26 thoughts on “VIDEO: House Infrastructure & Tourism Appropriations Committee for HB 1085

  • March 30, 2023

    So … how long until ‘unique identifier” license plates in Florida??
    And when does the forehead tattooing begin??

    Am I wrong?? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    • March 31, 2023

      Don’t give Floriduh any ideas.

  • March 30, 2023

    LoL, while 1 and only 1 representative questioned the motive for the change, she really didn’t note anything other than some people have been wrongfully convicted. No other states lawsuits, no other courts proceedings and rulings, etc. In the end, she still voted yes. Than you had another male representative ask if they can make it bigger, as if it hasn’t already been done already! The whole reasoning presented, was a big load of crap, and he knew it.

  • March 30, 2023

    I agree 100%.
    The representatives opening remark that the bill would have no negative public impact is also false. The tax payers of fl. Will be impacted by having to flip thr bill for legal expenses on a suit thr state can’t win….precedent has already been established in the 11th circuit [moderator: citation needed].
    Secondly, thr state has no business in vetting potential tenants for landlords, that responsibility is on their shoulders.

  • March 30, 2023

    I think I read about this one time it went “ when the blind follow the blind both will fall into the pit “

  • March 30, 2023

    These people are twisted. Can we say,”Lawsuit”?

    • March 31, 2023

      They are ill-informed. These CTAs are helping. But as a community we can do more throughout the year getting info to them. The things a couple of them said, they either see us as unfixable monsters, or they are really just pandering hoping to get a spot on the news. They would NOT be able to say those things if we had someone up there speaking the facts to them. We seem to be too late on that. As cynical as I can be, even I believe we could stop something like this in committee with a couple advocates at the podium informing with the facts, rebutting lies, and telling the human stories.

    • March 31, 2023

      I personally think that we will have a very good chance of getting this struck down in court if it passes. Not only is there a federal case out of Alabama that calls into question the constitutionality of this bill (along with persuasive although not binding precedent from the Louisiana Supreme Court), the Florida Constitution has a specifically enumerated right to privacy, which might also be fertile ground for a challenge in state court. Since the right to privacy is specifically enumerated in the Florida Constitution, laws that infringe on it must be narrowly tailored to meet a compelling government interest. Making the entire license red is not narrowly tailoring but shouting with a blowhorn.

  • March 30, 2023

    What rock do these people live under? This red lettering only makes the situation worse, do they honestly believe “our children” are safer because of this red lettering?
    Everyone goes along with it because they think it sounds good & is the right thing to do. Why doesn’t this group of jolly people do the right thing??

  • March 30, 2023

    In Maney’s presentation, he frequently used the term “sexual predator.” In my state, that is not a legal term of art. I don’t live in Florida but would like to know if that term is codified in Florida statutes or whether it is just some undefined dog whistle. Does the red letter provision apply to everyone on the registry or only to a subset?

    I also noticed that the bill also addressed the needs of military families and veterans. It is always a cheap political shot to embed unrelated provisions in such “mom and apple pie” legislation. Good luck to all Floridian registrants.

    • March 31, 2023

      Yes, in Florida “sexual offenders” are persons who have been convicted of any one of many enumerated felony sex offenses (Florida has a very small number of misdemeanor crimes that might be considered sex offenses but that don’t require registration here). On the other hand, “sexual predators” have been specifically designated as such by a court order after having been convicted of either a single sex offense that is a first degree felony or higher, or are recidivist sexual offenders who have been convicted in separate judicial cases of two (or more) felony sex offenses, regardless of the felony classification.

      Under Florida law, sexual predators are subject to certain restrictions that sexual offenders no longer on any form of community supervision are not. Two that come to mind are prohibitions against possessing erectile dysfunction drugs and working with children. Currently, sexual predators have the term SEXUAL PREDATOR on their driver licenses/state identification cards, whereas sexual offenders have a numerical code that corresponds to the statute number of the Florida sexual offender requirements. It currently appears in blue and is discrete and not noticeable by the average person, but police obviously know where to look for it.

      So yes, in Florida there is a significant legal distinction between “sexual offenders” and “sexual predators.” Florida does not use a risk-based model but only makes these designations based on the crime(s) of conviction.

  • March 30, 2023

    David lets get real for a minute. We all have our uniqueness. And of course I’m sure we all don’t like to show our tat’s in public. Whats a predator. Is it some man made label issued by authorities for certain sex offenses
    . One wonders if David took a jaw bone of an asp and slew Goliath. Who was the predator and who was the prey. What was the example Are many considered prey victims of their own destiny of their own demise or is the blind leading the blind as one person mentioned.
    Talk about a scarlet letter of good and bad or evil intent by authorities. i believe some logical person said their is nothing to fear but fear itself.

  • March 31, 2023

    One thought,don’t landlords do backgrounds already? YES.THIS IS ALL BS…I call all the reps on the list and I’m sure a lot of you did the same and on the video none of them mention any of our concerns,we don’t have a voice just like we all don’t exist…it’s very painful.

    • March 31, 2023

      Yes, landlords mostly do. Especially today since really so much of it is on line and easy to search. A few might not and that is by their choice. Most landlords would prefer you brand their license with a “was evicted” notification. That would be of far more interest to them. j/s

    • March 31, 2023

      Don’t forget, all offenders and predators have to change their address at the Sheriff’s office anyways. If someone is within distance of a school or park, the sheriff’s office will deny you living there, regardless if a landlord misses the identification marker or not.

      • March 31, 2023

        Whats the sense of the red lettering,if you get stopped by the police and by the time he gets out of he’s car he already ran your tag and know who the car is registered to,so if the driver don’t have a license he’s in trouble anyway….someone is benefiting this.

  • March 31, 2023

    This meetings remind me of Cuba parliament, They individually dont care, they are all on the same side, I can tell you this.. legislator can create any bills against registrant and it will pass under the assumption they are protecting kids and the public. Question is how do you successfully fight against that?

  • March 31, 2023

    They couldn’t wait to vote yes.
    This kind of stuff makes my blood boil. Public safety??
    More like Public humiliation is the goal here.

    • March 31, 2023

      The people of Florida should take this board meeting as a huge insult. Stating there people can’t read good enough so they have to color code it for them. All other states are smart enough to not need it but Floridians are not smart enough.

  • March 31, 2023

    Thanks for posting the video. It makes life easier when the link is right there for me to click on.

    After watching the video, I was saying to myself, over and over again, “I SURE WOULD LIKE TO FEEL SAFE MYELF!!”.

    I’m exhausted from living in fear of possible vigilantes. This red lettering ‘paints’ another target on my back.

  • March 31, 2023

    fascinating ..I remember watching the Stallone movie Time Cop and thinking it was a good SCI-FI movie BUT at no point in time did I expect it to be a role model for future governance. Do we really become safer as a society with laws that convict people of crimes that haven’t happened simply on the grounds of someone thinking that maybe they could have happened?

  • April 1, 2023

    Maney is clearly saying that he wants everyone, not just cops or officials, to be aware that I’m a ‘predator’ when they are near me. If he thought he could brand my forehead with a hot iron to identify me as such, without running into problems from the courts and ‘woke’ groups like the ACLU, I expect he would try to legislate that. This is a super clear case of compelled speech. If this becomes law, I suspect that check cashers, notaries, voting officials, and even some cops, who need to see my ID for whatever purpose, will insist that it’s a fake ID, and it will be up to me to successfully argue that I’m a ‘predator’ required to carry a unique type of license. Fortunately, I don’t get embarrassed about anything, ever – but still.

  • April 1, 2023

    I’m confused, what number has to do with traffic offenses? The last number of a Florida drivers license is how many people in the state have the same full name and birthday as you. Most people have a zero.

    • April 1, 2023

      Correct. Send her an email! When you google this it comes up that in florida there is this urban legend that the last number means traffic offenses. Of course this is in the list after the real explanation.

      This talks of this “urban legend” These people in government. It is joke.


  • April 1, 2023

    Interesting that Maney tried to distinguish adultery with being a sex offender regarding the “scarlet letter” reference. But adultery is also a crime in Florida. See Fla. Stat. 798.01. I would love to see how far his bill would go if adulterers had to have red-lettering on their licenses.

  • April 2, 2023

    After being on the registry over half my life, and only being 42 years old, my offense was indecent exposure, a flashing charge in other states, I am not surprised that Florida continues to punish the already punished. Please I would have wished I could have been there to ask these politically appointed officials when we talk about child safety what does this have to do with protecting schools? Instead of wasting time punishing people who have already served their time, why can’t we use this time, money, and resources on prevention of these crimes especially right now while we have school shootings continuing to rise.. in my opinion protecting our children schools is of the utmost importance and punishing us when we’ve already been punished doesn’t in my mind necessarily make children safer it just makes our life harder. God forbid there be another Mass school shooting in Florida, because then we can say well the time that you had to be able to prevent this you wasted on red Scarlet lettering licenses. Now maybe you’ll be ready to actively pursue prevention in our state???


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