IL: New law bans registrants from working at State Fair

Under Senate Bill 3019, a child sex offender would not be able to work at a carnival, amusement enterprise or county or state fair.

During the 2021 Illinois State Fair, a convicted child sex offender was discovered to be working a children’s ride. A legal loophole in the past law left the Illinois State Fair in a state of ambiguity. Senate Bill 3019 closes that loophole.

“We are showing our commitment to protecting youth and families when they visit the fair,” Turner said. “I am grateful that we came together to work on this commonsense solution to ensure that our state fair remains a great family-friendly destination.”

Senate Bill 3019 was signed into law last Friday and will take effect on January 1, 2023.


7 thoughts on “IL: New law bans registrants from working at State Fair

  • June 1, 2022

    Let me guess, nothing was introduced along with the bill showing this is an actual problem. My guess is, if a study actually exist on this, there has not been a single case of a child sex crime by a registrant who was working at a State Fair in the entire USA. Just like the Halloween lie, this is just fear mongering that will accomplish nothing.

  • June 1, 2022

    If the fair is dangerous because of who works there, DON’T GO TO THE DAMN FAIR. And if you do, KEEP AN EYE ON YOUR CHILDREN WHILE THERE.

    Stupid thoughts, I know…

  • June 1, 2022

    This is not fair!

  • June 1, 2022

    Ok… Look this should kind of be a no brainer. I understand everyone needs a source of money. Every fast food place in town where I live is hiring. It’s not great, but it has to be better than a carnival. Now truth be told, I’m actually going to ask if I’m allowed to work there before I apply because I’ve only lived in this state a year. I just want to cover myself, plus the one officer that handles RP is actually really cool.

    But back to my point. Working on a carnival would never be an option for me because what if someone saw you and knew you were a RP. Just a bad idea on the employees part

  • June 1, 2022

    Wow, they really do think they’re punishing us from becoming a “carny.” Because, you know, that is such a prestigious, high-paying job with room for advancement /s

    Why don’t they crack down on those impossible-to-win carnival games instead? Those are the real people that are separating money from children.

  • June 1, 2022

    When I was younger in my teenage years. I worked the fair circuit in Ohio for some family during the summer time. I can tell you from personal expierence. No kid or adult is safe at the fair. It’s a dumpster fire of drug addicts, alcoholics and ex felons of all kinds. This law won’t do Nada. IMO. The most dangerous thing at the fair are the rides put up by mostly drunks during the night. There all death traps. Seen it with my own eyes.


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