Hawaiʻi Attorney General Opposes Proposed Changes to Sex Crimes in Model Penal Code
Hawaiʻi Attorney General Clare Connors and MIssissippi Attorney General Lynn Fitch are leading a bipartisan coalition of 37 Attorneys General that is urging the American Law Institute to reject proposed changes to the Model Penal Code that would weaken states’s abilities to prosecute sexual assault, abuse, exploitation and trafficking crimes.
The proposed changes to Section 213 of the code also would jeopardize victim safety and restrict the ability of law enforcement to protect the general public from recidivist behavior, according to the Attorneys General.
“As Attorneys General, we urge ALI [American Law Institute] to consider the danger the proposed changes would pose to the public, especially children, and abandon its plans to amend this article of the Model Penal Code …,” the Attorneys General wrote in a letter to the institute. “The revisions contemplated fail to treat sex predators appropriately and would provide them more freedom to commit these heinous crimes, putting the citizens we represent at greater risk of becoming victims.”
If these AG’s were so concerned about child safety, they would support the prosecution of Matt Gaetz and Roy More, among their other buddies. But do they? Nope.
Once again, this is political posturing which is about gain, not safety. These people love confusing a former offender’s past with the present. There is zero evidence they are currently seeking out prey, hiding in bushes, ready to pounce. It’s fear-mongering because, according to study after study, very few sex offenders re-offend.
These politicians need exposing, to finally reveal what their actual goals are – promotion of themselves using a vulnerable population as their number one success tool. The AG’s are the predators.
If they were so concerned about children’s safety, they’d ban them from buying, going, or getting caught using fast food restaurants or junk food.
I’ll give you a hint – they are not so concerned about protecting children. If they were then the Registries would’ve been destroyed long ago.
Well, this stance will never happen in Missouri as our attorney general is running for a seat in Congress….
How are people who relieved themselves predators? I didn’t know trees, bushes, and other vegetation had feelings along with being victims of urine, it’s natures round up. How are teens who engage in sex that’s consensual; yet illegal due to age called predators? Sex is natural between humans and has been around longer than these AGs. How many of them have played doctor as kid, spun the bottle, made out with some one older than them, had sex as teens, and looked at porn? Using their logic they would be predators also. They sure like to be predators to our Constitution.
Is it just me or does the proposed changes look like a joke ? Some of the changes are for the better like only allowing law enforcement/ govt. To be able to access the info on the registry but then they add numerous things that of course no one would or should go for like making assault on a minor not a register offense if they are over 12. Don’t get me wrong I am not for any registry but mixing things in that john q public is definitely going to scream about along with steps in the right direction is a recipe for dissaster. Baby steps will get us farther then trying to put all eggs in one basket.
Or, another way to look at it is bargaining. Throw everything at them and settle on a few key points. Of course that could go either way but just saying, there is more than one way to skin a cat (No disrespect to the Poor kitties)
Agreed. Looks too good to be true if it were implemented and I’m in favor of abolishing the registry, but…some things I see will never fly.
I agree completely. There are some things in there that definitely need changed, others that would make it easier for the real criminals to get away with crimes. Don’t mix them all together so that it looks like all on the registry are criminals looking for a way out.
Let’s use science, make things just for all , eliminating the garbage. In the form it is written now it’s sure to get thrown out.
I don’t know who wrote this thing up but all it’s going to do is make a bunch of politicians look like angels and further there crooked public image.
Please do not insult Angels LOL
I thought offenders can’t be cured, so why treatment? Maybe the treatment is being on a registry; which doesn’t cure anything except creates more harm to communities. 37 AGs making noise because ALI wants to make changes to the government’s money maker.
I believe most treatment is intended for only three things:
Obtain illegal confessions of guilt for further prosecution
Obtain information from offenders that will help with future investigations and prosecutions (obtaining data to create criminal profiles)
Provide another avenue to violate those they wish to send back to the penal system
Because treatment providers work so closely with their law enforcement partners, and often under their specific direction, the well-being and rehabilitation of the client takes a back seat, if it’s even considered. While genuine treatment could help former offenders process childhood trauma and deal with unhealthy coping mechanisms that lead to offenses, these approaches are largely ignored. I believe many jurisdictions use the subterfuge of treatment as a guise to identify recidivist threats and to uncover other crimes for prosecution. This seems to be the main goal of law enforcement. Sad that real public safety could be so much more enhanced if they simply worked to help make individuals whole again instead of perpetuating the adversarial approach this whole justice system employs.
Treatment providers do not work ‘under the direction of law enforcement.’ But if someone re-offends while under court-mandated treatment, yeah, they’re gonna be in trouble. The best treatment providers see their job as minimizing the client’s risk to re-offend.
For sure. These AGs want to protect their jobs and their status. Personally, I think they understand very well that the Registries are worthless and worse. So that means the AGs are not dumb, they are scumbag terrorists.
De-fund these big government loving criminals. They are a danger to moral people.
I tend to disagree. The registries create jobs and pull in MASSIVE amounts of funding. It also makes politicians look good. Anyone who is against registries are labeled as criminal loving perverts themselves.
So no, I do not think they think they are worthless. But I do believe they could care less about our and our families rights to live with freedom, liberty and justice. Remember the line “Liberty and Justice for ALL”? Yeah, we use to stand in class with our hands over our hearts and repeat that to the flag as kids saying the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance.
I will never say that allegiance again because, not that I do not love this country, but the allegiance is a lie. There is no justice for all.
Did they just call ALL of us sex predators ? Some who were charged simply looked at porn (I couldn’t do that because when I was arrested there was no internet). Some maybe exposed themselves, intentionally or unintentionally. Some more recently, since the internet came out, went to go visit a cop after being caught in a sting.
So calling all of us sex predators it not appropriate. Add to that, some were charged as a predator, not because they had multiple victims but because they were hit with every charge available. Again, I do not think any of us are sticking up for sex crimes, but not everyone is a monster looking to pounce on their prey.
Many of us have gone in excess of 3 decades without another incident, yet according to them, we get up each morning planning how we can beat the system. In my humble opinion, the law makers urinate on the constitution with each new ex Ex Post Facto law they call non punishment. Just because they are mad we finished our sentences successfully.
Hey cherokee your definitely right about them urinating on the constitution but then they use the bill of rights to wipe their Fanny’s. If the forfathers of this country could see what they have done to the free one they taught and died for they would start a whole new revolution b%tch slapping all the Fools and scare mongerers
I hate spell check !! That was supposed to be the freedoms they fought and died for
I agree, earlier I typed something on here and before I hit send I re-read and it had changed several words and one entire sentence I wrote. Had to start over. All this time I thought I was hitting the wrong key, but no, it was the autocorrect on this site.
Now I have to proof read myself every time.