Hawaiʻi Attorney General Opposes Proposed Changes to Sex Crimes in Model Penal Code
Hawaiʻi Attorney General Clare Connors and MIssissippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch are leading a bipartisan coalition of 37 Attorneys General that is urging the American Law Institute to reject proposed changes to the Model Penal Code that would weaken states’s abilities to prosecute sexual assault, abuse, exploitation and trafficking crimes.
The proposed changes to Section 213 of the code also would jeopardize victim safety and restrict the ability of law enforcement to protect the general public from recidivist behavior, according to the Attorneys General.
“As Attorneys General, we urge ALI [American Law Institute] to consider the danger the proposed changes would pose to the public, especially children, and abandon its plans to amend this article of the Model Penal Code …,” the Attorneys General wrote in a letter to the institute. “The revisions contemplated fail to treat sex predators appropriately and would provide them more freedom to commit these heinous crimes, putting the citizens we represent at greater risk of becoming victims.”
I’m not sure why MauiNow would even need to ask AG’s what their stance is. Their opinions are about as biased as it gets, and in far too many instances, they or their prosecutors mislead the court in order to win their cases (suppressing exculpatory evidence, etc.). Why should their opinion be trusted? They have a vested interest in successful prosecutions, not cases solved. I dare any of these highly educated and well heeled 37 individuals to show a shred of integrity by admitting the truth, that they cannot produce any persuasive evidence to support their reasoning.
If my Buddy Steve McGarrett from the 5-O task force was still around, I would have him put in a good word for us.
Book em Dano
Quiz time for those AGs
Your beloved registry causes
Loss of employment
Loss of relationships
Registrants’ kids be bullied for things they had nothing to do with.
Communities less safe
Freeing up resources/ time for harassing people
Danger is your bias of registrants while letting the Constitution burn. You minions are the problem, not the solution. All of you should be put in the nuthouse. I hope your letter gets up in the shredder where it belongs.
is that all you got? LOL
Retro actively applying a registry after someone was already sentenced.
Not being able to attend kids / Grandkids activities at schools
Having people talk about us on Nextdoor that ALL of us are banned automatically from.
Having to go in person (Most of the time) to change almost anything that is different in our lives
Face arrest if we accidently do not register something and possibly get more time that our original crime
Please everyone add to the list I got a million of them by my arms hurt
I said it was quiz time and the more I kept thinking about the registry the more my brain hurt, so I had to quit.
Let’s see
Adding new rules at the drop of a hat and making them impossible to comply.
Everything about your life is under a microscope and one slip up your goose is cooked.
Not being able to reach your goals/ ambitions.
Blacklisting minors as young as 7 for doing something that was knowing as normal.
Allowing sex to be the biggest sin one can commit.
Putting citizens in “ treatment” facilities because they are a threat to society.
Using polygraphs and other junk science to determine risk.
Not listening to evidence because it hurts your agenda.
Calling registrants threats when most never were from the start.
Changing meaning of words to make things scary for the public.
Halloween maps showing red dots of “bush lurkers” .
Listening to the biggest hypocrite John Walsh.
The problem is that sex offenders who wish to molest children use sex offender laws to put paternal father’s away in prison without contact with their children so that they are free to molest that man’s children. If you are an attorney and wish to help stop this practice, then please comment!
While I don’t necessarily agree with everything the ALI is proposing, I did find it interesting that the AG letter included absolutely any references to peer reviewed studies that back their positions. We once again have an AG stating without the public registry, background checks will not be able to be done. Bullshit. In the State of Florida the Clerk of Court in every county has court records available to the public showing the statute the person was sentenced against. There is also comments about law enforcement not being able to do their job. It only did away with the public registry, a private registry would still be allowed to exist.
This is the usual political re-election grandstanding by politicians (AG’s are elected in most if not all States) not based on anything other than showing they are tough on crime in the mailer they will send out.
Rep Gaetz is accused of Sex Trafficking a minor and not one politician is distancing themselves from him or calling for his resignation. When Joe/Jane Doe are accused they run to the microphones condemning their behavior while finding them guilty before making a court appearance.
“Recidivist behavior” = oxymoron
“would provide them more freedom to commit these heinous crimes,”
Right? Read the flipping data!
Not likely to reoffend, jerkholes.
People always seem to need someone else to kick and registrants are the target du jour.