Georgia sheriff taking self-imposed suspension

Here’s one that will make you ask WTF?.

The Sheriff of a County in Georgia exposed himself in a park and ran from Atlanta police. Here’s how they handled it there…

DeKalb County Sheriff Jeff Mann said he will take a self-imposed suspension starting this weekend.

In a memo to the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Office, Mann said he is disciplining himself for one week due to “conduct unbecoming.”


Mann was arrested earlier this month and is accused of exposing himself at Piedmont Park, then allegedly running from an Atlanta police officer.

Mann said he will donate one week of pay to charity. His suspension starts this Sunday… SOURCE

So let’s say this happened down here and he wasn’t a police officer… you commit indecent exposure, in a park and evade law enforcement… we’re talking a life sentence on the sex offender registry.  If I had similar charges and were reading this, I’d be up in arms!

15 thoughts on “Georgia sheriff taking self-imposed suspension

  • May 30, 2017

    One thing we could do is look for new stories about similar incidents in GA where the person was arrested and subsequently put on the registry – they could be used as examples of the double standard..

  • May 30, 2017

    The State Thats léase the cusade. Proves it The 21st century with hunt. Ruined the prime of my life.

  • May 29, 2017

    I have no respect for law enforcement and it is reasons like this which confirm my feelings. I think that law enforcement attacks mentally unstable and very damaged people who actually have savior complexes and/or hide their own twisted fantasies by hunting down those who do exactly what they themselves would love to be doing (and in this care are doing!)

    When caught of course, the cult like “brotherhood” covers up and protects each other. The ramifications are very rarely as severe as those a normal citizen faces. Pathetic

  • May 28, 2017

    Boy,they sure seem have a problem with picking sheriffs in Dekalb. LOL

    • May 29, 2017

      He needs to take a state imposed probation and lifetime registration. See how he likes that.

  • May 28, 2017

    Um…here is an idea – how about handling it the way the law dictates it should be handled???? So now certain people get to choose the outcome and punishment if they break the law?? WTH??

  • May 28, 2017

    Wow. I have commented on every Atl news site i can find about this. Yeah, I am totally up in arms, but it looks like not many are and the story dated May 7th, has already gone quiet. Several Georgia State agencies including the Governor are doing an investigation, however. Is there a strong organization in Georgia? It’s cases like this that can wake people up to our cause. He’s got his lawyer telling the public that what he did didn’t break any laws, just an Atlanta “ordinance.” Yeah, glad i took my medication to day… this is crazy!


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