Here we go again: “He is going to offend again; it is only a matter of time.”

Some people are determined to let words flow from their mouths that are contrary to the actual facts.  Here are the facts:

  • An individual that committed a past sex offense has opened a tattoo shop in Loogootee, Indiana.
  • Because it is relatively close to a preschool, a Ms. Wagoner wants the tattoo shop to relocate.
  • Indiana does not restrict a business owned by someone with a past sex offense from being located near a school.
  • The local police chief said he had no legal authority to prohibit the tattoo shop from being located where it is. Good for him!  Also, to his credit, he said, “…harassment, intimidation, threats, violence, vandalism, etc. are illegal and may result in criminal charges.”
  • The registrant has not re-offended since release from prison.

Even though Ms. Wagoner was applauded by those attending the meeting, it appears that no one else spoke.  Is Loogootee, Indiana, going to let one woman, who does not have her facts correct, determine the laws that the community must follow?  I sure hope not.


29 thoughts on “Here we go again: “He is going to offend again; it is only a matter of time.”

  • October 25, 2021

    Sounds like this woman needs to be educated.

    • October 26, 2021


      I am not pretending to be an expert on the psyche of people. Having said that, from experience, people like that could have God Himself come down and tell her to leave the guy alone and she would still do what her stubborn self wants to do.

      You can only change if YOU want to change and for many, change is not in their vocabulary unless it is a change that benefits them. That is one definition of stubbornness and the birth of the saying “Stubborn as a mule”.

    • October 26, 2021

      Hopefully, she is following the comments section of this art.

    • October 26, 2021

      You can’t educate a Karen. If you try, she will just scream and cry louder to make herself look like the victim.

      • November 8, 2021

        “All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” Marbury vs. Madison 5 US (2 Cranch)

        137, 144, 176, (1803)

  • October 25, 2021

    The mayor offered to arrange a meeting between the complainant and state lawmakers.

    This is how bills get introduced.

    • October 25, 2021

      The business owner/registrant should ask to meet with those same lawmakers.

      • October 26, 2021

        That’s a good idea, and I’d be willing to help advise him.

  • October 25, 2021

    No matter the out come the damage is done. The poor guy will have to move to the other side of the world to have a chance to make a living as a tattoo artist, God help us.

    • October 26, 2021

      Riff Raff

      It depends. It is a BIG decision to get a tattoo. The type of people who are brave enough to get one, I think are brave enough to patronize his business. It could go either way. If it was me , I would figure, “Well they already embarrassed me so I am staying put just to not give them a win”.

      I guess that would also depend on who actually owns the building his shop is in and what they want to do about breaking the lease.

  • October 25, 2021

    Finding Makenzie Wagoner’s FB page was pretty easy. What a surprise, the first thing I find is the hashtag “Save Our Children,” long associated with the Qanon conspiracy. And she spouts a lot of bogus statistics on her FB page, too as well as stuff about her target from the public registry website.

    • October 26, 2021

      Doesn’t Facebook have a policy against targeted harassment? Maybe something should be done about that.

      • October 26, 2021

        Facebook also has a policy of not allowing registered citizens on the site. A member will be removed If some busybody reports that member is on the registry.

      • October 26, 2021

        A couple years back, the Washington Examiner wrote a piece about Facebook’s explicit exclusionn of people accused or convicted of sex offenses from anti-harassment and bullying policies. Facebook removed that from the terms of service after the WaEx piece but they have allowed vigilante groups like No Peace For Predators to proliferate and actively harass Registered Persons.

  • October 25, 2021

    It seems as though we can all witness to the misinformation that goes with this registry of protection. Yet, it has done nothing and will do nothing but create chaos for this who are bound to live underneath it’s burdensome weight. It buried the truth under fear, and intimidation and everything that the sheriff has quoted as not being tolerated. Yet, we must tolerate those things, because we as registrants have no rights or no ability to fight back. We are stripped of any humanity as the internet has placed us on the firing lines for all to see as targets and not as human beings, but victims of injustice and fear. The world’s fears stand as justifiable; ours do not. God says that we are forgiven our sins and the past does not define us in anyway shape or form. Forgiveness. That word means nothing in society today. God help us, forgive them and us and pray for the world as a whole. I have suffered the lies and torment for many a year because of the registry and will suffer more. We all will. Someone will always be there to point out our faults without realizing that they themselves should check their own closets first. God bless us all. We will all need it.

    • October 26, 2021


      And yes, it also divides neighborhoods. I live with my parents and there are some original neighbors around who have known me for many years who stick up for me. Then there are the ones who just tolerate me and lastly those who stir up the rest of the neighbors.

      Last year I got blamed for ruining Halloween. How you might ask? Did I sit outside and entice kids with delicious treats? No, I ruined it because I was on the registry. ???? So instead of just avoiding our house, and maybe WALKING WITH your child, which you should do anyway, you punish your child and blame me???

      Maybe I should tell them to move into a neighborhood with no one registered and take your chances on the real boogyman

  • October 25, 2021

    Eons ago when I lived in a community with a home owners association, the board voted to try and pressure me to move. A lady who I didn’t even know who was on the board stuck up for. We became friends and I asked her in private why she stuck up for me. She said she got on the board because her son was on the registry and they had forced him to move in the past.

    You never know who your silent supporters are. Not supporting what you may have done, but supporting moving forward as a contributor to society. F.A.C has spoken in the past about running registrants out of places, then when they end up homeless, the same angry mobs pushes them out yet again.

  • October 25, 2021

    Ms Wagoner, and I suppose her first name is Karen, needs to mind her own business and let this man lead his life. Has she taken into account that this man has invested money and time into starting a business that will bring revenue to the city? Has she considered that he actually has a job that that will attract customers?
    I suppose we know who will be to blame if his property gets vandalized, since she was the only one who spoke up at the meeting.

    • October 27, 2021

      Well there are several empty buildings for Rent that are Not around a Preschool so it is quite concerning that he choose that location But I do wish this would stop cause I feel like it is Free advertising for his business

      • October 27, 2021

        I believe in the right of a business person to select the location that is best for their business. If they had abuse or grooming in mind in that selection, that WOULD be concerning. But the chance that this individual selected his location for the wrong reasons, or that his decision is presenting a danger, is about 0. That’s just not how abuse happens in nearly all cases (including his own case). We don’t want the government deciding his business location.

  • October 25, 2021

    I wonder how many Loogootee preschoolers get tattoos…

    • October 26, 2021

      You have it all wrong. The preschoolers aren’t going to go get tattoos from him, the guy is going to go to the preschool during his lunch break to molest kids. That’s what registrants do, right?

    • October 26, 2021


      Being part Native American, I thought that LooGooTee was a Native tribe. I looked it up and it is derived from the French Le Gaultier. Watch out World, I just got 1/100 % smarter LOL

  • October 25, 2021

    You know how we always talk about the “language/wording” of laws? Well, here’s some language/wording that “journalists” do on purpose;

    “Despite his conviction, he claims he has done nothing wrong.”

    Instead of the word “despite” the better wording would be “aside from his conviction”.
    To say “despite his conviction” is like saying he is minimizing it and acting as if he’s one those “Dinnit do nothing” types. It would read better for his sake of the writer put “Aside from his conviction” (giving it the seriousness it deserves and he admits to) “he claims he has done nothing wrong” (by opening a business.

    It’s all in the language. Remember that.

    • October 26, 2021

      That editorialization of his comment that he didn’t do anything wrong was also likely taken out of context. If I was being harassed for pursuing my career choice and hadn’t broken any laws in doing so, I would say the same thing.

      IMO the reporter and Ms. Wagoner must know each other. It almost sounds as if Ms. Wagoner was the one who wrote the piece.

    • October 26, 2021


      Not that I am sticking up for him, but the former law enforcement officer “Turned sex offender” (Their words not mine) who opened his own funeral escort service is also treated that way by the news.
      Every story (He does seem to bring it upon himself) they do they have to start it off by using the Sex offender term in the headlines.

      I am surprised the news doesn’t follow us all around and when we go to the grocery store they come in with a megaphone and Yell “Attention, a sex offender is ON THE LOOSE IN THE STORE, RUN FOR YOUR LIVES”.

      • October 26, 2021

        Cherokee J…..What About all the Parents Who Have Been Convicted of DWI/DUI….They can Still Pick their Children up at Educational Places and they can Go to their Children’s Events…..
        And they ‘Possibly’ Can Drive in their Vehicles Drunk with Their Children and They are not on a Hit List

        Very Interesting!!!!

        • October 27, 2021


          Well we have already established that no other group of people are banned as much as we are from just living a normal life. I mean illegals now are being giving free housing, jobs, free health care, free education, child care, Funding, Food stamps etc.

          Multiple time felons are getting free education, job training etc, excluding of course us. Also I just saw on the news the new system for air travel that some airports have already implemented. It is all electronic check in with face and passport recognition. I can just see it now when the red alarm light goes off and the speaker throughout the airport screams “Sex offender alert”! Probably shut down all flights as they evacuate the airport.

          We all know, they WANT us to fail, so we can get back into the system.

  • October 25, 2021

    I’d gladly pay him for a large tattoo if I didn’t have to register it.


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