Fox News’s Jesse Watters’ Idea of Journalism: Inside Florida’s ‘Pedophile Village’ Video

At one time, I was a follower of Jesse Watters at Fox News.  I might not have agreed with him on everything, but he brought such a freshness to Fox, or so I thought.

I have tried to think of a professional way to introduce this recent video of Watters, but he has turned my long-ago admiration for him into disgust.

I will be sending him A LOT of information through the U.S. Mail.  Hopefully, others will be doing the same.  Jesse Watters needs to be held accountable for the falsehoods he has put out on national TV.  He made many false statements and innuendos with absolutely no documentation to back up what he was saying.  Can he even still be labeled as a journalist?

The YouTube guy could use a little education, too.  Notice that his email address uses the word “entertainment.”

These two individuals need to hear from many people so that hopefully they will think twice before making such statements in the future for millions of people to hear.

You can contact Watters via or at:

Fox News

1211 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10036


YouTuber turned journalist Tyler Oliveira:



30 thoughts on “Fox News’s Jesse Watters’ Idea of Journalism: Inside Florida’s ‘Pedophile Village’ Video

  • July 29, 2023

    This village is a direct result of the laws of Florida and cause and affect. Florida hounded these men and women, chased the from pillar to post, out from under bridges, off the streets until they were able to collect here. Yesteryear Australia has come to Florida. I hope they are successful in forming a community and demonstrating the foolish and dehumanizing laws of Florida

  • July 29, 2023

    In related news, a Florida Police detective was just arrested for warning citizens they were about to be arrested if they go and meet those they thought were underaged girls that were actually cops.He was trying to keep people from ending up on the registry I suppose but he now is going to jail for foiling the stings.

    None of us (I hope) want kids to be hurt but by giving these people a scare, maybe he turned around someone’s life that was about to be ruined over a sting of cops pretending to be underaged girls.

    • July 29, 2023

      Funny how we keep hearing about child sex trafficking over the internet, but the only time it’s ever reported is these stupid bait-and-switch stings. If internet child sex trafficking is anywhere near as prevalent as claimed, then why are there no real efforts to fight them?

      When was the last time a real internet trafficker was arrested? Not saying it hasn’t, but I don’t recall one ever happening. A few ill-advised internet meets with minors (often instigated by the minors themselves), but nothing even close to the vast trafficking underground claimed by the NCMEC, RAINN, ICAC, Ron and Lauren Book, et al.

      • July 30, 2023

        I agree. Once there was a comment in an article, I think pertaining to Texas, some organization said you can “just pick up the phone and order a child”. My response was….then do it and save all the children.

      • August 2, 2023

        You ask, “If internet child sex trafficking is anywhere near as prevalent as claimed, then why are there no real efforts to fight them?”
        The answer is simple. Money.

    • July 31, 2023

      Interesting that they are not throwing obstruction of justice charges at him as well or instead of given one who flashes their vehicle headlights can be charged with that if caught interfering with speed trap/seat belt enforcement zone. They are actually have to go with technical charges against him in his one man effort to protect those who need to think twice about their actions.

      Have to wonder what he knew on the inside of the system that pissed him off enough to do this. Someone should pay him for his story and release it to the public. Maybe the Sheriff will be found out as suspect.

      If convicted, I bet his time on the inside won’t be easy but maybe easier given he was trying to help others stay out of the inside??

  • July 28, 2023

    Another related article apparently since the article ran yesterday they are now evicting the registrants out

    State Rep. Lindsay Cross said “
    “I think we need some dedicated places for people who are sex offenders,” Cross said. “A place where there was monitoring, there was some rehabilitation. Certainly being able to use some of the funds they have for a safe and healthy place to live I think is appropriate.”

    Seems we could have a potential ally in some living needs

    • July 29, 2023

      Funny how they say probation don’t tell registrants where they can live when in actuality they do just that. There have been multiple times that probation has told people to go somewhere then the owners of the property find out and call the sheriff to get them removed. This I know from experience. Not to mention when probation sends you to a certain place owned by an ex probation officer so she can make money off of us.

  • July 28, 2023

    Having faith in actual journalism at fox news is a joke. It even came out in court years ago that fox is “news entertainment” much like wrestling is “sports entertainment.” Nothing is real for either.

    • July 28, 2023

      To bad the sheep won’t take they’re heads out of the collective toilet that is called news and see that truth.

      • July 31, 2023

        Speaking of sheep, this story reminds me of the Parable “Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing”. So many people have pretended to befriend registrants (Even some lawyers) then left us high and dry or even totally screwed us over.
        Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Heck, sometimes out own families stab us in the back. The Bible says to stay diligent for the thief comes in the night.

        • July 31, 2023

          To true my friend, then it also goes the other way how many of the loudest persecutors have been caught doing the thing they perport to despise

  • July 28, 2023

    here is the link to the video . There are alot of disturbing comments and most people are ignorant and are threatening some sort of violence towards these guys who are just trying to live. I would suggest a few comments back to educate folks. I have left a few comments myself

  • July 28, 2023

    Funny at the end he says he don’t have a suisde wish and he’s not wanting people to come after him for showing this place. He don’t seem to think or care about the fact he just painted a giant Red Bulls eye on the place for vigilantes

    • July 29, 2023

      I was left wondering whom he feared would come after him. Was he implying that he might be targeted by a group of vigilante sex offenders with pitchforks and torches? And yes, he did paint a bullseye on the village. This horrible piece of propaganda will stoke fear and ignorance in many who will see it. It also might be used to justify taking action in the small minds of real vigilantes.

    • July 29, 2023

      I thought of 2 other facts in this first if the surrounding population didn’t even know these guys were there then obviously there have been no incidents of missing kids or molestations or any increase in sex crimes in the area so they can’t really say that the Safty of the area was or is compromised. Secondly the sheriffs office is supposed to do notifications to the surrounding area when a registered person moves into the area So either the sheriffs did not do they’re job, the people are far enough away from the “ good” people that the sheriff did not have to notify or lastly the people were not worried enough to pay attention to the notifications or go looking everyone in the area up. But since someone had to stick their nose into something where there was no issue now they are in an up roar and don’t feel safe ? So they want to look for reasons to cause problems for people who are trying to live their lives within the laws and extra rules Them people and the “reporter” are pathetic

      • July 30, 2023


        I have never had neighbor notifications by Sheriff’s office. Having said that, Nextdoor does a great job of ruining your relationships with your neighbors. I was always to go to guy to fix things until nextdoor comes along. I do laugh though as I charged $20 to mow a yard and when one of the neighbors found out about me, they fired me and started calling lawncare businesses. They were shocked at the $40’s and up prices. When they tried to come hire me back, I basically said, I am booked up until the year 2028 lol

        • July 30, 2023

          Wow every place I’ve lived I’ve had the notifications. When one of my neighbors passed away they rented his old place out. The new tenant was there one month before he was notified, he promptly asked my landlord if she knew I was an RSO. When she told him she did he grumbled then 2 weeks later moved out


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