Fox News’s Jesse Watters’ Idea of Journalism: Inside Florida’s ‘Pedophile Village’ Video

At one time, I was a follower of Jesse Watters at Fox News.  I might not have agreed with him on everything, but he brought such a freshness to Fox, or so I thought.

I have tried to think of a professional way to introduce this recent video of Watters, but he has turned my long-ago admiration for him into disgust.

I will be sending him A LOT of information through the U.S. Mail.  Hopefully, others will be doing the same.  Jesse Watters needs to be held accountable for the falsehoods he has put out on national TV.  He made many false statements and innuendos with absolutely no documentation to back up what he was saying.  Can he even still be labeled as a journalist?

The YouTube guy could use a little education, too.  Notice that his email address uses the word “entertainment.”

These two individuals need to hear from many people so that hopefully they will think twice before making such statements in the future for millions of people to hear.

You can contact Watters via or at:

Fox News

1211 Avenue of the Americas

New York, NY 10036


YouTuber turned journalist Tyler Oliveira:



30 thoughts on “Fox News’s Jesse Watters’ Idea of Journalism: Inside Florida’s ‘Pedophile Village’ Video

  • August 1, 2023

    Jessie Watters is an uneducated idiot. All he cares about is making a name for himself. I emailed him about this and informed him that I am through with him and Fox News. I also informed him that he needs to do his homework and apply the facts rather than blatantly lying to further his career.

  • July 31, 2023

    While you are mailing items to Jesse, tell him to go interview the former Rep from NY (Weiner) who is registering in NY currently for his actions. They should be able to lunch and nosh together for a bit downtown NYC and really find out the story. Bet he does not take the walk down the street for it…

    • July 31, 2023

      I’m not sure what you mean, could you please explain?

      • August 1, 2023

        Jesse is right down the street from the former NY Rep (Weiner) who is a PFR due to his actions that forced him to resign his position. Since Jesse is so worried about FLA, he should interview this gent who is probably not too far away and see if he is as bad as those in FLA he was discussing.

        • August 1, 2023

          Thank you.

  • July 31, 2023

    Fox is trying save their network news. Their ratings are in the dump. Plus its getting closer to election so bring out sex offenders for votes.

  • July 30, 2023

    This type of hate-mongering, slanted journalism is a symptom of a disease (of hatred and fear) that our American nation has, in the last 30 years, popularly embraced. It is the worst type of xenophobia; for it targets a small, hated group within our own society with hysteria and the rage that is a consequence of that hysterical fear. Yes, it foments violence against the members of this group.
    Both the so-called “anchor” and the so-called “investigative reporter” are rabid in their hate. This is a hate fueled, in large part, by US Government rhetoric.
    Will this hate and rage build until it bursts like a putrescent boil? This is almost exactly what happened before Kristallnacht when, on November 9–10, 1938, Nazi leaders unleashed a series of pogroms against the Jewish population in Germany.
    But this time, our government hopes to simply fan the flames of hate and hopes that the angry mobs of citizenry will do the vile deeds of violence.
    Our government must abolish this system of hate before we suffer a deep and abiding national tragedy!

  • July 29, 2023

    Was this the same story that was in the Daily Mail yesterday? I did not read it but I am guessing it is. They all do other peoples stories and don’t do the hard work themselves, like find the truth. Jesse Waters is so smug it is gross. None of cable/network news is worth much.

    • July 29, 2023

      Yes it is.

      • July 30, 2023

        Thanks for responding. I figured. They love to circle same stories around. I never did read it and it only had 25 comments, which I did not read and it quickly fell out of the feed.

  • July 29, 2023

    Where can i find his postings before I write to him?


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