Get The Facts

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Important Information About Florida Sex Offenders and the Florida Sex Offender Registry

Warning young adults against possessing or distributing underage pornography!

What is a Sex Offense?

Sex offenses include a myriad of criminal sexual behaviors, ranging from prostitution to rape. From viewing child pornography on the internet to producing it. The most serious crimes involve the sexual assault of children or include physical injury. Other sex offenses include public indecency, voyeurism, prostitution, solicitation, pornography, date rape, lewd acts, pandering, pimping, statutory rape and unlawful sodomy.

Sex Offender Registry

All states require sex offender registration of some kind. Individuals convicted as sex offenders must register their addresses with law enforcement. Sex offenders must also send updates whenever they change addresses and must keep their registration information current. Some states require sex offenders to verify information on a yearly basis via mail or more frequently. States have different requirements regarding what offenses require registration and for what periods of time. Florida requires registration for life.

Facts vs Myths About Sexual Offending

  • Sex crime recidivism is much lower than what people think.
  • Those who offend against adults have a higher recidivism than those who offend against children.
  • Incest offenders have the lowest recidivism of all.
  • Most reoffending occurs within the first three years and drops dramatically thereafter.
  • Recidivism risks drop sharply with age.
  • Former offenders with years of offense-free living in the community pose little risk of recidivism.
  • Contemporary treatment programs have shown a demonstrable reduction in recidivism.
  • Even the vast majority of the highest risk “Level 3” offenders do not reoffend.
  • The most dangerous precursor for sex crime recidivism is a sex offender with a rap sheet that includes other non-sex related crimes.
  • First time offenders who are not listed on any registry commit approximately 95% of sex crimes.
  • Most victims of child abuse know their molester.
  • Danger from strangers is a rare occurrence.
  • One-third of all child sexual abuse cases are committed by other children.
  • Residential proximity to places where children gather such as schools and playgrounds do not increase recidivism.

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