Halloween 2023: a tragedy for many

By Sandy Rozek

First published at NARSOL.org

“In the days and weeks before Halloween, sheriffs’ offices and media outlets implied that Halloween could bring danger to children who were trick-or-treating.  Their messages of how to avoid this impending danger focused on the sex offender registry and the registrants on it.”

“…were any children injured or harmed in any way?  Absolutely.  In fact, 2023 appears to be setting records in the number of such incidents.”  Halloween 2023 was not good for many families. Guns and cars injured and killed their children.

Guns and cars. No sexual assaults of children by registrants.

Read more here.

2 thoughts on “Halloween 2023: a tragedy for many

  • November 6, 2023

    What about the term sex offender. IT’s meaning has changed from its original use. It is now by many used interchangeably with the term pedophile . So it has become not just an identification but a derogatory term , so they can be separated and punished as a subhuman . So the term is derogatory and used as a means to justify normally illegal actions. That is why the term sex offender must be eliminated before the registry can be eliminated.


    • November 6, 2023

      We understand what you are saying, but to get more hits at our FAC website, we have to use those words. That is what people type in to find information related to our site. NARSOL has to do the same thing. I do not like having to use those words, but it is the only way to draw more people and members to our site.


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