IA: New advocacy group emerging in Iowa

Member Submission: My name is Heather Wagner, and I’m a new Iowa contact for NARSOL. I have a passion for fighting the injustices surrounding those who have committed a sex crime, as well as the unfair laws forced upon our Registered Citizens (aka “Sex Offenders”). I have been an advocate on this topic for nearly three years, lending my voice as the first to speak on a sex crime with the criminal justice group FAMM (Families Against Mandatory Minimums) this past May. I have attached my work under my salutation, if interested in learning more about my advocacy. This summer, I, being accompanied by our head Iowa NARSOL representative, Nancy, was blessed to land a meeting with the staff of Senator Chuck Grassley and Senator Joni Ernst!

I am reaching out to see who, in Iowa, is interested in making our voices louder for much needed reform. There is upcoming Iowa legislation set to take place next session, which will make the lives of our Registered Citizens even harder, including adding a fourth tier (to prevent being able to exit the registry), along with longer durations added before exiting the registry. Here is a link to view the upcoming legislation: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/publications/search?facet.pivot=l1%2Cl2&fq=-status%3AReserved&tc=true%2F&fq=l0%3A%22leg%22&fq=it%3A%22LegislationCurrent%22&q=sex+offenders.

If you’re interested in connecting and “fighting” in Iowa, I will be holding my first zoom meeting on January 12th at 7PM CST (highlighted below is the zoom meeting information). I am hopeful many will show an interest in joining forces for much needed change in Iowa. Feel free to share this email with anyone you think might be interested in this topic as there’s strength in numbers.

Topic: Heather Wagner’s IASOR Advocacy Meeting
Time: Jan 12, 2022 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 869 4930 4347
Passcode: 959203
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Meeting ID: 869 4930 4347
Passcode: 959203
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kd5S4Cmn9K

Let’s fight together for reform in Iowa,

Heather Wagner

17 thoughts on “IA: New advocacy group emerging in Iowa

  • January 5, 2022

    You must be a good person. Thanks for being you.

  • January 5, 2022

    Yaaaaay! Good for you Heather. Every new chapter helps everyone. I’ve lived in New Mexico for years, but was born in Iowa and have much family there.

    Thanks for your advocacy.

  • January 5, 2022

    I wish they had a group in Indiana.

    • January 5, 2022

      It’s not tough to start one!

  • January 5, 2022

    As a native Midwesterner, I wish this advocacy group in Iowa the best as it spreads the message across the 99 counties in Iowa and gives Des Moines a run for it’s money. Personally I don’t trust Iowa’s senators, but that’s my opinion.

  • January 5, 2022

    Thanks for the info and for your advocacy! I know some people who may be interested in this. Including me.

    • January 5, 2022

      yes I agree as well interest me cause Im not on been off since 2005

      this part is definally double jeopardy
      An Act 1modifying sex offender registry requirements by
      2requiring sex offenders whose registration requirements have
      3expired to reregister, and providing penalties.

      • January 5, 2022

        The proposal to create a “Tier IV” registrant has been floating around for several years and hasn’t gone anywhere (yet.) Let’s hope this isn’t the year for that — which would require people who no longer have to register to re-register with their local sheriff’s office (and pay a $25 fee) for a “non-public” registry. I don’t know if this would require folks who have been free of their registration requirement for several years to re-register, but this has to be one of the stupidest registry-related ideas ever hatched.

  • January 5, 2022

    That’s awesome. For Iowa.


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