Guess the Gender… “St. Augustine teacher sentenced to six months in jail for sex with student”

Let’s play “guess the gender”. I’ll give the background and you guess whether the perpetrator is male or female.

From yesterday’s Florida Times Union ( “A 28-year-old former St. Augustine High School teacher was sentenced to six months in jail Wednesday morning and classified a sex offender for having sex with a then-16 year-old student, according to St. Johns County court records.”

Now it’s your turn to guess… Male or Female perpetrator.

If you guessed ‘Female’ you are right. Playing true to the double-standard, if a male teacher molested one of his students, the jail time would be in the decades with extra time thrown in for being “in a position of authority”.

13 thoughts on “Guess the Gender… “St. Augustine teacher sentenced to six months in jail for sex with student”

  • June 8, 2017 at 12:47 pm

    Just another example of how fouled up the sex offender laws are.

  • June 8, 2017 at 1:26 pm

    This is not always true. As I was in a similar position but a different situation and scenario. Zero Jail time, 3 yrs probation.

  • June 8, 2017 at 4:59 pm

    We believe that 16yoa people posses the judgment necessary to drive a two thousand pound bullet down the road without killing anyone. But, when it comes to sex we do not believe they posses the judgement to make their own decision. This double standard is a reflection of a neurotic society obsessed with sex and values preservation of family honor over injustice.

  • June 9, 2017 at 9:49 pm

    I merely had 2 photos of a 17 year old and needless to say topless and underwear and was forced to take a plea deal or take a chance on getting 10 years. So I pled and did 18 months for some bs pictures that I did not ask for and deleted upon opening the email that contained a blank subject. This teacher knew what she was doing and I would call it a slap on the wrist!!

  • June 12, 2017 at 1:56 pm

    Targeting men, suppressing the vote, ruining lives, while setting the foundations, for the Police State.

    • June 12, 2017 at 2:06 pm

      Police State useing Ex-Defactor Punishment and Banishment

  • June 15, 2017 at 2:07 pm

    On the same day in the same county, State of Florida, my son was sentenced to 21 months in prison for traveling to meet a minor. Florida sex sting operations, or as I see it, entrapment. He had never even had a speeding ticket before this incident. He turned his vehicle around and did not continue to meet this “so called minor”, so he never touched a person. This teacher had sex twice with this student and she will serve her time in county jail along with two other female teachers in St. Augustine who are serving one year each for the same offense. These gals must really be nipping from the Fountain of Youth. I am so angry at the unfairness and injustice of it all. My son left this a.m. to begin his time and I will not be able to even speak with him on the phone for two months. My heart is breaking for him! Two questions come to my mind: (1) If it is unlawful for us peons to impersonate a police officer, why is it okay for a police officer to impersonate one of us peons in order to coerce said peon to break the law? (2). Why do most people who can afford the big bucks for a lawyer get lesser sentences and us lowlifes are at the mercy of the “public pretenders” who do absolutely nothing for you? Thanks, I just had to vent today!

    • June 15, 2017 at 4:00 pm

      Jackie – sorry for what you are going through. I hope you find some comfort in the FAC family, as we are all going through (or have gone through) what you are going through.

      We hope you become involved, join our member calls, attend our meet and greets, share your thoughts and views with our community through comments and contributions to our website forum and, most importantly, find strength to share your son’s story with others so that others will open their eyes to the injustice!

    • June 15, 2017 at 5:06 pm

      This is nothing short of a criminal act by the state. It is the same tactic that the Nazis used to bring down their enemies. Truth known, there are probably very few non-sex offenders in the world much less the United States. At one time ‘entrapment’ was illegal. The political forces nowadays in conjunction with ‘law enforcement’ do whatever fulfills their agenda ‘de jour’.

    • June 15, 2017 at 9:47 pm

      Jackie, as a mother; my heart aches for you. I may not fully understand your pain however empathize. I pray your son see better days soon and that this terrifying experience is not in vain for this will give you the courage to fight for his rights and dignity. On May 18 my son just started his 75 months sentencing followed by 10 years of probation and I am devastated. This kid has never been in trouble, super mellow, non combative and hardworking person. I spent 45K on a private attorney, a forensic firm, and testings from a well respected Psychologist. All my son did was click a link someone sent him after a small chat with an online group of people interested in science/gravitational waves ( favorite topic). That link had child porn which he deleted and did not care to see. My son did not produced, did not search for this material, and did not distribute. He is now required to register. But God is good and merciful and if we fight relentlessly and by educating ourselves and others, as well as being persistent we should see some hope for these individual’s sense of rights, dignity, and respect. May God bless you and your son.


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