HB 1235 further tightens regulations
Florida HB 1235 further tightened the regulations for persons forced to register.
HB 1235 was passed on the pretense of making Florida statutes 775.21 and 943.0435 less vague.
Florida HB 1235 further tightened the regulations for persons forced to register.
HB 1235 was passed on the pretense of making Florida statutes 775.21 and 943.0435 less vague.
Looks like they are trying to justify none of us ever being removed, since so many lately have been able to get removed. I am waiting to the point where we have to register once a month, then once a week like when on probation.
They are going to need a bigger jail is all I got to say.
CJ I hear you but then that would be parole or probation and therefore ex post facto. But you are right they will try to walk it right up to the line. Like a wide receiver dragging his foot to stay just in bounds for the catch.
Yes but they “Supposedly” just add a tinge of salt to our ice cream once per session hoping we won’t notice. And just soft enough that a judge allows it, or knowing that even if challenged, could take years to reverse.
I appreciate the things F.A.C was able to stop, reverse or end, like the Halloween signs, but the authorities will most likely push back harder on the harsher add ons. I went from registering once a year, two times a year and for the past 15 years or so, four times a year.
Where I register sometimes there are 30 to 40 people in line to register at any given day. Of course, I try and get there the first day I am eligible to register to get it out of the way. Always fear that if I wait, something might happen, or I would forget. Several times I have woken up in the middle of the night thinking I had missed registration and have to get out of bed and check my records. Isn’t that sad?
I have so many registration papers (Kept for proof I registered) that they no longer fit in my fireproof safe. Have records all the way back to 1997.
So a transient place is just a county now or place you go for three days? You don’t even have to spend the night. This is crazy…
Article: A transient residence refers to a county where an offender stays for at least three days in total over the course of a calendar year, and it is not their permanent or temporary address.
No, the article is incorrect. The writer of the article poorly summarized a law she probably barely understand. A “transient residence” is now a county where a person (forced to register) is present for three or more days in the aggregate during a calendar year for the purpose of abiding, lodging, or residing and which is not the person’s permanent or temporary address. A person has to spend three or more nights in the same county for the purpose of abiding, lodging, or residing in order to have to register it. So yes, you absolutely do have to spend the night.
This is a fight FAC won. We fought this hard over multiple legislative sessions. And we won. Earlier versions of the bill that never passed did not include the qualifying language “for the purpose of abiding, lodging, or residing.”
I was speaking with a deputy friend of mine recently who said there’s so much confusion about all these changes in law that his colleagues don’t know how to enforce them. I won’t name which Florida county, but please be careful everyone. This could lead to false arrests from overzealous cops who feel we can beat the rap but not the ride to jail.
@ Just saying
I live in Florida, and I know what counties to avoid so much so that I won’t even pass through them if I have to travel 4 hours out of my way. Some counties have all their cruisers equipped with license plate readers and that can for sure be abused by the deputy/trooper or city cop.
Pulled over for driving while registered is for sure a thing, I can speak from experience. And my statement from past post still stands, the more they (The law makers) get away with, the more they get away with. If the courts turn a blind eye, whose to stop law enforcement from using an abuse of power?
I agree with you. I recently had to travel from Miami to Jacksonville for a conference (one night, drove up on a Tuesday and back down on a Wednesday) and made sure not to stop in Brevard County for gas or food. I’m sure they absolutely do not care that I took my business to another county.
Correct me if I am wrong, but what really changed. We still had to report vehicle changes to FDLE only change now is that we can do it online. We still had to let them know if we leave the US 21 days out if known, and the 3 or more day rule has been there only difference there is that now it is defined more. Day of arrival does not count. and any part of the “4th day” day which is really Day 3 for counting purposes, even if it is 12:00.01 AM triggers registration. IE Arrive on Friday night does not count, Saturday is day 1, Sunday is day 2 and Monday morning at 12:00.01 is day three and triggers registration. please correct me if the above is wrong. And secondly if in state we can report it via online portal? If out of state we go in to the office?
So I am confused by the Articles title.
Seems like everything is online. And I thought one couldn’t even be on the internet. Well maybe in some instances. The point is these registrations and violations. Its like a whose on first and I’m the better one to bring you down. I think government needs to come down to earth in many ways. Its all about money.
What if you changed your finger prints or scared them up so bad that you couldn’t do a quarterly mail in report. Sure they try to weasel and muscle in by authority abuse which is a bit shallow when you add all this up. Its like the sex offender is worse than this lady that killed her own kids that was in the news. I think that was in Georgia. So whats good about any of this registry damming. I’m sure government will see the errors of their ways.
So if you leave the state for 2 days do you have to register? I’ve never understood that. They’ve told me I don’t have to they also have told me I don’t have to register when I return if I put a return date.
Thanks for the clarification on the “abiding, lodging or residing” part. Otherwise, they could claim we failed to list places like the grocery store as “temporary residences” since the total (aggregate) time we would have to spend there during a year would certainly add up to more than three days.