Guess the Gender… “St. Augustine teacher sentenced to six months in jail for sex with student”

Let’s play “guess the gender”. I’ll give the background and you guess whether the perpetrator is male or female.

From yesterday’s Florida Times Union ( “A 28-year-old former St. Augustine High School teacher was sentenced to six months in jail Wednesday morning and classified a sex offender for having sex with a then-16 year-old student, according to St. Johns County court records.”

Now it’s your turn to guess… Male or Female perpetrator.

If you guessed ‘Female’ you are right. Playing true to the double-standard, if a male teacher molested one of his students, the jail time would be in the decades with extra time thrown in for being “in a position of authority”.

13 thoughts on “Guess the Gender… “St. Augustine teacher sentenced to six months in jail for sex with student”

  • June 9, 2017

    I merely had 2 photos of a 17 year old and needless to say topless and underwear and was forced to take a plea deal or take a chance on getting 10 years. So I pled and did 18 months for some bs pictures that I did not ask for and deleted upon opening the email that contained a blank subject. This teacher knew what she was doing and I would call it a slap on the wrist!!

  • June 8, 2017

    We believe that 16yoa people posses the judgment necessary to drive a two thousand pound bullet down the road without killing anyone. But, when it comes to sex we do not believe they posses the judgement to make their own decision. This double standard is a reflection of a neurotic society obsessed with sex and values preservation of family honor over injustice.

    • June 8, 2017

      I agree with you

  • June 8, 2017

    This is not always true. As I was in a similar position but a different situation and scenario. Zero Jail time, 3 yrs probation.

  • June 8, 2017

    Just another example of how fouled up the sex offender laws are.

  • June 8, 2017



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