17 thoughts on “Hernando County’s Approved Sex Offender Ordinance

  • September 6, 2023

    UPDATE!!!! Went to HCSO yesterday morning and met with Detectives concerning the new ordinance and the discrepancies between what they were handing out and what the latest approved ordinance states. Since I received a link in an email and printed it they did not trust the printout. They looked up the Ordinance on municode and it was exactly as they handed out.
    I proceeded to go to the Clerk of the County Courts and ask for a certified copy of the Ordinance that is actually in effect. They sent me upstairs to speak with the signatory of the email draft. This Lady was quite helpful and provided a copy stamped and certified exactly as the link that I downloaded. I asked why the Sheriff and municode don’t have it. I was informed that Municode only updates Quarterly. I was sent to the County Attorneys office to request that the Sheriff be updated on the Ordinance. I was at first denied.
    After being denied I threatened to go to the State Attorneys office and file a complaint and to file a suit in the Florida Circuit Court against them for refusing to correct an illegal directive by the HCSO. They decided to forward the copy to HCSO. I also hand delivered a copy to HCSO (9-6-23 @ 1158hrs) So they should be handing out the updated version by the end of the week.

    Synopsis, No we do not have to pay to register. No we are not required to place signs in our yard on Halloween. Yes the Decorations restriction is unconstitutional and needs to be fought. And I believe that the best way to fight it is to have the spouse or child of an RSO be the petitioner as their freedom of speech is inhibited by this draconian ordinance.

    • September 6, 2023


      YOU sir, are a bad ass. I do not bow to anyone but God but you at least deserve to be Knighted or given the scroll of knowledge.

      And the way you stood up to law enforcement without concern of being arrested? Dude, I use to work in law enforcement and I wouldn’t have had the balls to do that.

      Thank you for your bravery. I might design a registry medal of honor just for you.
      Keep of the fight and the good work for yourself and others.

      • September 7, 2023

        When good men fail to stand against tyranny, Evil will prevail. My name has been through the mud for over 20 years now and I’m used to them trying to bully me. As for the fear of being arrested I actually wish they had. The lobby of the sheriffs office is on camera and audio recording. Truth is that arresting me would have directly violated the constitution and been recorded. They want us to be afraid to stand up against them but in truth when they are wrong they are wrong. And How can being in jail restrict me more than they are already doing? In Jail you live in fear but know the enemy. In the world you live in fear and the enemy could be anyone. I’m old, cynical and pissed off. No hero button is needed. I just want to get some of this bull taken care of before I lose my composure and go off the grid over it.

    • September 6, 2023

      You’re a better person than I am. Thank you for standing up to the powers that be.

  • September 5, 2023

    My thoughts on the decorations ban are simple. My Wife and Children still have their First Amendment right to speech and expression the decoration bans violate that. Also the decoration bans violate their Freedom of Religion that also is protected by the Constitution. I believe that the affected Family members filing a class action suit against these bans might have more effect than an RSO filing the suit. In fact a suit brought by affected Family members with no criminal record might just be powerful enough to stop some of these petty ordinances across the country. The Administrations response of “You don’t have to be with them” also can be shut down under the first Amendment as the Freedom of Religion cannot be overlooked and many Religions have a Marriage part.

  • September 4, 2023

    Don’t worry about any of this nonsense. Remember, if the judges say none of what we suffer is punishment, then we should be fine right? Like gods, the judges speak, and miracles happen where all our troubles disappear because these things are not labeled as punishment.

    Another saying they throw in sometimes is “Non punitive” which is just another fancy way of saying nothing on Earth is punishment unless the courts say otherwise. Let it be written, let it be known, we have spoken, now go about your lives like nothing has happened.

    We will convene again in a few months with new torture ideas to make your lives miserable. Like the Church lady on SNL always says “Well isn’t that special?”

  • September 4, 2023

    The interesting challenge to this ordinance is having the RSO be out of town and his children posting the decorations produced at school. Another interesting challenge would be from a renter leasing a home from a RSO. Unlikely an arrest would be made for that but it certainly would seem an over-reach of the First Amendment for a family not to be able to place decorations in front of a house LEASED by a RSO. I am sure glad I don’t place Halloween decorations up. People of my culture celebrate the Day of the Dead and my decorations are not part of this inclusion.

  • September 4, 2023

    The Sheriffs office is handing out a packet that contains the Halloween sign statement in it. This could be overreach by their office

    • September 4, 2023

      So, has the Hernando County Sheriff’s office received a copy of this revised ordinance? They need to know not to enforce the provisions of the original draft.

      • September 5, 2023

        I actually will be delivering the approved Ordinance to them this morning. The one they are handing out was in fact only a proposed Ordinance. They jumped the gun and I guarantee that many RSO will not be informed of the truth and will be posting the signage.

    • September 4, 2023

      Thank you. We will see what we can find out.

    • September 4, 2023

      Are you able to scan in this packet to a computer and send it to media@floridaactioncommittee?

      • September 5, 2023

        Will do that later today. I have to switch printers and such around to be able to scan stuff.

        • September 5, 2023


          So it is not just me? I got a new computer and when I tried to fire up my previous scanner to it, I got a message saying it was not compatible. Now I just go to Fedex store and scan items for 15 cents a page if needed.

          All a scam to make you buy new stuff. This is why there is so much E-waste, we are a throw away society. I am very much into not wasting. I keep empty containers and clean them out after use and repurpose them into containers in the garage for nuts, bolts, screws, nails etc.

          • September 6, 2023

            actually no, it’s just a a matter of having 2 printers for different things

      • September 6, 2023

        I will do my best to get these documents scanned, however I am having computer issues that are inhibiting me at this time.

  • September 3, 2023

    Any negative ordinance should be challenged immediately.


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