court of law, so what gives the public the right to further judge us?
    This POS murderer probably knew absolutely nothing about the details of the man’s 20 year old crime, yet he thinks he’s justified in murdering him in cold blood? I hope the prosecution seeks the death penalty for him.
    When are the courts going to open their eyes and realize the registries only cause harm? How many more registered persons have to be murdered before registries are abolished? All of us are potential targets of murderers but what can we do? We’re limited on the kinds of weapons we can own so how are we supposed to defend ourselves?
    I for one will never be a victim like this. Anyone who shows up at my door seeking to do harm to me or my family will not be leaving my property under their own power.

  • October 6, 2022

    Sadly this is just one of many. How the actual f**k are these vigilante murders not enough to end the registry?

  • October 6, 2022

    These types of things will continue to happen because politicians and lawmakers and news media continue to use the registry as their rally call to boost their public image. They are directly responsible, just as those who stirred up the crowds for the January 6 th riots were responsible for what happened at the capital. This murder needs to be investigated with the purpose of determining what false information and where it came from that caused him to do this. Then file charges against the real ones behind this crime. Even the label sex offender itself is to blame and needs to change. Also the family needs to sue the state for posting his location information.

  • October 6, 2022

    “…there is a chance the prosecutor will seek enhanced charges against Kiper based on his criminal record, as well as because of the use of a firearm in the crime.”

    A chance?! This is clearly first degree murder, and an open and shut case. I can’t wait to see what the prosecutor actually does with this one. Since the victim was on the registry, it will probably be pled down to cruelty to animals. Sorry, my cynicism is showing.

    • October 6, 2022

      Not to worry, no murder of a registrant has been pled down to cruelty to animals.

  • October 6, 2022

    When a crime is committed towards a specific demographic it is considered a hate crime. In my humble opinion this IS a hate crime. This man was specifically targeted because of his status on the registry. Imagine if there was a registry where you could find all the minority groups in your area I’m sure any attacks on them would be considered a hate crime. That’s why I believe the murder of this man should also be looked at as a hate crime.

  • October 6, 2022

    What is the chance the media will cover the news for the next few days discussing how horrible this family’s loss is? Any time there is a hate crime, and yes this is a hate crime, it is on fire for the media.

    • October 6, 2022

      The man will probably be hailed as a hero and someone will make a ‘go fund me’ site to help pay for his attorney just like many people regard vigilantes that kill people with sex offenses heroes.

    • October 6, 2022

      If it’s not racially motivated, the media doesn’t like to report on it.

      • October 6, 2022

        This IS a media report.

  • October 6, 2022

    I contacted one of the authors of the article. He replied that Mr. Kiper’s trial is tentatively scheduled for January 23 of 2023.

  • October 6, 2022

    pathetic. This is a hitlist. I’m tired of writing Desantis and telling him how this has destroyed any chance of me having a family or being a successful, contributing member of this society. It destroys your sex life and relationships to the point that they want you to commit a heinous act out of desperation.

    • October 6, 2022

      Unfortunately, DeSantis is in politics for any personal benefits he can gain. He couldn’t care less about a person he knows can’t vote. He’s not about to take a stand on what is right…correct!

      • October 6, 2022

        This appears to be in Indiana and not in Florida. Either way it is wrong. I’m just not sure if felons can regain the right to vote in Indiana. I know in Illinois they can’t. What will it take for politicians to not be so scared to stand up to each other to change these laws?

  • October 6, 2022

    Capital murder.
    Give him the death penalty.
    While Indiana will never get around to exercising it, I would still like them to impose it.


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