Have you been impacted by Florida’s 3-day requirements or Driver’s License branding?

If you have been impacted by either (a) Florida’s 3-day reporting requirement for change in temporary residence, or (b) having your driver’s license branded with the unique identifier designating you are on the sex offender registry (or both a and b), we want to hear about your experience.

We want this information because FAC will be submitting declarations and/or a brief in support of the Ex Post Facto Plus challenges and we want to share real-life examples from real-life people who are impacted by these laws.

These are the types of questions we are looking for you to answer in your explanation: Does the in-person reporting of a temporary residence stop you from traveling for a long weekend? If so, what kinds of events or opportunities has this caused you and your families to miss?

What are the schedules of your sheriff’s / DHSMV offices for in-person reporting and have you been prevented from in-person reporting because one of these offices were not open during a period you were required to register or would have been required to register?

How long does it take you to get to and from sheriff’s / DHSMV offices for the purpose of making in-person reports? How much does going there and back cost you in terms of gas prices, Uber/Lyft or parking fees? Do you have to miss work and, if so, lose wages in making these trips?

Have you experienced any impact in regard to showing the branded “943.0435” or “Sexual Predator” driver’s license? Has displaying the license caused you to be turned away from any facilities? Has it resulted in you being escorted through facilities? Has it caused you to be treated with any hostility, insults, jibes, nasty looks?

Your participation is completely voluntary, but will be helpful. If you want to share your examples, you will need to give your full name. If you are uncomfortable doing so, concerned that probation or law enforcement will retaliate against you for participating in this challenge or don’t want to, we understand completely but can only use submissions from people who are comfortable giving their full names.

This request is only for people who are in Florida. If you don’t have a Florida driver’s license, you clearly have not been impacted by the marking on your Florida Driver’s license. If you live in another state that marks their licenses also, that’s unfortunate, but that information will not be useful, since these cases only challenge the law in Florida. If, however, you live in another state and were placed on the Florida registry for being here “3 or more” days but fewer than 5 days. Or you have been unable to travel here because of the law, we might consider sharing your experience.

Please stick to your experience with (a) Florida’s 3-day reporting requirement for change in temporary residence, or (b) having your driver’s license branded with the unique identifier designating you are on the sex offender registry, (or both a and b). If you write to us about residency restrictions, proximity ordinances, middle of the night address versification, can’t go to your kid’s graduation, got fired from 10 jobs, etc., etc., those are all issues that we are well aware of and sympathize with, but are completely unrelated to the two specific requirements we want to address in these statements.

Once you submit your statement, someone will call you to verify the information. This might be a lawyer for the plaintiffs in the Ex Post Facto Plus challenges or someone working under them. Please make sure that whatever you write contains your full name and telephone number. Your telephone number will not be part of the declaration and will not be filed with the case, but it’s needed so someone can contact you. Remember, your name will be part of your declaration, so if you are not comfortable with that, please don’t submit anything.

If you want your voice heard, email your summary to legal@floridaactioncommittee.org and we will consolidate the responses. If you don’t have email, print a hard copy and mail it to the address on our contact information. If you don’t have a printer, write it in crayon on a napkin, we don’t care. We need these ASAP!

33 thoughts on “Have you been impacted by Florida’s 3-day requirements or Driver’s License branding?

  • August 8, 2022

    Great instructions, FAC. Very clear and thought through. Thank you!

    • August 8, 2022

      I guess my previous comment didn’t post. I was one of the people that brought this to your guys attention when I was told that if I left my permanent residence for more than two days I had to register wherever I was going. They also told me at that time that there was a new law coming into affect that said if you went to another state for one day you had to register. I will be interested to see who has experienced discrimination because some person at some business has found out what the little 943 number at the bottom of your drivers license means. The stated reason for that I guess was so that law-enforcement knows if they come in contact with you. But that’s just silly because they’re going to run your license and it’s gonna pop up regardless of whether or not the number is at the bottom.

  • August 8, 2022

    I have been arrested for doing what I was told by my detective since I did not have place to live no job or money I checked in with him was stopped on the side of road because my wife was walking with a beer long story short . I had just got out of jail 3 days prior for not having a place to live, did 35 days then was arrested with my wife ended up doing 1 year trying go fight it.

    • August 8, 2022

      Please stick to your experience with (a) Florida’s 3-day reporting requirement for change in temporary residence, or (b) having your driver’s license branded with the unique identifier designating you are on the sex offender registry, (or both a and b). If you write to us about residency restrictions, proximity ordinances, middle of the night address versification, can’t go to your kid’s graduation, got fired from 10 jobs, etc., etc., those are all issues that we are well aware of and sympathize with, but are completely unrelated to the two specific requirements we want to address in these statements.

  • August 8, 2022

    I’m sure you’re already know my story about how FloriDUH had me arrested and extradited for a theft charge that was recently nolle prossed, and was forced to register. Feel free to use that.

    I didn’t get a FloriDUH license but I still have my old Alabama ID card with “CRIMINAL SEX OFFENDER” on it — in scarlet letters, no less. (Now Alabama, like Tennessee, uses a numerical code). Not sure if you’d find that aspect helpful but I can testify to the fact my state ID mark has led to me, of all things, being added to a “DO NOT DONATE” list for plasma (not sure if I can still donate blood).

    • August 8, 2022

      you live in another state that marks their licenses also, that’s unfortunate, but that information will not be useful, since these cases only challenge the law in Florida. If you want your voice heard, email your summary to legal@floridaactioncommittee.org and we will consolidate the responses.

  • August 8, 2022

    I have be impacted to the point the i can get medical attention at a hospital. And have Pleaded for help from FAC & Mr. Jansen a recommended lawyer on your website. Ive called to no avail. Basically bc ever since Mr. Logue got fully involved ive been ignored bc of his personality. I commend him for all his hard work. But our personal issue still should not stop our progress. I comment again we need help in Jackson County Florida …

    • August 8, 2022

      Typo that to the point I can NOT get Medical treatment

    • August 8, 2022

      Please stick to your experience with (a) Florida’s 3-day reporting requirement for change in temporary residence, or (b) having your driver’s license branded with the unique identifier designating you are on the sex offender registry, (or both a and b). If you write to us about residency restrictions, proximity ordinances, middle of the night address versification, can’t go to your kid’s graduation, got fired from 10 jobs, etc., etc., those are all issues that we are well aware of and sympathize with, but are completely unrelated to the two specific requirements we want to address in these statements.

      The law was not prompted by Mr. Logue. Were you denied medical attention at a hospital after showing your driver’s license? FAC is not a law firm.

    • August 8, 2022

      Don’t try blaming me for your problems, dude. While someone at FAC did help with the Book SLAPP suit I was represented by a civil rights attorney that took that case pro bono and not because of my status but because he was a First Amendment attorney. Don’t talk about situations you know nothing about. You have no idea what goes on in anyone’s life but your own. Maybe if you stopped being anonymous, someone would notice you.

  • August 9, 2022

    I was arrested for failure to change my address on drivers license. When I went to a dual diagnosis rehad with the VA in Lake City florida I couldn’t afford to actually buy/change the address on my driver’s license. So I went to the tax collectors office and they changed it in the system for about $2.50.
    When I left the rehab and went back home I forgot that the address was changed in the computer system but on my hard copy. About a year later I had lost my wallet. Shortly after losing my wallet (maybe 3 months or so) I was pulled over. I didn’t have my license on me due to losing my wallet to prove that my DL still had the correct address on it. When they looked my up by name and social they seen that my address was still at the VA hospital in lake city. This arrest completely deters me from wanting to reach out for more in patient treatment. I’d rather suffer with my own devices and somewhat freedom than risk trying better myself and get arrested for it in the process due to the redundancy of a DL address change. I mean why do they even have a registry? Then to have a DL address change also be a felony 3 if you forget? Where it’s only a misdemeanor for everyone else and everyone who has paid there debts to society? I don’t even want to mention that I never travel far because I don’t want to go through the hassle or risk of being arrested for not changing my address with both FDLE and the DMV. Completely redundant and a money grab/ponzy scheme for RSO. Everytime you travel for more than 3 days you’re suppose to change your DL as well or face a 3rd degree Felony? Completely ridiculous and redundant. That’s as nicely and professional as can put it. I have few choice words for the moronic politicians and idiotic legislators.

    • August 9, 2022

      If you want your voice heard, email your summary to legal@floridaactioncommittee.org and we will consolidate the responses.
      Please do not share your stories here.

  • August 9, 2022

    I don’t understand the statement about not being impacted if you don’t have a driver’s license. Florida IDs are branded with the statute number, which in itself is still branding. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the branding is odd and that the bearer must be a sex offender.

    • August 9, 2022

      You need to read the full sentence. Not impacted if you don’t have a FLORIDA driver’s license.

  • August 9, 2022

    Well in my County the Office is only open Tuesday,Wed,Thurs so you can imagine the burden trying to get advance notice especially with Elderly parents!. If I get a call on any of the closed days because one of them would be having a episode I could not get to the office and Register my Travel. Trying to catch a plane is almost impossible and driving wouldn’t give me enough time to even go and come back. God forbid I was stuck past the days and found out would be arrested outside the area. Does it really take a Analysis that this restraint on Travel is a burden? The updating of the license is total nonsense. I have no issues with the Officers in my area they are just stuck following Moronic laws. Have you ever tried to even get a appointment at the DMW? Why on earth is this even necessary unless you are to move permanently. It serves no purpose but to Punish. Also should not be retroactive and constantly changing.

  • August 9, 2022

    Just an FYI
    Vehicle insurance company’s sees that mark on lic. when they run a dr. lic. check so its not just a mark on the physical lic. its also on the record.

    yes years ago i drove truck over the road and was arrested for failure to update lic. this was after hurricanes and i was living out of a motel cause i lost my home. lost my job and it took 3 weeks to get me back to florida only to have state drop charges as soon as i got back to fl. now im on reg. for life cause i was arrested

    • August 9, 2022

      not sure how it impacts rates but im sure it does

  • August 14, 2022

    #1, Clay county charges $25 for any change in registration, including temporary address changes, thus it would cost me [at least] $50 to go anywhere. This is just one of the reasons I never travel.
    #2, I have been told (hearsay) that the TSA tends to treat sex offenders very badly, including almost always doing a full search and questioning every single item. The TSA officers certainly know what that statute number on your ID means. This is another reason I never travel.
    #3, A very good friend with mobility issues is soon planning a cross-country sightseeing trip. She bought a nice RV for this very purpose.
    She offered to bring me along, all expenses paid, to act as a valet and assist her. Since constantly having to update my address would be a nightmare, I had to decline the offer for a free cross-country sightseeing trip.
    #4, I won a free trip to Las Vegas which has long been on my bucket list to visit. Again, the logistics would be a nightmare so I had to give the trip to my sister.
    #5, as an offender (not predator) my license is branded with the statute number instead of the text. Fortunately, I suspect most people have no clue what the statute number refers to or means. Some people do though, and I have gotten plenty of dirty looks. I have to show my license at most medical appointments. It is effectively a ‘scarlet letter’.
    #6 (I don’t think this meets the specifics of your request but I feel it is relevant) Almost all police cars have a camera in the front grill that automatically reads the license plate of the car in front of them and automatically pulls up info about the vehicle and it’s owner on the computer screen in the police car, including the fact that the owner/driver is a sex offender. Thus the officer is more likely to look for an excuse to pull you over.

    • August 15, 2022

      Please send this in via email

  • August 17, 2022

    This whole thing is still confusing to me, maybe because I’m not in my 70’s and things don’t register as well as they used to.

    If I was to travel to the Northeast for a 7 day vacation, would I have to let the Sheriffs Office know? I always did let them know, but it was only recently that I knew about statutes that say that I don’t have to.

    I would love if someone from FAC could clear this up for me. As Michael Scott on The Office once said, “explain it to me like I’m 5”.

    • August 17, 2022

      If you stay in the same place for 3 or more days CONSECUTIVELY, you will have established a new permanent residence and will have to report pursuant to Florida Law.
      If you stay in the same place for 3 or more days in the AGGREGATE DURING A CALENDAR YEAR, you will have established a new temporary residence and will have to report pursuant to Florida Law.
      If you stay in the same COUNTY for 3 or more days without establishing a permanent or temporary residence, you will have established a new transient residence and will have to report pursuant to Florida Law.

      If traveling “to the Northeast” means the Northeast United States, you must report to the Sheriff within 48 hours of your intended travel. If traveling “to the Northeast” means “Northeast Florida”, you will need to go to the DHSMV.

      • August 24, 2022

        Is this correct?

        If you stay in the same place for 3 or more days CONSECUTIVELY, you will have established a new permanent residence and will have to report pursuant to Florida Law.

        • August 24, 2022

          JN – it is correct.
          (k) “Permanent residence” means a place where the person abides, lodges, or resides for 3 or more consecutive days.
          (n) “Temporary residence” means a place where the person abides, lodges, or resides, including, but not limited to, vacation, business, or personal travel destinations in or out of this state, for a period of 3 or more days in the aggregate during any calendar year and which is not the person’s permanent address or, for a person whose permanent residence is not in this state, a place where the person is employed, practices a vocation, or is enrolled as a student for any period of time in this state.
          (o) “Transient residence” means a county where a person lives, remains, or is located for a period of 3 or more days in the aggregate during a calendar year and which is not the person’s permanent or temporary address. The term includes, but is not limited to, a place where the person sleeps or seeks shelter and a location that has no specific street address.

  • August 17, 2022

    Just sent via email. Thanks!

    For the People who are worried that their names will be displayed:

    Grow a spine for once and fight for your rights. No risk no reward. Respectfully.

  • August 20, 2022

    Just wanted to add something about the three-day per calendar year rule for transient residences. If you don’t want to or can’t report your destination, not only will you have to change hotels/addresses, but you also will have to change counties where the hotels/addresses are located. This is a major deterrent to travel and de-facto house arrest. If this is not cruel and unusual, I don’t know what is.

    • August 21, 2022

      Well i was just recently forced to fly back to florida for an address verification even though my travel was registered. That was for local pd. Sheriffs office told me if i leave before my scheduled bi annual that month i need to get back and re register. Ive actually had to do that: return from my summer travel to do the bi annual registration and go back to my trip. Thats my issue with the registration. When i do my three day or more requirement at a certain time i still need to go back anyway. When i travel now they tell me i need to go back even if its just the three or four days into the office to present myself and that a call that ive arrived may not be good enough anymore. They say i may be subject to a warrant if they so decide so its best i leave it open ended and come back straight to the office the day i return.

      • August 24, 2022

        Thats total BS from your local county. You can go in anytime in your registration month. You allready had your trip and travel reported. Sounds like Harrasment.

  • August 22, 2022

    Just seeing this. Is it too late to submit something?

    • August 23, 2022

      no – please submit.

  • August 24, 2022

    I waited for months to get an appointment with a medical specialist. When she noticed the designation on my ID the temperature in the room dropped about 50 degrees. She stopped listening to me at that point and immediately dismissed everything I had to say about my condition after that and effectively refused to treat me.

  • August 31, 2022

    I would stop for a simple traffic violation. And then when the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office saw my identifier down on the bottom of my driver’s license and when he called me up on his computer the red flags came on. At first he was very nice and cordial doing it professional job but then once he saw my identifier this whole Attitude Change to where he had to have the authoritarian officer not the one that was a minute ago. I was harassed I was pulled out of the car put in handcuffs and then I had the canine dogs come over and go through my car for no apparent reason. When I asked the officer why he was doing this he says you know why you SO.


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