I have spent 25 years treating serious sexual offenders – this is what I’ve learned

Just about all of the offenders I’ve ever met don’t want to offend again, and most sexual offenders do not reoffend. They want to be useful members of society. However, released sexual offenders face many barriers to this: stigma, ostracism, lack of work, housing, friends, family, human connection. For the minority of sex offenders who do reoffend, it is exactly these types of problems that make it more likely that they may do so.


2 thoughts on “I have spent 25 years treating serious sexual offenders – this is what I’ve learned

  • August 21, 2022

    Why is it that the obvious answer will always be the one shunned by society as a whole? Especially when the obvious answer deprives them of a preconceived prejudice, bigotry, or forces them to look for similarities in the mirror? Perhaps it would remove an opportunity to have a lower cast of which to perpetrate legal crimes against?🤔
    Face it. While being well wrote and “opinions from an expert” her conclusions are fairly obvious and don’t require a degree or even an interview. Nothing more then the exact same conclusion that could be drawn from 99% of any other human on the earth. .. just as we’ve found with our racial and gender hates, at the end of the day we are all human .(another apt but simple but she notes).. When applying corrective logic and judicial reviews the Bible said it best when it suggests Do unto others as you would do unto yourself… We are all human if the punishment you give another wouldn’t work for you then why apply it to masses of others? If it would have a negative affect for you chances are it’s the same to the rest of humanity as well..duh…
    Why will this never be mainstream logic? Because can you imagine how upset the world would be if they didn’t have someone to look down on,hate,and legally commit crimes against?…
    Facts are that the racism, bigotry,hate, intolerances aren’t governments demanding them…They are the population demanding them and the government giving the population the circus they crave ..
    How do you know this? Sadly the population isn’t made of better clay or any different then u!..They are all just criminals, just like us, who have done or have thought about doing wrong as much as we have. They all want to be better and sometimes want to be worse.Just like u! Not one person walking the streets as a “free range human” hasn’t broken enough laws that if caught wouldn’t be in prison and looked at as a monster too.. That’s why the population needs you..You help them forget they are you… As long as you look at the animals in the cage you dont see the animals in the mirror..

    • August 22, 2022

      I agree. But I am not sure if it is the populous or the government that comes first in this circus. I tend to think the government and media create the firestorm first. Either way, what you have said holds true.


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