Hurricane Hermine Provides Reminder of Shelter Needs for Registrants

As Hurricane Hermine batters Florida’s panhandle and and northern coasts and people seek refuge in emergency shelters and are flooded out of their homes, we are reminded of the emergency needs of registered citizens.

Registered Sex Offenders are banned from most emergency shelters in Florida. So where does that leave them? Jail!

The Bay County Emergency Operations Center opened the doors of its shelters to murderers, drug dealers and anyone else evacuating because of Hermine… except sex offenders. They announced, “Convicted sex offenders may shelter at the Bay County Jail”. Same goes for Citrus County, they wrote; ” Sexual predators may not go to the shelter but can report to the jail if needed.”


3 thoughts on “Hurricane Hermine Provides Reminder of Shelter Needs for Registrants

  • September 3, 2016 at 5:12 am

    So you are saying, 1st responders will throw you back into a cataclysmic storm? Good Lawsuit here! To serve and PROTECT but in the middle of a disaster RSOs die because they are rufused shelter. Truthfully and regrettably Jails are built to withstand Major Storms plus you get hot food there. We need testimonials from Offenders that have been through this and have had their lives in eminent danger becuase of these insane Ordinances and Laws.. anyone?

  • September 6, 2016 at 7:11 pm

    I’d rather die at home than “shelter” in jail.

    • September 6, 2016 at 7:20 pm



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