Holiday Support Post

If the holidays, or anything you are dealing with, have you depressed, reach out.

Below you are free to share, anonymously, with others who are where you are or have been where you have been and can offer help. If you are feeling down, share. If you are feeling hopeful, share. We are a community, we are a family, let’s be there for one another.

One thought on “Holiday Support Post

  • December 6, 2016 at 4:36 pm

    You are never alone. FAC has County Coordinators throughout the state, ready to take your call. Reminder that there is a “New Member” call Thu Dec 8th at 8pm – same phone number as the Monthly Membership Call. Check in to ask abut FAC, or find resources, or request a support partner. All members are welcome to call in to share with other members – hopefully to turn disappointments into joys. We are here for our members.


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