“If I was told about the lifetime sex offender registration, I would have fought the charges.”

Below is an excerpt from an article written by a woman who was charged with exposing someone to HIV and forced to register. She describes the stigma of being forced to register when her crime had nothing to do with touching a child.

“To me, and to most people I know, a sex offender means that someone sexually abused children (a pedophile). I was horrified! I had never ever touched a child!

I was never informed that if I pled guilty to the charges against me, I would be considered a sex offender for the remainder of my life! If I was told about the lifetime sex offender registration, I would have fought the charges.

Since I registered as a sex offender, I have to follow certain rules and requirements. I have to take classes for sex offenders. I have to pay a $150 fee once a year, which I cannot afford. I can’t be around any kids, and I can’t be within 1,000 feet of a school, daycare or anywhere children will be. When I see a child in a grocery store, I have to go in the opposite direction. I would love to go to a football game and watch my cousin play. He is going to be a senior this year, and I want to go to his graduation and see him walk across that stage.”

40 thoughts on ““If I was told about the lifetime sex offender registration, I would have fought the charges.”

  • January 4, 2023

    My sympathies, and yet welcome to world most of us registrants have to navigate. I was caught in an entrapment sting. Never hurt a child. No prior criminal history. Yet blacklisted for life. Through endurance we conquer. I will not let the registry define me.

  • January 4, 2023

    Author does NOT say the registry is ineffective or should be abolished, only that she shouldn’t be on it.

    I wish her luck in her HIV legal reform efforts. Once she sees the light re the registry, we will be here to work with her as an ally.

    • January 4, 2023

      @jacob. I was thinking the same thing. She does not say the registry is bad, just that she is on it. And if she is actively working to make changes, then she would know, it does not work for anyone. But then again it is only one article of her thoughts. Maybe, just maybe she does know it doesn’t work for anyone.

  • January 4, 2023

    Ah, yes. A story as old as… well, the registry. This would be much less of a problem if the registry were treated as the punishment that it is, and therefore every rule/law clearly outlined as part of a plea, and NOT get “enhanced” every year with more and more harmful rules.

  • January 4, 2023

    I’m in New Jersey sentenced out of Sussex NJ and no one, NO ONE MENTIONED THIS. I didn’t even learn about it till I was in prison. Plus if I’d know going to a therapy prison would then require quarterly reports rather than yearly I wouldn’t have gone. Get punished for trying to get help. What a stupid system.
    Thanks to Florida Action Committee for their work.

    • January 12, 2023

      When were you in ADTC? I was there 1993-1995 7R from Somerset County. You will know of me real soon. I was a tier 1 they put on the public registry. If you watch For Life I’m the one who gave him the note on Bissell. I’m gonna do my best to help with this we deal with.

      • January 12, 2023


        I cried like a whipped child when “For life” ended. I would have liked to kept the show going. I turned into mush every episode. Once you get sent away, Jesus, Moses, and Cher could speak on your behalf and the department of corrections just laughs at you.

        We know there are a lot of people locked up unlawfully and a lot of people not locked up that should be. I see on the news all the time offenders who have a rap sheet as thick as a manuscript, but they let them out due to “Overcrowding”. Just who are they making room for?

        • January 12, 2023

          I can’t wait to see it. I’m not allowed to watch them because it could taint what is going down. I’ve been in contact with Isaac but only to ask one small question. I knew them both Isaac Wright and Nick Bissell. The 2 chapters I was allowed to read I laughed because I knew exactly that time. Well this new conquest I’m on here in Florida will help I hope. I’m not gonna settle for nothing less then changes. I hope these Expose Facto lawsuits do well also. What helps me is the time. NJ was the first state with Megans Law on 10/31/94 and Florida is trying to use the VCC or Biden crime bill JWA on 9/13/94 Now Congress passed the Amendment of Public Notification of registry on 5/17/96 all of which are after conviction and Tiering of Level 1 Not for Public notification. LCSO is pushing it off on FDLE.

      • January 12, 2023

        Hey Allen.
        A little back story. I originally did a year at Feds for money issues, while there daughter (ex-wife) charged me with sexual contact. Being a hard core drunk and not sure what I’d done ( or not) and since I was already in custody, I took a plea for 5 ( hard). Went to Southwoods. 95-2000. Get out and I’m framed by roommate ( long story) plea deal for 3 but asked for rehab this time. ADTC 2001-2003. I haven’t kept in contact with anyone, I fought hard to make a life. ( actually went to a private seminary and got ordained and worked in Newark) I’m retired and somewhat comfortable. I lived in Newark for 15years moved to Western NJ and still doing quartet reports, like it originally said; which I had no knowledge of and because I plead on that second bull crap charge, I’ve got two charges that no one told me would make me ineligible to ever get off MEGAN.
        Thank you
        BTW. Not familiar with For Life.

        • January 12, 2023

          I was ADTC-2161 with a 3 also. Was T. Bishop still there? I was there when Megans Law was started on 10/31/94 an released in Feb the following year. For Life was about a guy that the Somerset County Prosecutor framed. It was just 2 seasons I hear 50 cent is in it. I have a whole lot more to add on Bissell. It’s a wild story as they say he fled house arrest after being found guilty on 33 federal charges. Goes from Skillman, NJ to Laughlin, NV with a Nationwide APB and BOL gets caught with a hooker in the room ( They don’t tell you that ) After 10 minutes he blows his brains out.

          • January 13, 2023

            Yeah Bishop was still there. We had a group of @6 did weights every day with him. And another Navy guy can’t remember his name. We both served around the same time. Funny when I was in trial I was denied bail because they said I served a bunch of years overseas and knew how to operate outside the US. Thereby a flight risk. Ain’t that a thank you for your service.

  • January 4, 2023

    Unfortunately this is a story with many similarities.
    Just medically retired out of army my wife cheating on me I turned to POF and that was the online police sting. Picture was sent one night after I passed out from drinking at a party. A friend not so much but was naive sent image to the undercover cop they deemed inappropriate material. I didnt even respond or know until a month later when I was arrested. I did get a lawyer and he did fight to get me a good deal. That’s after a psychosexual analysis which wasnt cheap and out of my pocket. Doctor deemed me normal and not a harmful member to society. Day in court my deal was 3 years probation no monitors no internet monitoring just standard felony probation. But one thing looking back on the day of this deal and I had to take it or go to court and face 5 years jail also making this decion within minutes before court appearance. I had kids and what was a life looking back. So I though 3 years could not he that hard. So I agreed and then went to in front of judge accepted deal. Had to go to one probation office to transfer to my home town and when I got to my home probation office the officer said under that statue your probation terms are under you got to go register as a sex offender at the sheriff’s office. My heart sunk but they find this non punitive and my lawyer later said you can fight it also can try for pardon. Well that’s all worked out in this state

    Now lifetime registration and if I knew that day what I did now I would have fought. 26-27 years old never been in trouble scared not knowing what to do. I been in battle but nothing like this.

    It’s kinda entrapment

    • January 4, 2023

      My situation was very similar just on Craiglist. 30 years old, never been arrested and was only looking for adult companionship. The problem with the registry is that everyone is under the same label and the public can distinguish from a sex offender registration for urinate in public, or sting operation online to a sex offender registration from touching or having sex with a minor. Those 2 are completely different scenarios with complete difference sentence guidelines but Florida have them under the same umbrella and that is the big issue a lot of us have. I wish I had the money to fight all this unfairness

  • January 4, 2023

    Welcome to “our” (not chosen!) world?? 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • January 4, 2023

    You can say that again. We all feel the same way! Better attorneys, better Judge, better DA. Trial always!

  • January 4, 2023

    My Adjudication (withheld) came in 1993 when there was no registration here in Florida. But during my probation I was forced to register 4 years after my sentencing. I was given 20 years on the register and then after my release from probation, the Florida Statute increased to 25 years for my specific charge. I have 2 years and 4 months left to go. I just wonder how many others were convicted prior to Megans Law coming into effect and while they served their time, had to register even when it originally was not a Court order?
    True Confessions

    • January 5, 2023

      its my understanding from this article that if you were charged before 2007 they cannot change the finish line thanks to a ruling by a judge in Polk County amongst other judges who have ruled the same. Your original sentance should still stand. Mine happened in 2003 i didnt go to prison just probation and adjutification withheld but ive now been on the registry for 20 years and plan on contacting a laywer this year. Here is the article from this site stating this https://floridaactioncommittee.org/florida-cant-move-the-finish-line-on-removal/

      • January 6, 2023

        Do you have a particular lawyer? Im at that time and think id like to try. Although ive heard nothing about any successes. Unnerving

        • January 7, 2023

          this site has recomended https://ronkleinerlaw.com/ as being successful on getting people off.

          I have not contacted him yet as im in the process of saving up some money, I would imagine he is going to ask atleast 5k but i dont know for sure just what im saving up for.

          I live in the Seattle Area and a level 1 here the police just stop by my house once a year say hello ask me to sign a piece of paper and they are on their way. The entire thing takes less than 2 minutes. Unlike Florida where everything is a hastle i am treated with respect here with very few limitations. I could have asked to get off Washingtons Registry which doesnt even show me here since im a level 1 but it would be useless as i own my own place and dont move around and Florida is the one that needs to let me go since they still publish my picture and info even though ive been gone going on 7 years now from there.

      • January 8, 2023

        You will be most likely told as I was last year that it is now 25 years. I was charged in 1999 (cp possession). Not a day in jail. Regular (not SO) probation for 4 years (3 supervised and 1 admin). My sentence was not adjudicated.

        I have not been in the state of Florida since 2005 and I have been told that I need to wait 4 more years to even attempt to be removed from the Florida registry.

        • January 8, 2023

          Yes its definetly like a purgatory sentence for someone’s life waiting for the 25 years to end or something to change

      • January 14, 2023

        Mike, I’m in the same situation as you. When I was sentenced in 2002 (county jail) the law was 20 years. But as I later found out, that 20 years doesn’t start until your probation ends. My probation ended in 2009, so I have to wait until 2029 to be removed from the registry.

    • January 6, 2023

      @JEV First I want to send my sympathies for the state jerking your chain. In your response you said, “even when it originally was not a Court order?” I’ll point out that courts do not order registration as part of sentencing. A defendant may or may not hear the judge reference registration as a collateral consequence. Mentioning collateral consequences is primarily to close the “I was never told” door to appeal.

      Unlike prison time or fines which are part of statutory punishment, civil collateral consequences such as registration or loss of voting rights are not components of a criminal sentence.

      Personally I wish that judges were empowered to order registration as part of a criminal sentence. That would remove all doubt that registration itself is punishment, and ex post facto or bills of attainder challenges to subsequent changes would be much easier.

      • January 10, 2023

        Well, it’s definitely discussed between the defendant and their attorney’s, and in a lot of instances the prosecution will lower the charges ONLY so the defendant will not have to register as a sex offender. It may not be uttered by the judge, but it is definitely mentioned in any plea agreement if the defendant has to register.

        • January 11, 2023

          I laugh when people mention plea agreements. There was no registry in Florida when I was sentenced. If those now who get arrested can bargain with that, how are WE not retroactively able to use that? If anyone would have told me there was a registry coming up, I would have fought tooth and nail with a jury trial.

          Instead I plead guilty to all the charges, even the ones I didn’t do. Not only did I get run out of money, but was never offered a public defender. Either go to trial (Which I couldn’t afford) or plead guilty and take your chances. Boy did I make the wrong choices. Both before and after getting arrested.

          I am sure all of us dream of getting a do-over. Either by not getting in trouble in the first place (Which you would need a time machine to fix) or by a ruling stating the retroactive application of the registry is unlawful. (No time machine needed)

        • January 11, 2023

          A number of Members had no registry mentioned in their plea agreement.

    • January 12, 2023

      Being convicted in 1993 you should have been granted Civil Due Process under Federal Constitutional Law. I am in the same situation except I’m a retroactive tier 1 B52 from New Jersey where it all started. They are enforcing the 5/17/96 Federal law to make my 1992 conviction public record. Yeah…

  • January 4, 2023

    I have been saying that for 32 years and for several years on FAC. I and others were cheated and lied to. Plead guilty, do your time and move on. That is NOT what was promised. I actually was informed of the registry for the first time while in prison from other prisoners.

    • January 10, 2023

      I’m not sure what you are trying to get at Cherokee.you talking about end of life?

      • January 11, 2023


        I am just saying many of us were young men when we got arrested (I was 30 then) and now I am in my 60s and in failing health. I have no health insurance and been denied disability 3 times.
        Even if I got off the registry today, not much I can do in the condition I am in. Finally got approved for assistance with my medications, only took 8 years of trying.

        Just wake up each day saying, “This is our day for victory”, but it usually ends with the same results. Still on the Salem Witch list.

  • January 4, 2023

    i took a plea at 21 years old for picking a girl up in a bar that lied about her age back in 96. No registry, to 5 year registry, to 10 year registry, to we changed our minds lets do 15.. aw heck 15 is almost life so lets just do life time? its private to its only a little public to its all public to its all public and we include family’s information to.. yea.. the crap never ends, the resentencing never ends, the broken contracts the gov keeps piling up never ends, and it never will until the criminals in government (all of whom have done worse then anyone here ) are standing on three legged chairs or sitting in plug in chairs.. the government doesnt follow the law and never has…the law is restrictions designed to make you obey the government not to convince the government to restrict itself.. ask the Indians..

    • January 5, 2023

      Obvious Answers you make a answer. I took a plea deal and I’m sure many others. Unfortunate many of us were conned in many ways with the Plea deal in much of this registry. Sure it could of been more worse in going to court. Isn’t that the con in many ways to convience one to take a plea deal.. in other they are compromising and due process is written off the table.
      Sure many still hold the labeling as a sex offender even after probation, jail time, or whatever. You also say you wish you would have known Whether one is violent or not that is a bit of conjecture of who isn’t upset with this labeling after one pays their due. If one is a bully in high school does that mean he is a bully for life or at work? Talk about war in this type of action and well war is hell but when man starts labeling others that also says something about their behavior also.

      We all know that government is corrupt and unjust in many ways. Many of these sex offenses never involved a teen, only a police pretending in much of this government ruse and con.

    • January 9, 2023

      Great answer. There has to be a reason that the only state that followed the constitution with regards to “not knowing”, was Alaska. In Florida there were roughly 2000 offenders who had no idea that they would be labeled on the registry when it was launched. The only reason that I still can come up with is that I remember when I was released on a “technical violation” in March of ’98 and I signed a paper in the jail before I left. I didn’t really read it, I just wanted out. But all I knew is that it said something about notification. Later that night, I believe, I heard the local news anchor mention that there was a website for sex offenders. I will never forget the walk of horror to the computer room, and there I saw my mugshot with 2 sirens flashing around my head with the label DANGER! The rest is history.

      • January 9, 2023


        Actually the rest isn’t History because it plays over and over and over again. Each and every day we wake up, we just want the pain to end. It will be considered history when it is over with. Until then I will go on taking medication just to be able to fall asleep, otherwise hoping this was just a long bad dream.

        • January 11, 2023

          I’ll be honest. I think the harsh Fl. registry was created specifically to keep me down after my charge. I don’t know why, I just do, and I don’t mind saying it either. Seems as I’m unliked by a lot of people. They dont know the real me. I hope I’m wrong. I now have found out the reason for my anger, and at least I’m at peace with myself. I wasborn a happy, loving kid is all I know, and all my 4 half brothers are peaceful and well-liked. It took 25 yrs of anger, which is actually what landed me in trouble, being that I physically stopped her dad from talking it out with my dad and have been angry more or less since my mid twenties, to realize that adoption was the root of my anger. I’ve always known when to walk away from any relationship after i got in trouble that one time. Ive had major problems forming ANY relationships, even before my trouble. When Covid started I was still angry, yet I still,for some reason, thought I’d found love for the first time in my life. Being 53, and wanting to start a family, I thought this was it. Never worked out cuz i wasnt at peace with myself. Not until towards the end of ’21,did I realize where my anger was coming from. But I continued on, chasing what I couldn’t have, and hoping. I ended up not only freaking this person out, but i have nothing to show for it. Now, I’m totally at peace. If not for my living situation, I would never leave the house. I would havespent the rest of my best friend’s(my dog’s) life with her at my home. I would have tried to untraumatize her from the traumatic life I caused her. Instead, I put her down, because I felt the trauma too much for her, and not knowing how to stop it. I can only hope that someday, something will change. It almost sounds like denial at this point to say “if I’d only known”, but I’m gonna have to stick with that because I think it would have made a difference.

          • January 12, 2023


            I had to go through 4 different counselors before I could feel comfortable. The other 3 were condescending and were making me feel worse than before I sought some assistance with depression. Don’t be afraid to find another counselor and keep trying until you are a match.

            It is the same with doctors. I have lots of medical issues and when I get a doctor who talks down to me or talks at me, I never go back. It is the same with dating and everything in life. If you are not a fit, move on and find that match. Even cashiers at the store, I have some whose line I pass on even if they have no line. If they are nasty or short with me, I avoid them.

            I will keep you in my prayers and if I knew you, I would give you a big ole Cherokee Bear hug.

          • January 13, 2023

            Well , I appreciate your kindness , Cherokee.

  • January 6, 2023

    Same. We were young and afraid and had no idea it would ruin and rule the rest of our lives.

  • January 6, 2023

    I am in a similar situation. I was arrested for looking a child pornography, and sentenced to 18 months in prison. All of this is fact, i worked for the local school transportation dept. for 15 years and never had any accusations or touched a child. During that time the COVID outbreak was among us so I basically stayed in the city jail. I had a lawyer who I thought would help me, but the prosecuting attorney was caught accepting a bribe and was thrown off my case, as well as this lawyer. I was appointed another public defender, whom I spoke to twice on the phone. At about the point that I had a month to go, I got a call from the Captain saying that he needed to see me. When I went to see him he had a plea bargain that I was told to sign, so I did. I was shortly after sent to prison for the last month and released. I am now on probation, wearing an ankle monitor, attending classes, no internet access and being forced to live in a broken down trailer because I committed a sexual crime. The fact that I have to register twice a year is unthinkable to me. If I had committed murder or a bank heist or any number of other crimes. I would finish my probation and be done with it. But because it’s a sex crime I am looked at differently by not just my friends but my family as well. I am disabled and I am currently living in north Florida, if anyone is able to help me find residence in this state or maybe even another please contact me


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