Hate speech for some is hate speech for all

By Sandy Rozek

First published at NARSOL.org

After three college presidents recently were questioned during a congressional hearing “if students calling for the genocide of Jews violated their school’s code of conduct,” Dan Bongino, a popular conservative radio host, stated “calling for the destruction of any group of people is indeed harassment, criminal, and must be condemned.”  NARSOL agrees.

“Almost any online article about persons required to register on a sex offender registry…garners comments calling for exactly that: the wholesale killing of all registrants.”

Read more of Sandy’s article here at the NARSOL website.

7 thoughts on “Hate speech for some is hate speech for all

  • December 13, 2023

    This is what I’ve been saying from the very beginning with backlash from some. The very ones that say hate speech about those on the registry is not hate speech because they are not a protected class are the very ones that have grouped a smorgasbord of offenses into one making it a class that needs to be recognized as such and protected from hate speech and actions. We are not a certain nationality or religion but they have turned us into a group needing special protection as such.

  • December 13, 2023

    Thank you very much for speaking up for a class that has had our voices taken away.

  • December 13, 2023

    Praying for deliverance for so many who should not even be on a registry. Praying for Common sense laws to release registrants from a life sentence which should be unconditional. 🙏

  • December 13, 2023

    My wife was traveling alone from Toronto International Airport in Canada back to Indiana from a two day visit with our Family, she was taking back and interrogated by the Airport Authority about my whereabouts and if she was traveling alone or with me etc. They almost made her lose her flight back and she was extremely emotional scared and embarrassed and crying all the way back to Indy..

    My conviction was 26 years ago in Indiana and because of Being on the Florida Rigstry I am facing a failure to register here in Indiana according to Florida requirement and Registry.

    My wife and I thought we were done with the persecution years ago and were traveling back and forth between The US and other Countries until 2 years ago when an officer of CBP officer decided to confiscate my passport and the whole nightmare started all over again…
    My question why does our families have to suffer for anything at all that had and have nothing to do with them except for being our families and support network in this jungle that we are living in..
    If we don’t bind together and really take up the fight and give all that we have to win, we will for ever be and our families getting persecuted and I refuse to say prosecuted…

    Rise up put up or shut up, no other way exists for getting out of the misery that us and our families are going through everyday of our Lives..
    Thanks alot to this forum and the like for being there for us and to allow us to communicate our heartaches .
    Peace and love to all the oppressed and marginalized people anywhere..

    • December 13, 2023

      I am like you thankful for this platform to let us have at some level a voice. I agree we all on the registry stood in some way fight back where we are at with our individual gifts and talents. The problem is many on the registry think they’re civilians. In reality if you or someone you care about is on the SOR you’re no longer a civilian but a soldier! So suite up! Getting those on the Registry to awaken to that truth is our first and biggest challenge.
      Who am I to fight? I’m just a lowly barber (so I once though) until they pushed and passed laws kicking me out of parks and beaches in Orange County CA. I has saved my son’s life twice. Once from drawing and once from choking. So by removing me out of the picture violated my child’s safety and my parental rights…it got personal so I started harnessing salons and barber shops to remove politicians from office by doing free scissor sharpening in the name of more Constitutionally minded candidates. Yes, I used giving as a tool to help change happen. In what way can you give locally to also help change happen? Even if you just donate to FACT and/or others on the front line it will help greatly.

  • December 13, 2023

    Well said Sandy and great way to highlight this…We all know the truth..It’s the same as anything..It’s for anyone “except them”.always has been and always will be..always some group the government demands as acceptable for abuse..women,blacks,straight white men, japanese,Irish, Chinese..everyone gets a turn except the government to be abused in good ole ‘merica… We also all know that in reality it’s the only purpose for the registry..abuse..THE registry and all it’s details is only designed and was ever only designed as a scarlet letter,star of David Lapel tag form of hate speech to target for abuse a catagory of people the media would eagerly aid in making a hated class .Did you accidentally download a picture? Meet a girl at a bar who lied? Get caught by Karen having a romantic night on the beach with your spouse? You were seven years old and exploring something you saw on television but didn’t understand? Doesn’t really matter what the “cough,cough” crime as long as it can fit under the sex offenders quilt umbrella you,your family ,friends,children are acceptable target for abuse,rape,beatings,arson, homeless, joblessness and any other demeaning torture the Congress and it’s incompetent supreme toilet lackeys can think of.. it’s not constitutional you say? Haha..neither was the Sundown and Jim crow laws…the government is always excellent at not following laws.. no matter what your actual action you are now worse then murders , drug dealers, arsonist,and even wors then congress!! Shudder shudder…


  • December 14, 2023

    While I don’t understand a lot of Sandy’s articles and even this hate speech thing seems it came out of Psychology Today Mag, their has always been hate. Even several years ago Erase the Hate was the thing in ASCOLa few years ago.

    Is the registry a hate crime when in many matters it wasn’t even a crime as it was more of a motivational to start with induced by a sexual intent. Some might say it was more of an enticement to badger one. So it was either good action or bad action on the part of this Law enforcement.

    Sure being labeled a sex offender is bad enough. Even being compounded with a lifetime label status in many cases. Do not we all offend in thought and deed but who knows the thoughts and intent of another. This might be a bit over some peoples heads but just telling the truth.

    So is the new “Hate speech” Telling the truth or setting up another?


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